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Read books online » Romance » "Unwanted Attention" by Midnight Moon (best 7 inch ereader .txt) 📖

Book online «"Unwanted Attention" by Midnight Moon (best 7 inch ereader .txt) 📖». Author Midnight Moon

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chapter 1: highschool keg party

Chapter 1: The Highschool Keg Party


I wait outside for Noah. Noah and I have been friends since the 1st grade. His sister came after we met. Noah’s little sister is younger than me so she kinda looks up to as an aunt. My and Noah do almost everything together. I sit there waiting for Noah to come pick me up, It's almost 70 degrees out in Los Angeles. I live in a small neighborhood close to the beach. As I sit there sweating, I scroll through my instagram reading interesting facts, when Noah pulls up. “Get in Rem” Noah says, I smile at him and roll my eyes, as I get up and walk to his convertible. “Well well well look what the cat dragged in” I say I get in the car and look at him “what took you so long Nohie” “hey I have a life you know” says Noah smiling and driving off.  “Yeah right, the only life you have is a lazy town” I say laughing. “Mhm yeah I guess that's true” says Noah laughing. He parks his car. We both get out of the car staring in awe at the house where the party was, It was huge. Me and Noah walk in the house; we stand there for a good minute. “Let's go find the keg” I follow Noah through the crowded people dancing half drunk. We soon find the keg room, Noah Grabs a red solo cup as do I, and we pour some beer into our cups. I take a sip wondering with Noah through the huge house. Suddenly a loud crash erupts from outside the house. Me and Noah looked at each other and shrugged it off continuing the tour. We soon found the pool. “Good thing we both came prepared” I say laughing.

I was already tipsy when someone bumped into me, I turned around and Noah was yelling at this cute guy that bumped into me. Half drunk and slurring my words I speak up Not knowing I was taking off my shirt that had beer on it. Noah looks at me sternly as if saying what the hell Rem. I just shrug and smile at both of them. I take another sip from my cup. I walked away stumbling on almost everything. I almost fell, not seeing a person passed out on the floor, when Noah caught me. I smile slurring my words “Thh-nk you Noey” he just looks at me smiling back. I walk out of the living room to get more beer. I looked to see if Noah was following me. Sure enough he was. I pour more beer for myself. I took a sip, set my drink down and walked up to Noah telling him where I was going so he wouldn't freak out. “I will be right back. I have to use the restroom, hopefully I can find it without getting lost,” I say laughing and stumbling away. I walk by the pool, when suddenly a guy picks me up and throws me into the pool with him. I rushed to the surface to look at my kidnapper when I realized who He was. It was Nick chaser, the hottest guy in school. 



chapter 2 nick chaser


Chapter 2 Nick Chaser 


“Sorry about that hot stuff I thought you were someone else” Nick says 

“Oh it's okay” , blushing and smiling, I was about to walk away when Nick caught my wrist, I looked at him in confusion. “ Hey aren't you that one girl who hangs out with noah all the time” he says curiously, “ uh um yes why?” I say 

“I don't know” he says smiling and pulling me closer to him

“ I’ve been wanting to talk to you all year” 

I blush and look away but he softly touches my Jaw to make me look at him. “ dont hide that gorgeous face from me” nick says smiling  

I bite my bottom lip and just stand there not knowing what to do,

“Is that a request or a demand Nick?” I say half slurring.

He just smiles “ Why is a girl like you single” nick says smoothly 

He touches my lip with his thumb “ uh I don't know you tell me “ I say 

I was afraid to move with him touching my lip with his thumb, It tickled and I wanted more,

Surprised Nick looks at me curiously biting his lip, “ I suppose It’s because you're just so intimidating and beautiful that people have a hard time understanding you” 

He says moving his hand slowly down to my waist. I shivered with excitement. I bite my lip trying to figure out what I should say, “ well um I.I.I suppose your one thats not intimidated by my beauty” I say stuttering 

“No I’m intimidated by your beauty I just dont show it plus I wanted to get to know you” NIck says   

I shiver in excitement as I look away blushing.

 Rem, can I try something? Nick says 

I look at him curious as to what he wants to try, Uh sure? 

He smiles and leans forward toward me, suddenly he's kissing me.



chapter 3: The Rape


Chapter 3 The Rape 

 I stand there stunned for a minute trying to figure what the hell just happened. I slowly kiss back. I was a little nervous to kiss him back;

what would happen if I was bad at it? would he leave, or spread rumors around. knocking me off balance he pushes me against the wall hard. Ow Nick,

but he doesn't stop. I push him back a little, Nick please, not here where people can see, I say biting my lip. 

Nick smiles and grabs my hand and tugs me, making me nervous.  Tugging behind him he leads me to a room with dark colored walls, a chandelier hanging above the bed with 10 glistening diamonds hanging from it. 

 The room was huge, it had a bathroom, and a walk-in closet. The walls were plain as if no one had slept in here for years. Nick pushes me on the bed, Sit Nick says anxiously. Nick walks to the door, shuts it and locks it. I suddenly feel nervous and uncomfortable. I get up and as I try to leave, Nick grabs my wrist and pushes me on the bed, he unzips his pants and takes it out and gets on top of me. Nick grabs my wrists and puts both above my head. Nick you're hurting me I say, he suddenly stops and looks at me with lusty green eyes as his dark brown hair falls in his face he smiles viciously at me. He takes my pants and panties off, throwing them somewhere in the room. Nick please don't do this, I cry struggling with him on top of me. You know you want me, you said so yourself Nick says. I didn’t want it rough, I-I changed my mind I say, he backhands me. You're going to shut it, and enjoy me Fucking you, Nick says viciously. I cry shaking my head no, he then backhands me again. I cry as he rubs himself on me. “I will do this and you will be quiet and enjoy it or I will hit you again, do you understand REM! Nick says, spitting as he viciously waits for my response. I lay there crying for Noah or anyone to save me from this psycho. He lowers himself on me, his grip tightens as he puts himself in me. I cry in pain and he slapped me again, tightening his grip more. SHUT IT BITCH ! Nick says breathlessly. I muffle a scream as he moans in pleasure moving his pelvis back and forth. When he finishes he zips his pants back up. Nick walks up to me, grabbing my long black hair and pulling me up making me look at him. Making me scream out in pain he punches me. “THIS WILL NOT GET OUT, IF IT DOES I WILL KILL YOU” Nick says. He then throws me down on the bed hard making me hit my head on the headboard and leaves me there half naked and shaking. I cry there for at least an hour or two before I get a text from Noah.

chapter 4 : Sleepover

Chapter 4 sleepover

 I picked up my phone and called Noah. As I waited for Noah to pick up, I tried to put my clothes on but I couldn't move. So I just waited for Noah, 

Hello...? Noah says in a concerned voice.

I held up the phone to my ear trying to speak but nothing came out of my mouth, I just cried. 

Rem are you okay do you need me to find you and take you home? Noah says 

I.I. Y-yes I say faintly into the phone 

Okay, don't hang up just keep breathing, I will be there in a minute. Noah says 

N-n.noa- but Noah stops me 

Dont Rem don't try to speak I'll find you okay just hold on okay. Noah says worried 

as I hear him bumping into people I hear Nick in the background 

Noah man where you going the party hasn't even started yet he says laughing 

I just cry and I start to hyperventilate 

I start to panic.

Remi breathe please it's going to be okay, I'm almost there ok just hold on Noah says 

I just cry trying to find my breath again, when Noah bargis in breathless.

He just stands there for a minute. I start to cough when he breaks out of the train of thought. Noah turns on the light switch, I look away ashamed and vulnerable,  not to mention naked. He rushes to

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