Eternal Love by Leigh-Anna Evette (motivational books for students txt) 📖

- Author: Leigh-Anna Evette
Book online «Eternal Love by Leigh-Anna Evette (motivational books for students txt) 📖». Author Leigh-Anna Evette
It was strangly quiet. All I could hear was the rasping of my breath. I felt a stir deep inside my belly. My baby was moving. I make myself repeat the things I know. "My name is Crimsion Rose Belmount, I am 15 years old and I am 4 months pregnant." I slowly open my eyes straining to see in the dark. To my horror I see two bodies hanging from the rafters. One Male and one female. I try to determine who they are but it is almost to dark to see. Finally I can make out some distinct features and I scream. They are Kim and Jay Belmount, My parents.
The StartI awoke to the sound of my alarm beeping and the screeching of Cordillia's voice. It took me a minute to realize that today was my first day back at school since my parents were murdered three months ago. I rolled over gently making sure not to squish my growing belly. Jumping out of bed, I hastened to my closet to try and find something decent to wear. After what seemed like forever, I decided on my tightest pair of jeans and my baggiest shirt. After applying minimal makeup, I ran downstairs so that I wouldn't miss breakfast. Today I was having pickles and Ice cream, again. My doctor says it is perfectlty normal to crave werid things while your pregnant but I think it is gross. I was so zoned out that I bumped into Drake. Drake and Cordillia took me in after my parents were found dead, so I guess they are my new parents. I would never call them that though, other than taking me to doctors appointments and feeding me, they leave me alone. I grabbed my keys and walked to my old pickup truck. When I arrived at school I could feel everyones eyes on me. I steped out of my truck, trying to appear confident, straight into the arms of Greyson. My ex, and the father of my unborn child. "Hey Crimsion Baby" he drawled. Spinning out of his reach, I put my hand on my hip and glared at him. "I still love you Crimsion, come on listen to me" Giving him a nice long view of my middle finger I walked away. After a few steps I called over my shoulder "Close your mouth Greyson you don't want to look like and unattractive idiot in front of all the girls" Once I got inside I headed to my first period class. Math. I hated it so much but I did get to see my best friend Samantha so that was good. Walking to my usual seat I tapped Samamtha on the shoulder. She turned around and squealed. She whispered that we would catch up later and then turned and continued talking to someone behind her. Twisting in my seat to get a better look, I was shocked at the sight before me. I sucked in a breath as I laid eyes on the most heavenly guy I had ever seen. he was tall blonde and had peircing green eyes eyes that were now looking at me. I blushed and quickly looked away. There was no way he would ever be in my leauge. I was tall and scrawny with black hair and violet eyes" Not his type. I tried to concentrate on our math teacher Mrs. Smith but couldn't because I could feel his stare. It was unnerving. Our math teacher conviently decided to put us into groups of two and I was paired with Sky. He scooted his desk over and leaned really close whispering"Hey". I felt his breath on my face and I stated to tingle all over. I looked up at him and caught him staring at me. I tried to hold back the laughter that I felt rising up in my throut but couldn't manage it. I began to laugh. Sky started laughing to. After a few minutes I finally managed to calm myself down. Then I got down to business. Working quickly I solved half of the equations and waited semi-patiently while Sky finished his. After he finished I glanced up at the clock and realized that we had 30 minutes left to work and now I was stuck making awkward conversation. Sky however had already moved away and began to read. when the bell rang, Samamntha raced up and hugged me, apologizing when she squished my belly. Glancing at Sky, I contemplated inviting him to join us for lunch but Samamntha beat me to it. He agreed and we walked out. I expected him to walk with Samamntha being the beauty that she was. No guy could resist her red hair and freckles. Insted of walking with her, he fell into step beside me. I grinned up at him and though t "Oh god I most likely look like a complete idiot." Suddently I felt a stirring deep inside my belly. I gasped. I was having contractions. It was to early. Panicking I looked up at Sky with wide eyes. Seeing my panicked look he asked me "what's wrong". I calmly said She's ready. He looked confused for a minute and then realization sank in and he looked slightly scared. By this time Samamntha had walked way ahead of us and we couldn't even see her anymore. I shyly asked if he would take me to the nurse and then go find Samantha. He agreed. After Sky had left to go find Samatha My water broke. The nurse called the ambulence and I was on my way to give birth to my baby. All I could think about was that she was 2 months early.
Without a DoubtTwo hours ago baby Alexis came into the messed up world that I live in. The world where parents are murdered and people can't be trusted. She is so beautiful. I feel joy for the first time since my parents died. Samamtha had come as quickly as possible and had stayed with me during labor. Since I didn't have parents, Samantha is Alexis's Godmother. Drake and Cordilla came also. Everyone loved my little girl. I stiffened when I remember that she will be here in the hospital for awhile. They said her lungs had not fully developed. I hadn't even held her before they took her away and put her on a breathing machine. Luckily they put her bed in the room with me. I gaze over at her wondering how something so beautiful could come out of me. I jumped when someone knocked on the door. I called for them to come on in. I turned my head and took in Sky's presence. "Hey" he said. I awkwardly waved and asked "what are you doing here". "I was worried about you" he said. I blushed slightly and gestured over to Alexis's bed. "There is my beautiful baby girl" He gasped as he looked at my little girl."she is truly beautiful just like her mother." he said. I smiled. "do you really think I am beautiful?" I asked. He gave me a look as If to say I was stupid for asking him that. "Of course" he said. I thanked him quietly and started to drift off into sleep. When I awoke Sky was no longer there. In fact no one was there I was alone. Finally I was able to think about the events that had transpired. My eyes filled with tears and for the first time in months I wept. After I had a long cry I began to realize how difficult my life was going to be now that I had Alexis. I also began to really comprehend that I could be in danger. Someone had killed my parents and left me for dead. They would have realized by now that they had not suceeded in killing me and they could decide to return. I shivered from the thought. I was trained in basic self defense but nothing that could keep me safe from someone strong enough to hang my parents. I sighed and thought to myself "I am so dead"
Sky's View"Sky are you listening to me" my friend Rapheal said breaching my thoughts. "what, oh I am sorry" I said. He glared at me and continued with his speech about the protection of Crimsion and her baby girl Alexis. Rapheal and I were guardian angels sent to watch over them and to keep them safe from those that wanted to do them harm. The first time I met Crimsion I was completely blown away she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen and to top it all off she was human. Most angels were far more beautiful than humans, however Crimsion was superior to all that I had met. I wasn't supposed to see her like this. I had a job and that did not include developing feelings for a human girl. I groaned internally. There seemed to be a war raging inside of me. My resonable side said that I couldn't have feelings for her but the little man inside of my pants said differently. "SKY" Rapheal shouted. "Ugg Sorry I said" He grinned and asked what are you thinking about man" I glanced up at him "Isn't it obvious" I replied. He laughed and slapped my hard on the arm and then grew serious. "you know nothing can happen right" he asked. "yes I know but a man can dream" I sighed. "Now" he said "it is time to start developing a plan".
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