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Read books online » Romance » The Vampire of the South City: The Truth Bites by Bryan Ladiha (famous ebook reader .txt) 📖

Book online «The Vampire of the South City: The Truth Bites by Bryan Ladiha (famous ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Bryan Ladiha

Chapter One:I Love You

I was sitting in my room when there was a knock on the door of my bedroom. “Come in.” I said. When the door opened, I was shocked at who I saw standing there. It was my friend Anna. “Oh, hi Anna.” I said. “And what brings you here on this beautiful night?” I asked her. “I have come with a warning from the council.” she said. “If you do not surrender your possession of the old estate, the council will have no choice but to put you as number one on the hit list and they will not hesitate to kill you. All I have to do is go to tem and tell them that you refuse and they will send an immediate kill-joy response team to the area to terminate you.” she told me.
“Whose side are you on Anna, Mine or the council’s?” I asked her. “You know that I’m on the council’s side Bryan. You know what they’ll do to me if I’m not on their side. They’ll kill me because of how much information I have on the council, the werewolf alliance, the werewolf black ops program Full Moon kill-joy2.0.” she told me.
Man I hated it when she made a point like that. Why does she always have to point out the fact that she will be killed if she doesn't do as the council says. I mean seriously, she knows that i love her more then anything else.... oh wait thats Tyler. She has no idea how much I love her. In my head i would always tell myself that I was going to tell her how much I loved her but I could never get her alone so that I could tell her this.
"Anna." I said to her. "Ihave to tell you something that is very important. "What is it Bryan?" she asked me. "I love you more then anything else.Even more then my own life. I would rather get a stake driven through my heart then to see you harmed in anyway." I told her. "Oh my god Bryan! How many times do I have to tell you this, I HATE YOU!!! GET OUT OF MY LIFE! GET A STAKE THROUGH YOUR HEART FOR ALL I CARE! JUST STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!!! I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed at me.
Then she turned around and stormed off into the silence of the night.

Chapter Two: Heart Broken

I kept on staring after her long after the darkness had swallowed her. I felt a strange emptiness inside of myself. It was almost as if someone had reached into me and had torn my heart out. I mean seriously it felt as if I was stabbed in my heart. It hurt alot. I tried not to but I couldn't hold it in any longer. I curled up into a tight ball right there on the spot and began to cry myself to sleep. When I woke up I realized that I had overslept. I sat bolt upright suddenly alert and aware of my surroundings.
I woke up in a cold sweat rememebering the details of how Anna had yelled at me earlier. I felt so confused. I just couldn't shake the feeling that I had just seen the future. Well this shouldn't surprise me. I thought to myself. I am a vampire. And I have known that I can see the future most of the time in my dreams. The other half of the time it's usually just nothing, like a nagging suspicion.
A few weeks later I saw Anna again and we had a big fight. when the fight was over she turned around and stormed off into the night. I knew that what I had seen before wasn't just a nagging suspicion but what would actualy happen.
I had never felt so hated in all my life. And believe me, when you live for one hundred and fifty-five years without aging once you would think you know everything about hatered and love, compassion and support, being included and being left out.
Everyone says that being a vampire is cool. Believe me it's not. I would know since I am a vampire. Being a vampire is not what people say it is. I have only loved one person and that is Anna Seifried. My girlfriend, Arianna, knows how it feels. she is also a vampire and she has been disliked only once. I trust her with my life.

Chapter 3: The Vampire of the South City

By this point I had left my house and began to walk towards the south. Before long, I found myself in a part of town that I did not recognize. I looked around and saw someone moving in the darkness ahead of me. I ran over to them and asked them were I was.
The person that turned around began to back up. Then they spun around and tried to run away from me. In a flash, I had gotten myself behind them and spun them around to face me. I instantly regretted it because it was Anna's boyfriend Drew. He asked me why I was here. He said the king of all the tenage vampires shouldn't be here. he called me 'The Vampire of the South City.
So I'm the person who was destined to either destroy the world or help it.


Publication Date: 02-25-2011

All Rights Reserved

i dedicate this book to my girlfriend Arianna for her constant support.

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