Cunning Love by Mel Rayne (ebook reader for comics .TXT) 📖

- Author: Mel Rayne
Book online «Cunning Love by Mel Rayne (ebook reader for comics .TXT) 📖». Author Mel Rayne
Ah! Hey Dasani. Um, Ah! Shocked I was from what I saw. Um, hey this is not what it looks like Ellexa.Why? I asked with my tears on my cheeks. I skip and run even though I did not get my answer. You must be wondering why I am crying. Well first I have to tell you who I am and who were those two jerks I was with. So, my name is Ellexa Martin Wright is my full name. But people call me by my first name Ellexa. I only live with my mom because of my dad he skip out on us when I was a baby. My mother's name is Allora Wright. I think are last name came from my father Wright, the last name I hate. I promised myself that if I met my dad one day I would tear him to pieces. That's why I went to get fighting lessons a lot. To prepare to destroy my old man. Well I might as well tell you, Dasani has been my best friend ever since we were small. But as you can see earlier today I just saw my boyfriend Fynn making out with Dasani my now ex best friend. She hurts me in any way she can. The entire school is always on her side. Everyone picks on me. Nonstop! Every single day I suffer. No one cares. I have no dad, no friends and no one to care or love me. It's like I don't exist anymore in this world. I hate my life and I don't want to live anymore. I Am still running and crying for someone to help me. Somehow I ended up on top of the highest building in Gremoore State High. Standing on the edge where my life is in near death."Feeling scared" But looking down like I don't care anymore, getting to the point of falling into the depths of nowhere. Looking down, wow is high. I turn my head and saw a man up with me, But far away. Since it is cloudy and dark.I could not see the man's face. But I saw something oddly.The man has fluffy fuzzy ears and a fat fluffy tail. Which, feels like I am just delusional now.The man moves forward. Jumpy from his movement. I move back. Slipped and fell down. Down for my death. AH! I screamed, but it was too late. On my way down I got dizzy so everything I saw was blurry. The man grabbed me and helped me. Jumped back up to the top of the building. I still couldn't see his face. But I only saw his beautiful long silver hair. Feeling it, when he grabbed me, soft and silky weird I thought. He said looking at me are you okay? Right then I fainted blacked out from every thing. I wonder who is this dog man monster?
Liex The Fox head hurts. Ah, it was just a dream. Hey! follow me. Who are these women? let's go hurry up I don't have all day. She's mean. I notice she's wearing a nurse outfit. What a rude nurse. Out of nowhere, she grabs my hand tightly. Hey! let go I screamed "mad". Maybe this is a bad hospital or something I thought.I had a really bad feeling about this so I ran away from her hands.Running away from someone again how pitiful of me. Noticing that this is a very big house and not a hospital, and also with so many doors."Geez" anyone can get lost here. I wonder who lives here?Walking down saw a bunch of guards down the big hallway. Caught by them.I stop and think, finally, I get to use my fighting skills. Thank god for the fighting lessons they were not a waste of my time.Getting ready to fight, I smirk at those rat guards.Beating them up one by one slowly and painfully and loving it hahaha.Oh, I stop and see a door with a bright light. I think that's the way out. I go through the door. I see a dog man. But then I stop and think so what happen yesterday wasn't a dream. The dog man is real. I almost killed myself crap. Oh, but I am okay "touching myself"okay everything is in its place. But this time I can actually see his face. He's so handsome eyes emerald green, skin so pale and white. Beautiful long silver hair.Awww man what am I doing?" hitting my head".falling for his beauty and drooling not good. Crap I forgot he was in front of me. I Am so embarrassed. I think am blushing, I feel a little hot.I see him smile at me. But it was a devious smile. Hello, my bride, he said to me. EHHHHHH! WHAT! You dog man Psyco what did you just say right now. Did I hear right??? Am sorry I can't believe this I object. Look you, Idiot, I am not a dog.But a silver fox he said. First of I don't care if you are a dog or a fox. Your still not human, And I will never marry you I said. You're a handful and an annoying human he said. What do you want to meet my fist? I can't believe I fell for his beauty. Anyways I beat up your guards.And I think it would be easy to beat you up too. You shouldn't have said that you lifeless human. WHAT! that does it I've had enough of this stupid dog. Hold it! pushing and pressing her hands on me and the dog. Hey, rude nurse when did you get here I said. My name is not the rude nurse, My name is cyerra James Lee.And this here is Liex the fox the master of the house and are territory boss. I know he's a dog. So, does your master have a last name? I asked.I said is Liex and that's all said Cyerra. HaHaHa, you don't have the last name. How about Liex Dog. That's funny. Anyways Cyerra could you check if I have the right girl?Yes, master Cyerra said. Out of nowhere, she popped a third eye on her forehead. And I thought she was human. She's just like him. Kinda eww weird and cool. Just in case in the Bayling realm I am called Thirdaseea and I can see the future said Cyerra. Is your name Ellexa Martin Wright? she asked. Yes, why?There you go she's the right bride. May I leave now? she asked Liex. Yes, you may go on your way now said Liex. While, I see her leave, I remembered she did not answer my question why?Oh well. Noticing Liex staring up and down at me.So I have to marry lifeless here said Liex. Yes! screamed Cyerra, from away. How could she hear us looking around?She's psychic, Well human you have a lot to learn. But first, you forgot to thank me. Anyways let's keep talking in my room said Liex. No are you crazy! no thanks. Then I guess I have to carry you he said. Grabbing me out of nowhere and again I am in his arms tricky fox. Let go of me shaking in his grasp. He smacks my butt. Well here we are he said throwing me on his bed and pushing me down. On top of me. His eyes pierced through me. My heart starting to race fast "Ba Thump Ba Thump Ba Thump" Say sorry to me now he says. No why should I?turning my head on the side? Because I saved your life. The least you can do is thank me. Fine, thank you, you happy now!get off of me.No! the only way you can repay me for saving your life is by staying here and to be married to me.I push him off and stand up. No, I don't want to marry right now.I don't even know who you are.But you did save my life.I could alway's accept and plan my escape I thought.Yes, I will be your bride.But here are the rules okay.So rule number one don't touch me. Rule number two don't get too close to me. Lastly rule number three we should marry in a year, It would give me more time to know you.If you want to accept me, then accept the rules I said.Yea whatever said Liex. Awww man I stayed awake all night to explain the rules to him.I should go to bed.Ugggha" yawn".Ah, nice bed.Home at last.Why did she think she's at home? such an idiot and with an interesting personality.Liex stared at her face all night, then fell asleep.I wonder if I could survive living next to a jerk, sneaky and sleazy stupid fox like Liex.This is What Ellexa is thinking about.
Delina the Cat"Mhmm so soft," I said. I open my eyes and see the silver dog. And I also find myself touching his hair. "What the heck are you doing here?" I asked. "This is my room remember," said Liex. Ah crap, I fell asleep in his room last night I thought. "Wait you didn't do anything petty did you, Remember the rules," I said. "Why did you want me to, You lifeless human," said Liex. "Don't play with me?" I said. "Hey lifeless are you a virgin?" asked Liex. "w ..what no way that is none of your business" I said. How does he know mmm I hate him, I thought. "Well you wouldn't let go of me last night, And you were moaning a lot," said Liex. Oh my god I can't believe I did that, I can't let dog man win this I gotta lie I thought. "oh umm I have bad sleeping habits, And it does not mean because I am a virgin okay" I said. That's right Ellexa win this dog demon hahaha I thought. "What are you laughing about over there so creepy like," said Liex. She is such a weird human thought Liex. I bet she's easy to trick thought Liex. "Why don't you leave me alone I need my slumber," said Liex. "okay where's the bathroom around here, I need to freshen up I slept with a dog man last night Uggg I must stink," I said. "You lifeless human you're getting on my last nerve, Okay it's next to my closet over there,"
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