the teller legend chronicles by jerek smith, destroyer unknown, miska raven unknown (the beginning after the end novel read TXT) 📖

- Author: jerek smith, destroyer unknown, miska raven unknown
Book online «the teller legend chronicles by jerek smith, destroyer unknown, miska raven unknown (the beginning after the end novel read TXT) 📖». Author jerek smith, destroyer unknown, miska raven unknown
i woke up to a nice cool morning breeze in the mines. There shouldn't be a cool morning breeze. So that must mean some thing bad is about to happen. So i did the stupidist thing, ever i searched for the crack. But I should tell you who I am. I am Eona a 16 year old Drakonian. I am a Teller. No one knows I exist because I should have been dead a long time ago. but I said weird things happen that I dont even remember. I learned these by my rare dreams. To me dreams are so rare, there a blessing. So as I was walking from shaft to shaft. My ghost and no not a real ghost. A machine named ghost. He said. "Lets get out a here jack. There is nothing here before..." He stoped talking. Looked up and disapeered, all together. Thats what ghost does, when the sense of trouble. My ghost looks like this.
And thats not all. He is like a literaly hacking ghost object. It disapears when not needed but it is also a way piont. So if you like get hurt badly it will it will teleport you where there is no darkness. (because darkness is our enemy.) It also heals you to helps you, also it like a equimpemernt thing ,It like everything expet, all it knows about me is that i was dead for a long time. A long long time, it said about five freiken years. I dont know what is worse. That I think it just returned to normal or it is hiding because of the alien that populates abandon areas the FALLEN. Suddenly i black out. "Hey jack jack hey EONA RANMA SOATOME GET UP NOW THERE COMING THE FALEN ARE COMING get up," i got up because the only person whose says my real name is well my ghost and me. "thats it get up" i looked around. There were torn covers on a bed. A ruined energy sword. Also what looks like a rail gun. Those are only used by people like miners or the legendary ghost gaurds of that the darkness has. And then i looked right behind me. I saw the door I got up and fell. Out of nowhere a huge pain lurched up my back and legs. I looked down at my legs and saw cuts and bandeges. Yet the ghost didnt have arms neither did the my gelli which is illegal, but it nows that. Creeaaak. I looked at the door and i saw it open. Followed by a man no younger than his 17 or 18. He had ragged truosers. A huge miners torn shirt and a ghost that was white-gray, black and an aura that was white and black. His ghost said "who are you girl" I forgot that I can change in to a girl when splashed with water and hot water reversus the efect. I was born a girl but drowned and reborn with the power. I said "I'm jack or you can call me Eona" My ghost scaned them and confirmed it was okay but his ghost was some kinda ultra guard that must of failed. The boy read my thoughts and said so your a drakonian. That was it. Then he told me to follow him and i did follow him down a narrow coridor, also in bad shape. It was a huge wreck. Then out of nowhere something tinged me in the back. I dropped and blacked out agian. But to the sound of the boys shouts to me "Eona what the hell!" "eona eona come on wake up" some one said with a lot of worry. i opened my eyes and got up but with a result a huge pain shot through me. and i grunted. th boy asked " what does something hurts." " yes like my hole body what shot me and i never asked your name..." " my real name is destroyer and my nick name is ghost freak i got that from my fellow miners well when i was a miner..." he looked behind him and grab his gun "is there something wrong" i asked. "no nothing wrong just i have this feeling that the fallen are in here stil even after i killed them oh and you know your gillie is illegal" "it knows that" i know what the gillie said. i told him to shush because it is mostly annoying when you have him making comebacks every two seconds i was about to say how did you came here but i was interupted by a giant bang on the door and it opened to a guy who looked in his mid 60s and said "get out girl or get thrown out" he snarled he was angry i lokked at destroyer and he nodded towards me i was wondering what does he want me to do then he read my thought and responded whith his thoughts i know you have the power of the teller ill let u use it he controls the FALLEN and the enimies killed my brother and i gues now gonna kill me. i looked at him with a u-want-me-blow-him-in-a-dragon-hell-cage-what-is-wrong-with-you but then i looked at him agian and notice a gash no doubt fom the fallen then i looked the last time in this form looked at the man who now has a rail gun pionted at me i said " alright you wanna fight lets fightt." and i felt the warm and cold chi rushing up to me and then i glowed and transformed with dragon scales and bones luching to form armour and iron, diamond, and studded ennderpearls fused with them 4 dragon wings grew on my back i held a giant 3 foot long sword in my hand made by diamond iron dragon scales and a deadra heart. he looked so scared it added about ten years on his back and he ran away saying " ill come back with the elite FALLEN and youll be sorry" i dephased into a dragon then back to human still with the sword now at one foot long and told him " i need a dang dragonian gun any is welcome and we need resourses fast" he smilled at me and kissed me on the lips i blushed. he said it will be done and went into the mines. this is what i feel about destroyer or whayt ever his real name is. all i know is that in my stay with other drakonians i never felt any other way be sides this. i never felt this way with even my mother and family exept my druvengorge. a special pact that you make with freinds normaly theres six of you mostly more. and normaly all boys but i know now he is in it. love is not always cruel i know this now by destroyer but it was time i showed him my drang or my what i call in dragon tongue druvengorge. ill first show him the ladies then the men. but there was a problem when i conjure the dead drang it cost me strength though but i will show him all of them. i will do it when he comes out of the mines for the deposit and food for his miners. i will do it for him sense he was my lover forever even if he says no i will still love him this was from my dragon counter part it was nearly time to eat. so i went to the kitchen.when i reached the kitchen i sighed there was one of my drang dana many adore her apperance because she had nothing to hold her she is free and adoreble she was cooking lunch my stomach churned of hunger as the smell wafted towards me i knew it was old drakonian faverite bacon with tangy drink also a pactet full of meat strips 3 feet long and three inches thick and all of it was simmering when she saw me watching her she most of thought i was still in my boy form and she blushed i sat down at the table with the rest of my drang william drakon (dont ask because i have no clue) mary and our special little girl who is only eight eona but pronounced like E own ya.and there was some one looking in the window i noticed he had long dark hair raven like even a perculiar face most buetiful and yet blank i couldnt help but stare into his most buetiful blueish black eyes and that blank face of doudt before i could try to even cerish his face he was gone i thought it was just my imagination but no one i knew looked like that but soon i was envoleped with the food i ate it was mostly noisy because william was mostly stomaqch than any thing else yet realy realy skinny and he was a slobbed. later on i went back to my room for a nap but i kinda now wish i hadnt the person waiting there for me was the same person that i seen in the window i now noticed he was literaly in ruines and as soon as he saw me he just collapsed and i just grabbed him he was suprissingly light though. as soon as i said the anceint words of healing which ill keep to my self that raw power can and will probably be used wrong. any who after he was healed he looked like some one i knew but i couldnt make sense most of the people i knew was still dead and never resurected to life agian and no there not just imagination there real the drang is real i just creat them from sub-atomic levels. but that all that happened that day besides i rested a bit on the couch not in my room though it was wierd he reminds me of some one though. maybe my brother or something but like i said nothing is resurected from the dead or you die literaly but that was how things go in magic places or magic users like myself. as i was sleeping i was dreaming of my mother i never actualy got to meet her dad said when i was yung i was a child of experience meaning i wanted to do everything. well as i was dreaming of my mom i guess destroyer came home and found the drang because he woke me up and said " what the hell who are these people" he was worried now is the perfect chance to tell him i got up stretched and put on my folow me face surprisinly it worked and thats when everything went not so well because dana came out of nowhere and spooked us booth she knew what would happen so i told destroyer everything about my atomic aranging abilities and the person who gave it to me my dad said literaly nobody he was real a man of great scientific desires he loved learning but he took one of his experiments to far he stole a newborn me and gave the baby a new thing a thing where i the baby could arange the cosmos at there will but he forgot that with that ability he could make people vanish from the face of the universe. as i finished up he looked at me blank and then he hugged me hard and started crying when he let go i was soaked in tears i didnt mind though it was normal for him and me he never saw his dad i never saw my mom. from then on i was working in the mines with him so
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