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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » rose for eternity by Ailish Canning (i love reading books txt) 📖

Book online «rose for eternity by Ailish Canning (i love reading books txt) 📖». Author Ailish Canning

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Chapter 1

Don’t you remember us, me, that time I found you asleep in my room that place I realised that I'd fallen in love with you. Don’t you remember how when we first kissed I knew I was your completely but now I know that love can only happen once and im lost for the rest of eternity, I miss you but will I live with out you? Will I know how to care again when you told me we could be no more I cried but I knew that you where right we where pulling apart endlessly. When I wake every morning I tell my self I can be strong and that I can never give up not without a fight. I tell my self I can live with out those dark handsome brown eyes but I know that can never be true.

In this world lightning never strikes twice in one place

And love never strikes twice in one person

That person is me. My name is Rose and this is how my life changed.

When I first arrived in Bedford I was only two, my family was in ruins and when I say ruins I mean it. You see my mother and father where caught in a huge fire in our towns church but everyone else in the church survived except the two of them. I was always told to remember them as heroes but no one ever told me why. There bodies where never found but all I found was a necklaces that once belonged to my mother.

My life changed when I started upper school. it was my first day and my aunt was driving me there she was going on about these boring rules that I had to abide by and to tell her if I got bullied straight away “don’t forget to be good and don’t get any detentions you know your teachers will be strict”, she said in one of those motherly tones. “Yes Lauren I will be good”, I replied. She doesn’t mind me calling her Lauren, but she prefers aunt. I heard her sigh but I didn't look up as I knew id get a stern eye.

Sometimes I feel my aunt treats me like I'm still in play school, like im 4 or something. When we arrived at Hastingsburry upper school I took a deep intake of breath as I got out the car. Before she could nag me more I put my head phones in and walked away I headed towards my first lesson. Looking at my time table and I felt a groan escape my lips.“great first day back and I have my worst lesson, maths.”, I said to my self. I found the room, room 7b block A. I stopped at the door and took a deep breath, taking in my surroundings, than I went in.

As I sat down I felt eyes on me there hair on my neck stood up I didn't have to look round to know who it was. They where his I knew that. I was sure he was looking,so I focused my attention on my book, it was called Jane Eyre. This book made me question my life and how I believed in life death and love. About 6 kids came in together talking loudly. I scanned the room everyone had fallen quiet except the odd few who whispered, I realised these must be the 'popular' kids. They walked past my desk and the prettiest girl and probably the most popular too. This girl breezed past my desk and knocked off my book her friends looked down at me and gigged, I sighed and grabbed it. Mr Sawra came in through the door. “To your seats everybody, please”,he shouted. I scrambled back into my seat trying to be unseen and unheard by everyone. I went to my seat and quietly sat down. “OK. Today could be a bad start for most of you as this is the worst subject in maths, the cursed algebra”, there was a huge grown from the class but I perked up a bit algebra was the best subject in maths as my brain understood it.

Maths was long but not that hard. I understood everything, I knew he looked at me all lesson but I hardly noticed, I knew he wanted me to admit I still loved him but I was too busy thinking about the lesson, I knew this stuff it was so simple.

As I exited the lesson, someone pulled me out of my thoughts. It was him my love my past life it was Jake. He grabbed my elbow and threw me into a corner “what are you doing here ”, he almost screamed, “I told you we cant be close and if my ex employer doesn't do it... I will.just.stay.away”.
Chapter 2

When I heard him say that shivers went down my spine all I could think of was that summer in the Caribbean. That long scary summer, that was the year me and Jake fell apart.

I remember it so clearly, we where sat on a bench on the first day of our holiday, he'd invited me to the Caribbean with him but that day as we sat hand in hand, he told me what he was and how he became it. He told me “I love you with all my heart but we can never be together not once I tell you who I am, you will no longer love me ”, he choked the last part, lie it was killing him to say those words.

Don't you hate it when your right I know I do. So I suspected something was out of the ordinary when I first met him. He was too secretive, he new lots about me and I just ignored it. You see he said this to me “I know this sounds strange but im dangerous more dangerous than you could ever imagine, you think im normal but im not. I kill people and I was supposed to kill you ..but I love you.” I pulled away and looked into his eyes, searching for the joke. Why wasn't there one? than I realised he was serious and I ran, I ran quicker than I ever had in my entire life. I wanted to scream' stop him he's a killer' but instead I said “ill tell the world about you and what you are.”, I didn't get far and he caught me he was to quick.

I didn't get far until he caught me, he was too fast. He grabbed for my arm and abruptly stopped me I went jolting back into him and he caught me. “ let me explain what I am and how I got this way. I need to tell you a secret and its big” still holding me tightly he lead me back to the bench where he told me the other half of his story.

“ 10 years ago a man hired me as an assassin as he'd seen my earlier work in the business. I didn't know you than and I agreed he said he'd give me the recipe to immortality obviously I took it in open hands.” he paused to look at me and I just looked away. He sighed and resumed what he was saying.”anyway he hired me to kill you and your family he wouldn't tell me why but I didn't think anything of it. When you moved to Bedford so did I, when you grew up I watched when you turned ten I realised it was impossible to do it you would go and visit the church ruins every weekend. You where so young and I pitied you.. I know what your thinking but by the time I was hired they where gone” he said.

“i don't believe you, you killed them I know it.. what did you do with there bodies you, you killer”, my hands started to quiver and I felt tears falling from my face. I felt them fall from my red angry cheeks with the hand that Jake had I pulled it up to wipe my tear stained face. He loosened his gripe in pity.

“ Look im sorry but it wasn't me rose, rose .. look at me I didn't kill them and I didn't kill you I love you im till your old Jake but ive not change”i looked away as he stared at me and I ignored, he looked at me again but I still looked away, I focused on a tree and herd him sigh. He looked at me again but I still looked away focusing on something in the far distance, I felt his eyes on my neck.

“You told me earlier you had a secret what is it... please tell me”i trembled, his arms tensed and I could feel he was scared to tell me. “you no when we first started going out... and you know you haven't grown at all this year well...”, I realised what he was saying and I took a sharp intake of breath. I remember now. He'd spiked my drink 6 weeks after we started doing out. He'd made me immortal .. that shake he'd made me at his house he'd spiked it. “i hate you, you selfish person why would you do this to me I hate you .” I managed to escape his gripe and I stormed off. He didn't follow this time, he just sat and looked into the distance with foggy eyes.
Chapter 3

I remembered this all in a blink of an eye it felt like it only happened yesterday but it hadn't. as he held me in the corner where no-one could see us. “do I have to remind you of what I am” he sneered at me. His hand over my mouth, I cried out trying to escape him but it didn't work. All the loved he'd once had for me had now gone his heart had drained of love and happiness and all that was left was a heart of coal and eyes of hatred.

Being immortal isn't all that different from being human though you have no need to eat or drink, but I do. That is only because of Lauren. The only other thing is you can run, run fast faster than anybody had ever run before.

“Did you get that. Just stay away from me.” he whispered angrily. I chocked out a cry trying to say ok but it didn't come out that way. He pushed me hard against the wall and stormed off. I exhale quickly and scanned across the corridor hoping no-one had seen what had just happened my eyes caught a blonde boy who stared right at me looking through me with curiosity.

This boy had short blonde hair and cute blue eyes. He wore a large football top with the word sundie on it that name sounded so formula until I came to the conclusion he was in my maths class. yes now I know who it is now it was Nate yes, yes it was.

I took in a deep breath trying to relax than I started to panic, 'what if he saw us? What if he tells someone? Or starts asking questions?' I thought. He was such a young cute boy but what was I to do to interest him. In his eyes I was a ugly girl, his age of no importance.

Yes, yes I know i said ugly, well being immortal doesn't make you pretty or hansom. Most immortals cant do anything except run

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