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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » The love wars: Love at first sight? by Katherine Burrows (ebook reader that looks like a book .txt) 📖

Book online «The love wars: Love at first sight? by Katherine Burrows (ebook reader that looks like a book .txt) 📖». Author Katherine Burrows

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I feel the soft, curve of his hands as he holds my face.

"You are beautiful"

"No,"I reply, "You are."

He bends down and plants his lips over mine.

"Renee!"He groans, and everything is perfect, until the disater; everything is ruined.


Forever Young...


Chapter 1. Renee

 I walk into my new school, with a sinking feeling of fear in my stomach. I hate new schools, in fact, I hate school in general. My feet pound the stone floor as I take each dreaded step towards my first class.

"Welcome back everyone! Today, I have very exciting news for you!"

Ýipee. I think, 'wonder what it is.'

"We have a new student joining our geology class. Woooo!"The teacher exclaims, and I heard the tint of sarcassm in her voice as she said it. Ëveryone, welcome, Renee Winters!"

There was a dead silence. The floor creaked with every step I took towards my desk. my heart was pounding in my chest, i wouldn't be surprised if the people in the class next door could hear it.

I think I'm going to absolutely love it here. Keep dreaming Renee.


As I head towards my last class for today, I try to think of 5 good things that have happened to me today, 1. Nope, I've got nothing. I wouldnt be suprised if that mean guy from harry potter popped out of the wall. I mean, this school is scary enough. I wal into class and am hit by a massive wave of shock, awe ad amazement. Standing infront of me is the most beautiful man, i've ever met. I dont know if you can call a man graceful, but if you can, this is they way I'd describe this man.

Chapter 2. Lucas

 The red tips of her curls frame her face. and her startlingly blue eyes, that seemed to sparkle in the sun, stared at me. Her eyes are framed with long, lushious  lashes and I was instantely in love.

"Hi,"She says, her voice sounding like sweet, smoothe honey pouring out of her mouth. It took all of my strength not to melt in a puddle on the floor. "Hi" I say, "are you new here?"

"Yeah, Is it that obvious?"

""No, no. I've just never seen you before, If I had I would've remembered it definitely." I say, going for the flirty compliment. Then she smiles, and the whole room lights up, her smile glows, its got the power of a 1000v battery, it's just. Magnificent. I smile back, and that just seems to make her beam more.

Her cheeks flush and she drops he gaze,

"Oh, I'm sorry! I'm Lucas," I hold out my hand.

"Renee." She grins, bringing her hand up to meet mine and as our fingertips touch, a jolt of electricity runs through my arm, and I get a glance of what she's thinking.

Oh, wow! I wonder If he felt that? His lips, *sigh*, absolutely amazing. Why am I drawn to this man? I feel like I belong!

I smile.

"Would you, um, like to sit next to me?" I ask, nervous.

She nods, "Yes! I thought you would never ask" She exclaims, then suddenly blushes. "Oh, sorry."

I smile.


Chapter 3. Renee

 I plonk down on my seat as english begins.

"Ashlee Bakers?"


"Annelise Breddenkamp"


I zone out and then quickly snap out of it as I hear Lucas say 'here'.

"What is your last name?" I whisper out the side of my mouth.



"Renee Winters?"

"Here, and its actually pronounced Renay... Sir."

He grumbles and writes something next to my name.

"Twinsies! Frost and winters."

I giggle and punch him lightly on the shoulder, "You tease!" I laugh.

"Is there something you'd like to share, Miss Winters?" Mr Grumbles says.

"No sir." I say. 'apart from you're a stinky, grumbly old loser.' I think

Lucas laughs

I look at him questionly.

He shakes his head and mouths, 'I'll tell you later!'

I nod and look to the board and zone out, after all, english isn't that important.


Chapter 4. Lucas

 I take the chance to stare at renee as she blanks out.

I cradle her hand in mine, trying to peak into her thoughts.

What can I say!? I'm a nosey guy.

'Boring... Boring... Boring.. Oh My God! English is SOOOO boring... I wonder if Lucas will ask me out. I frikkin' hope he does. Boring... Boring... Boring.


The bell for the end of class goes and Renee jumps up and starts speed-walking towards the door.

"Renee! Wait up!"I shout.

She turns around.

Wait outside, I mouth

She nods in return.

"Lucas!" Lilah says to me in a sexy voice. She has had a crush on me sice grade 3, and I see she's still not giving up. She pushes me against the classroom wall and mashes her lips to mine.

"LILAH!"I mumble into her mouth then shove her away.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"You know you want it," She says, flirtatiously.

She presses her hands against my chest and moans, "Ohhh! Your abs are killing me!"

I shove her off, wipe my lips and say, "I am cleaning this shirt  a million times to get your shit of it."

She gasps.

I smile sarcasstically and run out of the door.

"Why are your lips all swollen?"

I smile and laugh, "Its got something to do wuth a crush not getting that you're not intrested in them." I jerk a thumb behind me and she turns.


I nod sadly.

She gives me a sympathetic smile and the hallway glows.

I laugh and take her hand, then we go to the front gate together.

Chapter 5. Renee

 When I saw Lucas come out of that room, all swollen lips and dazed, imediatly I thought. 'The sneak. He's gone had sex in a classroom. Idiot, wasting my time.'

Then when I asked him, he had said something about crushes and lust. But the words that caught my attention were, 'not intereseted.' I was just like YES!

He took my hand while I  imagined about him and I having sex. What!? I'm a girl,... A lustful one.

 "Can I drive you to your house?" He asks,

I nod, dumbfounded. Nobdy has ever aske dme that before. I do a quick mental check, mum not home, dad not home, luckily sister has date. CHECK! No one home, just me and Lucas. Ahh!

"Sure, thanks." I reply.

We enter the car park and he walks up to a white, shiny, new Porshe 911, turbo. WITH RED LEATHER SEATS! AHHHH!

"You like the car?"

I nod, smiling in a happy daze.

"OMG!" I giggle.

We get in the car and I plug my address into his phone.

We drive home in laughter.

"Stop at 7/11 would ya?" I say.

He parks and I jump out.

I walk past the sodas that I usually buy and go down to the beers. I grab a 12 pack. I walk past the condoms. I sneakily grab a pack and hide thm from Lucas' view.

I go to the assistant.

"Can I see your ID please?"

"Oh sure!" I say, searching through my bag, "Oh! Look at that, it;s not there! Just this once will you let me off?"

I plead, resting my breasts on the counter.

He stares down. His eyes bulging.

"Uh Uh."

I grab his tie and take him into the storage room.

I kiss him roughly, twirling my tounge around his.

"Can I?"

He nods, dumbfounded.

"Thanks" I say sexily, "I wil leave the cash on the counter.

I walk out, chuck 20 bucks on the counter and leave.

"Lets go."

"What were you doing in the back room?"

"Honey, they had ran out of tampons." I say, then blush at how weird that sounds.

We drive home in akward silence.

Chapter 6. Lucas
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