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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Vampire Romance by Bookrix Freak (read e book .txt) 📖

Book online «Vampire Romance by Bookrix Freak (read e book .txt) 📖». Author Bookrix Freak

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so we meet

Alissen loved her garden she would stroll threw it for hours. One day she was walking and she heard a soft whisper " Hello my sweet". She quickly turned to see a young man with dark brown hair and pine tree green eyes. He was beautiful "um.. ah". He chuckled. He held her close to him. I could feel his hot breath and biseps. His skin was cold. i liked how i could worm him. He leaned in to kiss me but i pushed away. He looked sad. " Whats wrong " He asked. " i cant " i whispered. " Why " He asked. " We just met and i dont even know your name ". " Sorry my name is Ethan Mastersons " He said proudly . "Allisen Windstrob ". " Thats beautiful " He whispered. I couldnt stand it i needed to kiss him. His eyes tonted me. I pulled him in and kissed him, he kissed me back right away. His lips were soft. I pulled back and he looked at me with sad eyes. " Um..I.ah that was great but your a total stranger ". " Well ill take you out on a date tomorrow night,dinner ?" He asked. " Yes but i dont know i can go because of my father " i answered. " I will pick you up at midnight " . " But how " I answered. " Trust me ok ? ".
" ok ". " I must go but i will see you my sweet " . " Bye " . He left as i went in. I missed him already . The night went by slowly but i drifted off to sleep . The next day i waited for him in the garden . I knew he wouldnt be there but i still hoped he would . I took a nap so i could stay up late enough . It was 11:30 when i finished getting ready . I felt hands on my waste and i turned around to see him . He was smiling at me . I loved his smile . He slitly kissed me and i said lets go . We had italian and when we were done it was 1:45 . He brought me back and he kissed me good night . I slept till 10:00 . I was hoping to see him again . I went to my garden to cheer me up . I heard someone whispered " Hello " . I turned around and screamed " ETHAN " . I jumped on him and hugged him . Then i kissed him hard .

finding the truth

" I missed you so much " i told him . " I missed you too " He said . We got in side " Alissen i have to tell you some thing " . " What? " replied getting off him . " Its important so ill pick you up at twelve ok ? " . " Ok " . He stared into my ocean blue eyes . I kissed him and told him i was going to nap so we could go at twelve . " Good my sweet " . " bye " . It was six when i woke up and i got my favorite dark blue dress and i put it on . I put on dark red lipstick,blue eye shadow,black mascara and eye liner it was seven when i finished my makeup . I then curled my choccolate brown hair and i wore my blue pumps . And to top it off my blue crystal studs . I was finally ready at 11:45 . I heard some one walk in from the balcony . I turned hoping to see Ethan but it was someone else . He had dark brown hair and black evil eyes . " Who are you " I asked . He laughed at me . I didnt like it . " Oh Ethan didnt tell you " . " Tell me what " . " Im James" " Well I am Ethans master or changer you would say " . " What do you mean master " . " Well i..." He couldnt finish . Ethan tackeld him and threw James off the balcony . He pulled me and carried me wedding style and jumped off the balcony but i held on to him tight . I yelled " PUT ME DOWN ETHAN!! " . He put me down . " What is going on " I asked . " I havent been onest with you Allissen " . " What do you mean " . " Im a vampire " . " WHAT ". " And James changed me and i left him so he wanted to hurt me, so he was going to kill you because i love you " . " I love you too Ethan " I said kissing him barrely finishing my sentance . " We need to get you some where safe " . " Where " I asked . " My cabin in the woods " . Then we got in his ferrary and left , In his car and we headed tords the woods .

the cabin

When we got there , the cabin looked abandoned . But when we opened the door it was beautiful . There was a problem . " Theres only one bed " I stated . " Well i am the only one who comes here but you can have it my sweet " He told me . " I dont want to kick you out of your bed " I said before i kissed him before he could say something else . " Its ok ill be fine " . That night he slept on the couch but i got scared so i climed on the couch and put his arm around me . I could tell he woke and squeesed me a bit and smiled . I slept like a baby knowing he was with me . I woke up before him and i smiled at him . I kissed him on the lips then felt his hand on my neck . I got on top of him and we made out for five minutes . I told him had to make breakfast because i cant cook at all. He made eggs and after i finished i asked him how he fed . " Well i only feed every few days but only on animals " . " But dont you get tempted to drink human blood ?" I asked . " I do but not for you because i love you . It would be painful to hurt you " . " Oh your so sweet " I said as i jumped hug him . I kissed him . " Ethan why did you pick me ?" I asked . " Theres just something i love about you it attracts me to you thats all " . " Ethan i just reilised something " " What " He asked . " I have no other clothes to wear " I stated . " Well we cant go back to your house there probably have it surounded by now " . " Boo " I said . " Its ok i have some extra money ive been saving we can get you some new clothes, ok ? " . " I dont want to make you use all your money " " Its fine honey " . He kissed me lightly . " Just one more question i have " .
" What ? " he asked . " How old are you ? " . " A few cencharies i guess " He answered .
" Thats a long time " I answered . " Do you think thats a bit weird " . " No its fine i was just wondering " . I jumped on him in suprise and he fell on the couch with me on him . I kissed him and he picked me up and brought me in the bedroom . Then he bounced me on the bed . This was great . I never wanted it to end . " Ok time to go shopping for me and you " . " Hey i look fine thank you " " What ever helps you sleep at night " I said as i walked out the door with his keys . " Im driving " . " You keep telling yourself that " I said as he got the keys .

Little suprise at the cabin

When we were done shopping we went back to the cabin . I got afew dresses,shoes,skirts,jeans, shirts and some delicites . We got Ethan lots more than me because he needed new clothes . " So are you going to model it for me or what ? " Ethan asked . " Some of it but not what you want me to " I stated . He hugged me and kissed my cheek . I felt like i was in heaven . I kissed him and he picked me up . I giggled . He carried me to the bed and layed me down . He got on top of me and we kissed, all of a sudden there was a knock on the door . " How can there

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