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Read books online Ā» Romance Ā» Impossible Miracle's by L.J Banister (feel good books to read .TXT) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«Impossible Miracle's by L.J Banister (feel good books to read .TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author L.J Banister

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Impossible Miracles



ā€˜I want you to love me, like I'm a hot rideā€™

I woke with the sun shining warmly on my face and the soft sound of Rihannaā€™s Only Girl playing. Keeping my eyes closed against the brightness of the sun, I stretched out my body.

ā€˜Be thinkin' of me, doin' what you likeā€™

The song keeps playing. Itā€™s my phone ringtone. It takes me a moment before my eyes shoot open. My phone! I quickly sit up, and look around for it. The walls and floor is a cream colour, as is the sheets wrapped around my body. Clothes and shoes are strewn around the floor near the bed, including my own. I quickly look down at myself. Iā€™m naked! A soft snore sounds behind me. Carefully looking over my shoulder, I see where the sound is coming from. A tanned muscled back peeks out from under the sheets, stretching up to nicely muscled arms folding up underneath a mess of sunkissed brown hair. Oh My God!

I quickly spin back around, searching for my purse amongst the discarded clothes, I slowly slide off the bed. Picking up the strangers tattered blue jeans, I find my purse. Digging into it, I find my phone, just before it hangs up.

ā€œHello?ā€ I whisper.

ā€œGood morning darlingā€ The bright cheerful voice of my mother fills my ears.

Finding my black lace underwear and bra, I slip them on quickly.
ā€œHey mumā€ I quickly search for my dress around the room.

ā€œHow was your night out with the girls?ā€ She asks.

ā€œGoodā€ I huff, glancing over to the bed where the guy is still sleeping. ā€œI guessā€

ā€œYou guess?ā€ She sounded confused.

ā€œWell I just woke up, so my memory hasnā€™t caught up to me yetā€ I find my dress and one of my heels just outside the bathroom.

ā€œOh, well I do hope you had fun honey. Youā€™ve been very down the past couple of weeksā€

I walk back over to the bed, picking up my strangerā€™s black hooded jacket searching for my other missing heel. Where is my shoe? I walk around the room, searching when I notice to my left is a sliding door, exiting out to a balcony. Iā€™ll find my shoe after I get off the phone. Sliding open the door, I step out into the bright warm morning sun.

ā€œI know mum. I just feel at a bit of a loss at the momentā€ I say softly. After closing the door behind me, I walk to the rail of the balcony, looking out at the view of buildings in front of me.

ā€œI know honey. Just take your time, okay? We just want to see you happy againā€ her concerned voice softly sounds in my ears.

ā€œI will be mumā€ I say softly. A garden table and two chairs sit in the corner to my right, and after taking a seat, I search my purse for my compact mirror and look at my reflection. Eyeliner is smeared underneath my eyes, making me look like a raccoon. Using my fingers, I wipe the smudges from under my eyes.

ā€œI know you will be darling. We just worry about you is all. Are you still coming for lunch next weekend?ā€

ā€œIā€™ll try mum but I might have to workā€ I work at one of the top Wedding Planning companies as a bridal makeup artist and one the weddings has made a sudden wedding date change to this weekend instead of waiting another month. Something about not wanting to have to wait any longer.

ā€œOk darling. Well, just let me knowā€

ā€œI willā€ I speak with mum a little while longer before hanging up and taking a deep breath. I always need to take a deep breath after speaking with my mother. I donā€™t know why. Watching the activity around me, I sit in silence, listening to the sounds of the city. Glancing down at my phone, I check the time to see is just after 11am. Standing up, I hear a door open and close from inside the room. I walk back inside looking over toward the front door directly across from the sliding door. I glance over to the bed to see its empty and the strangerā€™s clothes and shoes missing from the floor. I check the bathroom, but itā€™s empty.

Whereā€™d he go? The door. That was him leaving. I felt my stomach drop at that thought. Iā€™ve never just been left before.

Picking up my purse, I toss my phone inside, and grab my shoe, taking another look around the room in search for the other one. I find it in the bathroom sink. I quickly slip on my shoes before noticing a black shirt on the floor. Must be the strangersā€¦ His left without his shirt! I giggle before pick it up and putting it in my bag. I take one last look around the room, finding a white card on the floor near the room door. Room 108 is printed on it. Room key. I pick it up before walking to the door and out into the hallway.




Itā€™s the sun shining on my face that wakes me up. Turning over and stretching my body, I open my eyes. Remembering the night I had, I turn my head to see an empty space beside me. Sitting up, I glace around the room. My clothes and shoes are spread out over the room, but hers arenā€™t. Getting up from the bed I quickly throw on my briefs and jeans. Whereā€™s my shirt? Look everywhere around the room but canā€™t find it. Finding my jacket half hidden under the bed, I chuck it on. Sheā€™s left. Why would she just take offā€¦? Walking out of the room, I look around, thinking she might just pop up. She doesnā€™t. She couldnā€™t have left to long ago. Maybe sheā€™s down stairs. I quickly put on my shoes before running out the door and along the hallway to the elevators. Pushing the down button, I wait impatiently for the elevator.

DING! I rush in side pressing the button for the ground floor as the doors begin closing.

As soon as the door is open I rush out, looking around the small lobby for her. Thereā€™s only a young lady with blonde hair sitting behind the front desk and an elderly couple in front of the desk enquiring about a room for the night. Sheā€™s not here. Knowing I paid for the room last night, I rush out the front doors and into the busy side walk. There are too many people for to try and find her. Turning around in a circle, I throw my hands into my hair. My phone! I got her number last night. Digging into my pocket, I pull out my phone and hit the power button. Nothing. My phoneā€™s flat.

ā€œShit!!ā€ I yell, the people around me looking at me weirdly. Looking up at the hotel, I think of her. I can still see the piercing deep blue of her eyes, the deep redness of her lips and the way her chestnut blonde hair hung around her curved waist. Her softly tanned skin and beautiful shaped body. She fit into me perfectlyā€¦ And now sheā€™s gone. I look around me once again. Itā€™s hopeless. Putting my phone back in my pocket, I walk down the street, into the fray of people and away from the hotel.




Exiting the elevator, I make my way over to the front desk. The bright blonde lady smiled as I approached.

ā€œGood morning maā€™am. Did you enjoy your night?ā€ She asked enthusiastically.

ā€œYes, thank youā€ I answered with a small smile, handing her the room key. She smiled widely at me again before looking down at her computer.

ā€œOkay, your room was paid for last night, so I will just check you outā€ Paid for last night? Must have done it when we checked in.

ā€œAnd all doneā€ She smiles back up at me.

ā€œThank youā€ I smile back as I leave the desk and walk out the door. The street was busy with people. Walking out to the curb, I hail a taxi and climb inside. Giving the taxi driver my number, I sit back and watch everything move around. Memories of last night were beginning to return, but itā€™s the reason why we were going out in the first place that had me back in a depressed state.


I was 17 years old when I started getting pains in my lower stomach. At first, I thought it to be period pains, but this pain had me curling into a ball for several minutes with tears streaming down my face. When my mother took me to see the doctor, it was revealed after doing ultrasounds, and taking some blood tests, I had Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

ā€œPCOS is common in woman of your age. About 12 to 18 per centā€ He said. HE was a tall man, with graying blonde hair, and a bright white smile.

ā€œWill she still be able to have children?ā€ My mother asks.

ā€œWell, considering Kayleeā€™s age and the size of the cysts, they shouldnā€™t pose any problemsā€ He says smiling at the both of us. After prescribing me with the pill to help even my menstrual cycle, and telling me to stay active and eat healthy and the cyst will give me no troubles. Thanking the doctor, we left. I followed the doctorā€™s instructions, I took my pill, ate healthy and did regular exercise. And he was right. I had no troubles.


It was only a few weeks ago that it happened. The pains returned, but with full force. I was out for my morning run. It was Tuesday so it was my day to run around the lake near home. Itā€™s a 4km run and takes me just over an hour to do. I was half way around when the pain hit. I dropped to the ground, screaming in pain and clutching my lower stomach. There were heaps of people around, but only one stopped to help me. She was an elderly lady, with long white hair braided back out of her face, and dark brown eyes. She had been out walking with her fluffy puffball of a dog. She got some people to help load me up into her car, and drove me to the closest hospital. The pain was still there but dulled just enough I was only crying. I was loaded onto a bed and after several scans and tests, the doctors found what happenedā€¦ The cysts on my left ovary had erupted and had done some damage to my insides. With quick preparation, I was sent into surgery.


My mother was sitting in the chair beside me reading her book when I woke later that night. Her bobbed cut chestnut blonde hair was still as neat and tidy as ever, her makeup still perfect and her clothes without so much as a wrinkle. But her usually bright green eyes looked dull and redden. She smiled at me when she noticed I was awake. Putting her book down, she leaned into my bed and held my hand.

ā€œHow are you feeling honey?ā€ She asked softly, running her hand through my hair.

ā€œSoreā€ I answered hoarsely. My throat was dry and I couldnā€™t move without feeling like my stomach was being ripped open.

ā€œIā€™ll call for the nurse to get you some pain reliefā€ She stood up and pushed a button on the wall behind the bed. Very shortly after, a nurse came in with a glass of water and some panadol. After guzzling down the water and panadol, the nurse left to fetch the doctor.

He was a tall, middle aged man with bright red hair, big blue eyes and a muscular build. After looking over the chart at the end of my bed, he turned towards my mother and me before pulling a chair over and sitting down beside my bed.

ā€œIā€™m Doctor James Isaac.

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