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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Best Friends by Andrea Pellerin (lightest ebook reader .txt) 📖

Book online «Best Friends by Andrea Pellerin (lightest ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Andrea Pellerin


As my small 13 year-old body entered school Friday morning, something felt…different. I don’t mean different like, I grew or something I mean, the kind of different where you’re a little nervous. Like something is going to happen. Whatever it is I probably won’t like it.


At ten in the morning I didn’t expect half my class to be so…social. Everybody was laughing, whispering, and staring at my best friend, Leah, like she was an alien. I sleepily dragged my feet over to her and plopped myself down on the chair beside her. “hey” she said. “hi” I groaned. “ why is everybody looking at you”? I asked a few moments later just about falling asleep. “Ummm… I don’t know” she replied nervously. “ ok.” I said “what’s up”? just then our teacher walked in, Mrs. Brahelsur. Which sounds a lot like bra-hell-sir, except speeded up. “ off to math class everyone” she shooed us away in her Russian accent. “ I’m going to find out” I said as I walked out the door. All she did was give me a nervous smile and a wave goodbye.

* * * * *

All throughout math I was thinking about what Leah was hiding from me. Could it be she was moving? My heart beat a little faster at the thought of that. I hope not, but, she would tell me, wouldn’t she? “ Miss. Bonner”! my math teacher shouted at me. My head snapped up “yeah” I said a little nervous on what she was going to tell or ask me. “ what is the answer to number 3, for the third and final time ”?she asked. As I was panicing, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. It was Cam, the hottest guy in eighth grade, holding up a small sign that said, “3 to the 2nd power”. “umm…3 to the 2nd power” I stuttered. “very good” she said with no emotion. “thanks” I mouthed the word to Cam, relief washing over me.

* * * * *

“ hey” I turned around and there was Cam, looking like a greek god running up to me. His light brown hair was flipping in all different directions. As I stopped walking I replied “ oh, hi Cam… do you know what’s going on with Leah”? he finally caught up with me and said “ well I don’t really talk to her much, but I do know she’s dating Christopher. But, don’t tell anyone”. I smiled sweetly and said “ thanks for telling me, and I won’t tell anyone”. I turned around, my face red with anger, and ran off. Leaving Cam behind in the middle of the hallway.


“Leah”! I shouted “what the hell is going on”! we were having study hall and I had just gotten back from my little “meeting” with Cam. “ what are you talking about”? she asked innocently “ well, Cam - I mean, SOMEBODY told me you were dating Chris-to-pher” I said sounding out every syllable. ”well-” she started. “and why the FUCK did you not tell me”! I yelled getting louder “ you know I can keep ANY secret, even the one you told me about you still having your baby blanket”! for that I got a couple snickers from the class. By now she was steaming mad, but I don’t really blame her, I had just told most of the class she still has her baby blanket. “ you know I was going to tell you” she sounded a little calmer now so I wasn’t afraid to talk. “yea well you didn’t” I snapped back “ok well you’re obviously still mad. Lilly I promise I will always tell you everything, I swear”! for some reason I just couldn’t get over her dating Christopher, sure I want her to be happy but I don’t think my mind is wanting her to be happy with him. FUCK! I cant believe she’s dating him. I thought. whatever since he’s a player, he’ll break her heart and she’ll come crying to me. that’s what bffs are for. right? With a smile on my face I left the room to go to the bathroom and saw Cam getting a drink. While I was there I saw him arguing with a girl who left a minute later crying. “hey Cam” I sad a little too flirty. He turned to me with a smile that made my heart stop, then pick back up and beat twice as fast. “ oh, hi…” he paused “umm…its Lilly. Right?” inside I was crying but on the outside I smiled and said “ yeah, Lilly.” I looked back remembering him with that girl “ what was Anna crying for”? ugh Lilly you’re being too nosy. I scolded myself. “ oh… we were dating and I started to like someone else so I broke up with her” he said shyly. “ aww that’s too bad” I said “ well for her yea but…not for…you” he replied “wha-”? Before I could finish he had me in the boys bathroom up against the wall. He was stroking my hair and then started kissing me, barely stopping for air. 2 minutes later he was stripping clothes off of me, and I didn’t object. He grabbed my boobs sucking on them and then switched to in between my legs.


Publication Date: 06-13-2012

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