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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Bad Girl. by E Z (android based ebook reader .txt) 📖

Book online «Bad Girl. by E Z (android based ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author E Z

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Chapter One.

Libia's eyes were drooping as she pulled up to the school. Her long lashes brushing her cheeks with how tired she was. She knew this day would not be easy. The first day of school never is.

Her hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail, her school uniform messily thrown on. The night before had been filled with nightmares about this day, for Libia Fields was not the best at making friends. In fact, she'd been deemed the loner because she was just too shy to make friends. 

She was pretty, no doubt, with a heart-shaped face, long, wavy, raven black hair and chocolate brown eyes. Of course, she didn't see her beauty as others did. Who does?

If you asked a beautiful woman what she thought of herself - honestly, and with no embellishments - she'd tell you that she thought her butt was too fat, or that her face was too chubby, or that she had no curves or something of the sort. Libia, of course, wore makeup, did her hair when she felt like it, and sat at home watching comedies and reading books when she wasn't in the dance studio or studying. Every girl once or twice a week looks at herself in the mirror and thinks, "I'm fabulous today." and then the next day, they look at themselves and wonder how they came to that conclusion.

And Libia was no different. Of course, the eighteen year old girl had no intentions of making friends this year, as she hadn't every year. But as we all know, intentions are not always set in stone.

So, Libia entered the school, looking in envy at the girls with perfect blond hair and barbie doll complexions. Not knowing that she herself, was getting looks of envy.

She crossed her arms, trying to make herself as small as possible so no one would notice her. A trait she'd picked up from her shy ways. She wished she'd left her hair down, so it could shield her face from the curious on-lookers. Her mother, a boisterous woman with a big personality, had moved Libia here over the summer in hopes for a fresh start, so she had no idea what to expect from these kids, or who to avoid. She had no doubt that these kids knew each other, and that she was as much a stranger to them as they were to her. Already, she could hear people asking about her, hear the whispers, the rumors that had already circulated. Libia, even though she'd moved here in the middle of the Summer, had talked to no one in the town. They'd seen her walking the streets to reach her dance class, or stopping at Starbucks are her way back, and they'd created rumors about her. It was only natural that, since they had no solid facts, they'd let their mouths run as their minds wondered.

Some, although their friends only suggested it, took those wandering thoughts as facts, and passed them from friend to friend. There creating a rumor.

But I digress.

Libia made her way to her first class as the warning bell chimed, having memorized the map in her mind the day before. She would stop by her locker when she needed it, she decided.

She entered her first period, English Lit. It was a class she'd been anticipating to take. What she did not anticipate, was the teacher's obvious excitement to have her here.

"Ah, you must be our new student!" The teacher, Ms. Bakes exclaimed, her eyes alight with glee.

"Yes." Was all Libia was able to say, too shy to look up at the crowd of kids she knew was staring at her.

"Well introduce yourself while I sign the slip!" She insisted, taking the slip from the girl's shaking hands.

Libia's hands began to sweat, and she looked up, finally meeting the crowded room's gaze, before she looked down again. "My n-name is Libia Fields." She said quietly.

"Where do you come from, Libia?" Ms. Bakes asked her, oblivious to the girl's discomfort.

Feeling that she'd be less inclined to bolt from the room in fright if she only addressed the teacher, she answered, "I was born in F-France, but I grew up in...Michigan." She was finally able to answer, almost shrinking back from the audience.

"Wonderful! Take a seat, and Garrison will grab you a book." She said.

She was so relieved to be away from the spot light that she practically ran to the back, plopping down in the corner. For the hundredth time in her life, she cursed her shyness. It crippled her sometimes.

She looked up as a book was set in front of her, and gave a barely-convincing smile to the young man. He smiled back, and then walked back to his seat. When the lesson began, Libia tried to concentrate on it, but their were people staring at her, as if one look at her would tell you her whole life, and put their curiosity to rest. She found herself reading from her text book, just so she'd be able to get her mind off of their prying eyes.

"You look a little flustered." A female voice came from beside her.

Biting her lip, Libia looked up. She found a girl with curly brown hair and blue eyes, crinkling at the sides as she smiled at the petite, shy girl beside her. 

"I...I suppose I am." Libia mumbled.

"I'm Vivi Hallow. Named after the road in front of my house, if you can believe that." Her voice held a cute rasp, and a southern drawl.

"It's nice to meet you." Libia met her eyes briefly, before looking away.

"You're a shy one, aren't 'yah?" Vivi observed. "Well, you don't have to be shy around me, darling. I'm as docile as a teddy-bear." Vivi assured her, setting a hand briefly on Libia's arm before returning to her work.

Libia gave a shy smile, before returning to her work as well. 

After her first class passed without a hitch, she made her way to her second period. She stumbled through the halls as people shoved past her, finding her locker number so she could put her book away. 

She closed her locker, only to be startled when someone appeared from behind it.

"Hello." He greeted smoothly.

Swallowing a gulp of air as she settled her hand over her heart, she only stared at the boy. His blond hair was shaggy, but still attractive, his features defined and masculine. A strong jaw framed two perfect lips, and was peppered with an attractive stubble. He had a straight nose leading up to these deep blue eyes. Libia felt crippling shyness take over, as she averted her eyes.

"H-h-hello." She managed in a barely audible murmur, her hands trembling as she lifted her bag to her shoulder.

In the corner of her eye, she saw his lips turn up in an arrogant smirk. "You must be the new girl." He murmured.

As he spoke, Libia's cheeks burned red, and she tried desperately to think of what to say to him. 

"I am."

And then, with her heart racing, she turned and walked briskly away, fearing she'd say something really stupid to the attractive boy who, for some reason, took it upon himself to speak with her. 

Ugh, Libia you are so stupid! She scolded herself, rubbing her arms uncomfortably.

When she made it to History, pushing into the classroom unceremoniously. Blushing at the attention she drew to herself, she quickly handed the slip to her teacher. Mr. Gates assessed her for a moment, smiling slightly in amusement at how the girl stared down at her shoes. He decided to give her a break, seeing as her hands were trembling at her sides.

"Please sit down, Ms. Fields. There is a book on your assigned desk." He prompted.

Libia let out a heavy breath of relief and rushed to her seat. She refused to meet anyone's eyes, keeping her own trained on her desk as if her life depended on it. She knew that there were people looking at her, and she didn't like it. She had been assigned to a seat in the middle, giviing everyone a perfect view of her. 

"Ah, Johnson, nice of you to join us. Please take a seat."

Without her say, her eyes drifted up at the teacher's voice, and they met the hazel eyes of whom she assumed was Johnson. He wore a charming smile, and his face was the essence of masculinity. His eyes shined with mischief, and ran a hand through his shaggy head of brown hair as he approached.

Oh no. she thought. Don't sit here. Don't sit here!

 She had a sinking feeling that this cute boy was her science partner. Quickly, she averted her eyes, and as she thought, he slid into the seat beside hers, settling his book in front of him.

She didn't speak to him, opening her book to the first page to destract herself.

"Hi, I'm Johnson Braker. You must be Libia." He introduced himself, sticking his hand out.

She looked up at him breifly from under her lashes, carefully taking his hand in my weak grasp. "Fields. L-Libia Fields." She studdered.

"Ah, a pretty name for a pretty girl." He replied smoothly.

To Libia's dismay, she let out a girly giggle. Her face turned cherry red and she looked back down at her book, unable to speak. 

"So, Libia, how's school been treating you so far?" He asked her, oblivious to the fact that she was extremely uncomfortable.

"U-um, fine I guess." She mumbled, shyly folding her hands in her lap as her eyes flitted from his to the desk, over and over again.

Johnson chuckled as he watched the girl struggle to form a sentence, his mind already coming up with a plan. She was beautiful, no doubt. Naive, too. He was going to have fun getting into her innocent pants. All he had to do was put on the charm, and she'd be putty in his hands.

Having slipped in unseen behind Johnson, Damon watched the two from his seat in the back. He knew by the sly smirk that Breaker had that he was going to do something. He always targeted the weak girls. Libia was a prime subject. Damon felt pity for the girl, who would soon turn into Breaker's Guinea pig. She was currently speaking to Johnson, her body exuding a timidness worthy of a rabbit. You wouldn't know it from just looking at her. She was a beautiful girl, even with her hair pulled back into that messy ponytail, almost reaching mid-back. Her wide, chocolate brown eyes were framed with long black lashes. She would make a babe if she dressed properly. Damon smiled slightly at the thought, but quickly dissmissed it. A girl like that wouldn't come within twenty feet of him. Too shy. She proved that from the stunt she pulled a few minutes earlier. 

I am. Was her timid reply. The girl couldn't even look at him. And then she ran.

She ran. He chuckled.

Meanwhile, Libia was trying her best not to stutter as the cute boy talked to her as if she were the most fascinating thing he'd ever encountered, asking where she was from, why she moved, her hobbies, skills, anything and everything. He'd usually just recieve a one-or-two-word answer.

When the bell finally rang, she jumped from her seat like her shoes were on fire and rushed from the room, afraid that she'd embarrass herself if she lingered any longer. To her dismay, her foot caught on the table on her way out, and she went flying forward, only to hit a wall-of-a man. Her brown eyes clashed with familiar blue ones, and her cheeks flushed.

"Better be careful there, sweetheart. Wouldn't want that pretty face of yours to bruise." He chuckled, unable to keep himself from helping her out, he saw the alarm in her face as she tripped, and he wanted to tease her.

He was rewarded with bright red cheeks. "I-I-I'm sorry." She was stumped, she couldn't think of a

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