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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » A special relationship!? by Ashley Love (detective books to read .txt) 📖

Book online «A special relationship!? by Ashley Love (detective books to read .txt) 📖». Author Ashley Love

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Our first meeting - the start of something Special?

With a pounding heart I pulled into the parking lot and turned off the engine of my car. Taking deep breaths I looked around, but his car was nowhere to be found. A bit relieved I lean back and close my eyes to calm down. Throughout the day my heart was racing as I thought about what to expect.
Next thing I knew, was someone knocking on my car window. “Hey sleeping beauty.” he greeted me. He opened the door, stretched out his hand and helped me out of the car. Since we just had chatted and this was our first real date, I was accordingly nervous. Shy as can be, we hugged. “Shall we go?” he asked, whereupon I nodded. As we went into the coffee shop, he held the door and paid for the coffee. As we sat there, we began to get to know each other a bit better. A view times an embarrassed silence prevailed. "You got beautiful eyes." he stated. “Thanks." I replied and glanced down, blushing.
After we had finished our coffee we wondered what to do next. Since everything was new for me, I just didn’t know what to say or do. So here we were, standing between our cars, each one leaning against his own. “ls everything Ok?” he asked and stared into my eyes, just as if he would find the answer in them. ”It’s just new. And to be honest I don't know what to do or what to say.” I answered and gave him a shy smile. “And what is the most natural thing to do with new situations?" he asked grinning. “Explore them?” I asked. He nodded, “Exactly!” “But not here, please.“ I begged and looked around. Although no one was in the parking lot, I had this strange feeling of being watched. "What can I do to make you come out of your hiding spot (to bring you out of your shell)?" he asked. I laughed, ”If I knew that, I’d be steps further!” All of a sudden and without any warning, he leaned over and kissed me. I was shocked an surprised at the same time. NEVER had I imagined that today would be the day I get my first kiss! “A tomato is nothing compared to you right now.” He joked after he had leaned back.” Where could we go next? Maybe somewhere more private?” I asked, trying to deflect from myself." What have you planed?" he asked in return, again with a huge grin. “Exploring.” I answered, blushing again. "Ok. then follow me, I think I know where to go." he answered and opened my car door.
As I followed his car, my thoughts just went crazy. I couldn't believe / realize that this really IS happening! It felt just like a dream. A dream to good to be true!
Near to a pond we stopped. Again he opened my door and helped me get out. But this time he pulled me against his body and kissed me tenderly. Then he just hugged me and we started walking arm in arm. ”Don’t be nervous. Just enjoy the moment." he whispered. “I try to.” I replied. With each step I felt more comfortable in his presence. "You know something?" he asked, “I have this strange feeling we have met before and that we would know each other all our life. It just feels so natural." he continued. As I heard these words, my heart started pounding again. I just felt happy, cause I felt the same way. Overflowing with joy, I stopped, and taking all my courage, I kissed him. Now I could feel his heart beating really fast. “I feel the same.” I responded after the kiss. Hearing this, he lifted me up, whirled me around and carried me to the next bench, where we sat down cuddling.

Everything just felt right. This was a wonderful Start for a very special relationship.

Something special alright!

Well, so I thought. But everything you’ve build up so far, was soon smashed beyond repair. Since our first meeting went so well, we had decided to meet again soon. Everything was planned and prepared for. I would come and visit you, and then stay overnight at a friend’s place and go with her the next day to a concert. The same minute I got into my car, you had texted me. “I’m sorry, but I’m afraid you don’t have to come” said your text. “Are you ok? Did something happen?” I responded with a racing heart. “I’m fine, just a bit hung over. Had a drink or two too much, yesterday. “ you explained. “No problem. I can pick you up, and I’ll be quiet.” I offered, hoping you’d say yes. “No. I feel terrible and I don’t want to ruin our date.” “Just being with you, is enough for me, so I don’t have to miss you.” I begged. But you insisted that I should not come. I was angry and disappointed. “You did ruin our date. Couldn’t you have texted me earlier? Listen, I’m coming anyway. You think about it again and you better think hard! And if you still don’t want to meet I’ll just spend some time in nature on my own.” I texted and started the engine. As I later left the highway and reached town, I heard my phone ringing, telling me that you had texted. I pulled over and read what you had written, “I’m very sorry. But we cannot meet. I’m just too hung over and I will now lay down and try to get some rest.” Furious I threw the phone back into my purse and drove to the pond we first met. As I walked around it, I also walked down memory lane(I thought back to the time we were here). With tears in my eyes I continued walking, still hoping you would change your mind. But then the thought popped up, that instead of spending my time alone, I actually could ask my cousin to join. So I called her. “Sure, pick me up in 10” she replied happy and so I hurried back to my car and picked her up. We decided to drive to a small lake and take a stroll there. “You are awfully quiet today, is everything ok?” she asked after a while, so I told her everything. She listened patiently and asked a view questions in between. “And what is this guy’s name?” she asked after I ended my report. “C…Z…” I replied. With a huge smile she took her phone, first texted someone and then showed me a picture. “That’s him!” I cried out totally stunned. “He is my neighbor, living together with his girlfriend. I just texted him if he wants to meet.” she explained. “He told me that he has a hangover, so I doubt…” I started to explain, but a -pling- interrupted me. “He just asked where I’m at.” she grinned and texted back. Speechless I watched her texting with him back and forth. “Now he wants a picture of my friend and me” she laughed. “Tell him, if he wants to meet your friend, he has to come over.” I begged her, already planning a trap. A few seconds later the response was there. “He’d love to, but they are just about to leave the house to go to a bar called “Gogo”.” Now I was curious. “Hey darling, how are you? Hope your head is better. Got any planes for tonight?” I texted him. “Feeling a bit better. Was thinking of watching a movie and staying in bed.” was his reply. “What are you up to?” my cousin asked me as soon as she noticed my huge smile. “Wanna go and have some drinks?” I asked. “You’re not seriously thinking of paying him a surprise visit.” she asked cautiously. “Why not?” I responded. “Is that really you? Where is my real cousin?” she joked. “What? Can a girl not think about sweet revenge?” I laughed. I knew she was surprised, cause usually I was that type of girl who just accepts things, cries over it and moves on. That I had changed over the Years, she never noticed. Why should she, she never witnessed my actions in a situation demanding such a response. “Yes it’s me. I changed a bit, but that’s not the point now.” “You really want to do this?” she asked. I nodded. “100% sure. And believe me when I say, he better pray that the bar is filled with people, otherwise I’m gonna smack him so hard, he’ll see stars flying.” “Wow. He’ll never see that coming.” my cousin concluded.
As we reached the bar I began questioning my own decision. But we entered the room anyway. A bunch of people were in the back of the room, but he was nowhere to be seen. “His girl is here, so he must be nearby too.” whispered my cousin and we sat down at a table near the entrance, making sure we had a good view at the backroom. In front of the table there was a wooden room divider, whereas my cousin could be seen from the backroom, I couldn’t. Still I could see who is coming toward our table. It took some time, but eventually he came over. Seeing my cousin he waved and came close, but his smile vanished as he finally saw me. Shocked to see me, he greeted me shortly and then just talked to my cousin, totally ignoring me. He told her that he finally found a new apartment for him and his girlfriend. Then they talked for a couple of minutes and he left again. This was it. Since the table was too big for me to reach over, he got away way too easily. Still processing what I just heard, I was speechless. So he DID lie! “Are you ok?” my cousin asked worried. And with good reason. I started to tremble with anger but was pale as a white wall. “Yes I’m fine. Let’s just pay and go, please!” I hissed and got up. As I hurried outside, my cousin paid the bill and came out eventually. “What took you so long?” I asked furious. “He came again and asked me how we know each other and if you said anything. I just responded that you are my cousin and that you didn’t say anything.” she explained and we got into the car. After I dropped her at her place, I drove straight to my friends. Luckily she was tired and we went straight to bed. As I was lying in bed, I was thinking on what to do next. Should I just leave it like this or should I take revenge? But my thoughts were interrupted by my phone. He was calling. With a pounding heart I was staring at the screen, but decided to reject the call. Soon after that a message followed. “Was so nice to see you. You looked gorgeous. I’m sorry I

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