Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » journals... by Jess zitouna (highly recommended books .txt) 📖

Book online «journals... by Jess zitouna (highly recommended books .txt) 📖». Author Jess zitouna

chapter one

Chapter one:
Happy birthday to me. Kayleigh Louds. I've never had any luck. I blame it on my parents. I mean who has there kid on Friday thirteenth?
It’s just not fair. And to make it all better they’re making me go and stay with my great grandma for the whole summer! It’s horrible.
Let me explain something about my great grandma Rose. She was born in the 20's or something like that. And that makes her really old, so old that she obviously won't have any clue about Girls my age. She's probably got no electricity or toilet.
Uhhh, what am I going to do with my hair. If there’s no electricity how can I straighten my hair? I hate my curly brown hair; Mom won't let me die it so I’m stuck with the brown.
"Kayleigh are you ready for school?" My mom said as she came into my room.
"Ever heard of knocking. “I said whilst applying my mascara.
"Oh come on honey, don't be like that." She sighed. She sat on my double bed.
"Like what mom." I asked angrily.
"Look I know you don't want to go and stay with Grandma Rose but there was no other option I have my business trip, Your friends are all on holiday, and your much too young to stay here on your own and-"
"And want to ruin my life" I finished for her.
“Admit it you can't stand me. You know that Grandma Rose will try and make me like you. Cus you were... I was... she ... arrrrrrrrr "I screamed. I grabbed my bag and stormed out the room.
"Who does she think she is?" I shouted to my two best friends Lola and Carlene.
"Errrm your mom maybe" Charlene said sarcastically as she flipped her wavy, blond hair over her shoulder. I felt so hurt like she had betrayed me.
“Whose side are you on any way, some friend you are" I said walking away.
"Bye Lola, I’m goanna miss you" I whispered in Lola’s ear as I hugged her.
"I'll miss you more. And will you do something for me?" she asked.
"Yes of course just ask." I told her.
"Will you try to be happy and get along with your great grandma rose please I’ve got a funny feeling your more alike than you think." and then she disappeared around the corner.
I slammed the front door. The house was silent. I walked to the kitching and through my bag on the table. There was a note on the fridge;
I had to leave early. I’ll call later tonight. Grandma Rose will send a car tomorrow morning. I’ll speak to you soon love mom. Xxx
p.s. don’t forget to take the cat next door to Mrs. Finnegan xxx
Cat! The stinking cat! She cares more about the stupid stinking cat then she does about me! Well to hell with her then. I’m not going to take the cat to Mrs. Fishagen or whatever her name is; It can stay here that’ll show her.
Dear diary,
I think my mom hates me. She makes me so mad that I hat thoughts of leaving Mr. B (the cat) in the house all summer!!! But that was just the anger talking. I would never do that. I just couldn’t.
You know no one even said happy birthday to me. Not my mother, Lola not even Michal.
He asked me out last week, when I was at Lola’s party. I turned him down. I told him I was waiting for the write guy to come along. Someone that takes my breath away just at the thought of them. Which is true, isn’t it?
You see I had this dream that I fell in love. And everything was right. He took my breath away; he made my hart skip a beat. And that’s when I decided, I decided that that’s what I want. I want to be loved.
Yours Kayleigh
The phone began to ring. I didn’t care. I knew it was mom. Telling me to hand the keys and cat to Mrs. Finnegan (or whatever her name is) No doubt.
“Honey please pick up the phone. I know you’re still mad at me. But we need to talk. Grandma Rose will send her butler over with the car tomorrow morning at 8 am. So make sure you pack everything you need. Oh and don’t for get to give the keys and cat to Mrs. Finnegan.
I love you mwaa.
It was the answering phone. I ignored it; I didn’t want to listen anymore.

chapter two

Chapter two:
Beap.Beap.Beap. I sat upright.
“Oh crap” I yelled. “I have one hour to get packed dressed and to do my hair and makeup.” I said to myself.
I jumped out of bed ran to the bathroom and had the Quickest shower in the history of showers. Then I through on my blue jeans, grey boots and baby blue tank (with a cardigan).
“Where’s the suit cases” I screamed.
“Found em” I said to myself as they fell on me from the cupboard. I dashed to my room and packed all of my clothes, make up shoes, and hair extensions, Plus toiletries etc...
Knock, Knock, Knock! I went and opened the door.
“Yes”? I asked the strange man. He was dressed it a suit, and cap.
“I’m Miss Rose’s chaperone” he explained to me.
“Oh and I suppose your names James too “I said sarcastically
“No its Todd actually” He said dumbly.
“Oh how original, I’ll go get my things” I told him.
I think I slept most of the way. When I woke up we were no longer on the busy streets of London. It was quiet, peaceful.
Dear diary,
I don’t understand! Yesterday I couldn’t stand the thought of off going to stay with Grandma Rose. And now I’m actually excited about going. I truly am! It’s all this country air; it must be getting to my head.
“How much further do we have to go?” I asked Todd.
“About thirty minutes, we have to pick up Caleb first but that won’t take long” he replied.
“Who’s Caleb”?
“I’ll leave it to him to explain but he’s about your age” He left me to ponder after that.
I wonder who Caleb is!!! And what’s he got to do with Grandma Rose? He sounds what’s the word? Mysterious.
I’ll fill you in more tonight (if there’s electricity)...

“Here he is.” Todd told me. I smiled back politely, in return.
“Todd I’m sorry about how I acted earlier” I said as apologetically as could.
The car door opened. A boy about my age sat beside me. I quickly shut my diary. I closed it a little too forcefully. He looked at me and smiled. That beautiful smile.
“Hey I’m Caleb” He said smiling.
“I’m Kayleigh” I said smiling back. We sat in silence staring into each other’s eyes. His strange, mysterious crystal green eyes. I don’t know how long had passed it seemed like hours, day’s even, but only minutes went by. We were at the house in no time.
“Here we are then” Todd said breaking the silence. Caleb looked away. My heart was pounding like a beating drum.
His blond hair blowing in the wind as it danced around him like a ballerina twirling on her toes, his shirt was clinging to his chest reveling his muscles. My breath came to a halt. Everywhere became blurry. My head was pounding. I felt my legs go from underneath me. The last thing I remember seeing were Caleb’s crystal green eyes as he caught me from falling.
Gasp! A shiver ran down my spine. My eye’s shot open to see delicately painted flowers on the ceiling. Pink ones, purple ones, yellow and white. The way the colors blended together made it magical. “Beautiful aren’t they” I jumped and the sound of the voice, “Caleb did them. He decorated the whole house”. She told me. Grandma Rose. Her silver hair wrapped in a lose bun.
“Tell me” she began “how do you feel?”
“Oh I’m fine, that happens when I skip breakfast sometimes…” I began. The elaborate dressing table, a creamed colored piece of art. It was amazing. The stool was furnished with the most beautiful fabric I’ve ever seen, and placed on the top was a bunch of roses.
“Roses” was all that came out my mouth.
“Caleb bought them for you. He was extremely concerned about you. Why he carried you in himself.” She smiled “well I’ll leave you to sort yourself out. Your things are over there.” She turned to the door.
“Grandma is there anywhere I can plug my straighteners in?” I asked her.
“Any other time I would say yes but we are currently experiencing a power cut. And besides you have wonderful curls why make them straight?” And just like that she was gone…


Publication Date: 11-16-2011

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