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Read books online » Romance » Gladiator's Prize by Angelika Serafin (world best books to read .txt) 📖

Book online «Gladiator's Prize by Angelika Serafin (world best books to read .txt) 📖». Author Angelika Serafin

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Chapter 1

The cheers of the people made the entire building move, the stadium was full to the last space most likely beyond that. The games were watched by everyone it was our culture it was our entertainement it was our way of life. I followed my father and brother as we entered the seats prepared for us. The ceaser was the leader of our people and me being the ceaser's daughter i was beyond privelaged in everything but my brother as the heir was even more so, he was everything that everybody expected him to be handsome, clever but his personality let him down, he was spoiled to the rot, all he cared about was money power and women, following in my fathers step he was everything that i expected, although when i was young i though that he was going to be different.

I took my seat beside my father, to the other side were my fahters adivsors the misters of the government. The game started as soon as my father sat down. Two men came out their faces covered in protective gear, they had no gear on the rest of their bodys, they didn't care about the risk they were after the fame, the money, the popularity that came with winning the gladiator games. These were the profestionals they weren't slaves they entered the games at their own will. Then the gates opened and the rest of the gladiators came out although this time you could tell that these were the slaves. They were not experience, not trained, they were slaves, they were nothing their lifes didn't count people loved to watch the games, the fighting, the death.

The slaves got in a small group, watching the two gladiators to make sure that they didn't make a move, but this was just the biggining of todays games which meant this would finish within few minutes, the longer through the night the more entertaining games would beome with better fighters therfore better to watch. The slim starved slaves, were picked off by the gladiators, one by one the group that originally was about 8 decreased to two, each gladiator took one slave and butchered him infront of our eyes, their swords impailing the slaves bodies and then just out of crualty they they slashed their throats the blood pouring out so unaturally, the blood stained the gladiators and they cheared pulling their arms up in vicotry. The whole stadium arrupted in loud chears, clapping their hands and cheering on the blood shed.

I looked down on the floor, i never understood why someone would enjoy something that was so evil, there was no joy for me to watch this horrible show yet i had to be here to show unity in the family. Whilst we were the most powerful family in the Roman empire we were not untouchable after a couple of assasination attempts i understood that better then anybody else, everybody had to do their part to ensure our family survives.

The games went on for hours until it was the time for the last show of the night this was the best time one of the night, the best gladiators would fight. The gates opened at the same time and the two men came out, Crixus was one of the best there was he was extreamly skilfull with his sword, he though for years and with the years came a lot of experience i immediatly wondered who was going to be his opponent. On the other side of the arena stood the other gladiator who was increadibly athletic his armour only covered his shoulders leaving everything exposed. The bell rang and the two men started to move, neighter attacking one another, they were learning each others movements and technique.

I turned around to ask Decimus who the new Gladiator was and why he was in the finally. Decimus was the owner of the gladiator school, he was one of the most powerful and rich men in the Roman empire, his wealth was impressive, he was a close friend of my father and i knew him since a very young age. His short curly black hair was the same since i remember, never going grey it was stange he didn't age as some men his age, his light skin look foreight compared to the darker tanned skin from the hot climate. "Decimus who is he and why is he fighting Crixus?"

"His name is Septimus, he is more skilled in the sword then any man i saw before. Look." Said Decimus and pointed at the arena where the fight was taking place.
I turned backk around and indeed septimus was fighting well against Crixus. Their swords were constantly hitting each other, both equally skilled and talented, Crixus hit his sword against Septimus's, where as he pushed his sword in the air with such force that it left me baffled who had that strength immediatly after Septimus planed the sword into Crixus chest piercing the sword so that it came out to the other side of Crixus already lifeless body. The entire arena was in shocked no one expected this as the ending slowly one by one they started to cheer, my father didn't cheer.

"Decimus, i want to meet him." Said my father
"Course Ceaser." Replied Decimus and he started to lead us down to stairs with the guards to meet the winner of tonights games. Septimus was standing there in the same spot catching his breath. I followed my father and brother and stopped a couple of feet from the new winner. He stood there not kneeing down to show respect to my father.

"Kneel infront of Ceasear." Said Decimus
He just stood there not listening, he didn't say a word, he looked at my father streight in the eye and then at my brother and finally at me, my breathing stopped, his eyes piercing me inside and out he looked at me for what felt like years but was most likely just a few moments. I pulled my eyes away looking down taking in deepth breaths. His body was covered in blood, dirt covering his muscular body were just a few pieces of materials.
Decimus, pulled out his sword and pointed it at Septimus's neck "Kneel." He repeated one more time and reluctantly Septimus kneeled down.

"As the winner of tonights Games you will be honoring us at the evening celebration." Stated my father,
Septimus didn't speak instead Decimus spoke for him "He will be honoured."


Chapter 2


The evening celebration was the most important events of the day, as the daughter of the ceaser i had to look accordingly so the servants helped me put on my special dress that was my pride and joy pure white with a golden belt that was made from the best materials. As soon as i reached the bottom of the stairs Decimus was already waiting for me, he was becoming an active part of my life always being there for me and supporting me he was becoming to be my family, i though of him more of a father than my own father.

I smiled as soon as i reached his arm that was already exteneded for me, as we walked to the top of the table, i saw many of the gladiators that participated in todays games including Septimus. He noticed me and watch on as i slowly made my way towards the top table to sit beside my brother. The celebrations had already began with the dancers, and the food and the drinks, the women were surrounding the gladiators they were wanted amongs all the woman of Rome. They were admired desired and loved it was the dream of most men to be just loved although most of the times they had to pay the ultimate price.

The dancers carrying the wine came dancing in and my father pulled one onto his lap, kissing her everywhere he possibly could i felt wrong, the celebrations always turned into a huge chamber where things happen that should never be spoken off, women weren't invited expcept me and the dancers that were slaves belonging to my father. I took a grape of the table bitting it in half and slwoly eating the sweet delicious fruit. As i looked up Septimus was looking right up at me his eyes looking into mine. I immediatly turned my head down to my plate and glass of wine.

"I'm going to go to my room, i should be well rested for tomorrow." I said to Decimus

"I will go with you." Replied Decimus

"No need Decimus i will manage."

I placed my hand on his shoulder and made my way to the staircase that would lead to my rooms. I turned around for no perticular reason and i found that Septimus was looking right into me again, his eyes never left mine his brown eyes full of expression yet i couldn't read the expression. I was pulled out of the maze by Decimus who came up to me "Is everything alright Octavia."

"... Yes. Goodnight Decimus." I said and i kissed his cheek and hurried upstais to my room. Closing the door i took a deep breath. Not believing of how i was constantly drawn into Septimus, i never acted like that especially towards a Gladiator they were not what i was looking in a man.
My room was dark there were only a few candles burning making it ready to fall asleep.

The gold earing matched the necklace that was the last gift from my mother, at first i never wanted to wear it to keep it safe but after a while i realised that my mother would have wanted me to wear it and when i wore it i felt her by my side it made me feel so safe closing my eyes and imagining my mother standing right next to me.
Toady the entire family was going to visit the gladiator school that was run by Decimus, Decimus didn't train them personally he had people for that but Decimus was one of the most skilled man in combad that i have ever met including multiplie Generals in my fathers army.

The gladiator school was about a mile away from our Town willa so i traveled in a carriage that was carried by people where as my father and brother traveled by horses surrounded by many guards slowly we made our way to the gladiator school. The school had about fifty gladiators mainly slaves with a few voluntary gladiators that didn't have to live here and could live outside in the city.

Whilst my father sat down and started to eat his lunch, my brother wanted to fight he started to get worked up and then turned towards me as there were no servants to get him a shield. I nodded and walked inside to the gladiator armour chamber, i didn't realised that there were gladiators there, as soon as they saw me the whole room went dead silent, i stopped in my tracks and looked at them all. There were too many to count they watched me

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