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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, thereā€™s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. Itā€™s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.Itā€™s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in ā€œfairytale love story.ā€

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Read books online Ā» Romance Ā» Full House by K. S (popular e readers .TXT) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«Full House by K. S (popular e readers .TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author K. S

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Chapter One

Parking my car in his driveway I turned it off then started to cry, it was finally happening. Crossing my arms on the steering wheel I cried into them. Heā€™s my brother and I left him, and now I'm finally back. Sniffling I got out of the car and made my way towards the front door of my brotherā€™s house. A sense of fear and anxiety washed over me as I stood in front of the unfamiliar door. I know itā€™s been 9 years but he has to forgive me, right?


 Ringing the doorbell the seconds grew long and my tummy turned, I was getting uneasy. Fidgeting with my fingers some more tears escaped my eyes, and then I heard the door open. My hand covered my mouth ceasing sound from coming out. I looked up to see Darrenā€™s best friend, he was also mine until I left. The tears only escaped easier as I looked him in the eyes. 


ā€œI-I-Iā€™m sorry, Iā€™ll leave,ā€ I croaked then turned around. Looking at the ground before I heard my brotherā€™s voice, which would only made my heart sink.


ā€œDarren, who is she,ā€ I heard Logan ask which made my heart slow down, he doesnā€™t even remember me. Turning around I still had my hand to my mouth and I sobbed. I ran to my brother in the doorway and hugged him tightly, I miss my twin brother. 




At first he didnā€™t hug back but when I said his name he hugged back strongly. Relief filled me to the core as I was in the warm hold of my twin. He pulled back then took my hand pulling me into the warm house. The door shut behind me as I wiped my wet cheeks with the back of my hand. My brother released my other hand and looked at me unsurely.


ā€œWhy are you sad,ā€ he asked quietly like he was talking to a baby made me smile, he always talks to me like that or did. It must be because he is adamant about being older even if it was only by minutes.


ā€œBecause I thought you hated me,ā€ I admitted softly, and sniffled up the rest of my sob so I wouldnā€™t start again. Logan walked past me before grabbing my brother and pulling him into another room, I followed them but didnā€™t go in. Leaning against the wall I listened into their conversation.


ā€œWho is she Darren,ā€ Logan asked once again, he sounded clueless. I could almost see the smile on my brotherā€™s face, which made me smile. 


ā€œLogan, you honestly donā€™t remember your best friend, you even admitted to me you loved her,ā€ Darren asked him, I blushed at the thought then quickly got over myself, he forgot me no way he still is the same Logan I left behind 9 years ago. 


9 years in boarding school, the worst 9 years of my life. I only left because my parents thought I was a bad influence on my brother, at the time I didnā€™t know any better and listened to them. My brother on the other hand begged and pleaded me to stay with him. Our genius parentā€™s thought that leaving a ten year old in a boarding school away from her family would be a good idea. It was because it was their good idea that they would not let me stay with my brother. Yet, if I had tried harder to persuade them to let me stay would everything had turn out different?


I shouldā€™ve listened to him, but here I am 19 years old at my brotherā€™s house in England. While returning my attention back towards their conversation. I heard laughter in the room behind me. I was unconditionally drawn to it, but I found myself stuck where I stood unable to move.


ā€œDarren, sheā€™s not alive get over it,ā€ Logan growled. I pulled my eyebrows together confused, of course Iā€™m alive.


ā€œIt was a lie my parents told you Logan, she probably leaning against the wall listening to us, why donā€™t you ask her.ā€


I gasped quietly and frantically looked around for a place to hide, however, before I found a spot I saw the doorknob start to turn. 


 The door opened next to me allowing Logan looked right at me as soon as he stepped out. Letting out a nervous laugh I moved along the wall. My brother came out of the room also only he was smirking realizing he was right. I faced the front door because I could feel the energy coming from it, someone was coming. 


Darrenā€™s and Loganā€™s eyes followed to where my eyes narrowed the front door. The door swung out revealing two girls; one was a pack member who I think is my Brotherā€™s Mate, and another beautiful girl. Although I found her beautiful I couldnā€™t help but question her unconservative outfit. 


She was wearing a tube top that stops at her belly button and a pair of shorts that could also be classified as underwear. Looking away from her, I noticed my pack member was already hugging Darren. Ahh theyā€™re mates for sure. I smiled at them and Darren smiled back, thatā€™s when his mate finally noticed me. At first she looked hurt, probably because my brother was giving me a comforting look but then the hurt quickly morphed into love. 


ā€œDARREN, ITā€™S HER OH MY LORD, SHEā€™S ALIVE,ā€ Kayla screamed and I winced rubbing my ear. She released herself from my brother and leeched herself onto me in a giant bear hug. Kaylaā€™s baby blue eyes that I envied searched my light lime green ones. Letting go of me she walked back over to Darren and smiled, a smile that reached her eyes. 


ā€œWhere is all of the other guys?ā€


     Her question confused me, how many people live here? Darren shrugged and walked away with Kayla. When I was alone with the unknown girl and Logan,  that was when I noticed they were also dating. 


    My heart sank and I looked over at them in a full make out session. Hastily I left the foyer and walked away to where I thought was the living room. I knew I made it when I found a giant flat screen TV, a large couch. and two recliners all of them were a light beige color. On the couch there was a guy reading, slowly I walked up to him and plopped down on the couch to be noticed. He looked up from his book and starred at my lime green eyes, they had that effect on people. I looked away then back, and he was still in a trance so I snapped. He snapped out of it, leaving him bewildered at his own stare.

ā€œWho are you,ā€ he questioned confusion lighting up his hazel brown eyes. It made me smile so I turned to him while moving along the couch. 


ā€œHuh, oh, Iā€™m Valerie Voss,ā€ I told him and held out my hand for him to shake, he looked at it then at my lime green eyes again. He shook his head as if to clear it then shook my hand. I pulled away my hand and smiled at him. 


ā€œIā€™m Nathaniel, Darren didnā€™t tell me he had a sister.ā€ 

He bookmarked his page then he put down his book, turning his full attention to me. 


ā€œIā€™m his twin.ā€ 


I love my brother, Iā€™m kind of sad that he would leave me for Kayla, but I didnā€™t care as long as he was happy, cheesy right? Nathaniel stared at me dumbfounded, probably thinking, ā€˜Darren has a twin sister?ā€™ 


Smiling I studied him, he had a light tanned skin and hazel brown eyes that could be mistaken for honey, dark brown hair but not exactly black. He was hot, I had to admit but for some odd reason no one compared to Logan. Just forget about him already, he has a girlfriend, my brain told me, but my heart still thumped obnoxiously at the thought of him. 


ā€œUm, does Logan have girlfriend.ā€ 


ā€œI donā€™t think so, why?


ā€œYouā€™re hot, why donā€™t you have a girlfriend,ā€ I asked hoping he would not notice me changing flow of the conversation. He shrugged while smiling humorously. 


ā€œItā€™s a secret, besides I just meet you I donā€™t want to scare you away.ā€ 


He then leaned back into the couch and turned his face away from me acting cooly. My smile dropped from my face and I quivered my lip giving it that puppy dog effect. Which is ironic, Iā€™m a werewolf not a dog. 


ā€œBut-But-But- I-I- yā€”you don- donā€™t trust-t- me-me,ā€ I stuttered and felt a tear roll down my face dramatically I stared at Nathaniel through my glassy eyes and saw him literally melting away.


ā€œPromise you wonā€™t tell anyone.ā€


ā€œI donā€™t have anyone to tell,ā€ I admitted in a sad voice then we locked our pinkies in agreement and promise.


ā€œIā€™m gay,ā€ he said shyly, and my eyes lit up.


ā€œIā€™ve always wanted a gay best friend!ā€ 

My statement caused him to perk up, his smile automatically brightened. I scooted closer to him and reached for the remote, grabbing it I turned on the TV. Once it was on I started flipping the channels, when I saw the adultswim channel I was about to click it but Nathy grabbed the remote from me.


Feeling betrayed I looked at him in shock. Looking at him in that ā€˜oh no you didnā€™tā€™ look he got the point and moved away to another couch and flipped the channels. I gasped and ran over to him jumping on him wrestling for the remote; I grabbed it and was about to run away with it when he pulled me back and locked me under him then grabbed the remote, again. 


Putting on my determined face I struggled to get out of his lock, as soon as I did, I attacked him getting the remote. I took him by surprise so I easily ran away down the hall holding the remote mockingly in front of him. Smiling at my accomplishment I saw I was in the foyer again, where Logan and his not girlfriend were. They looked at me weirdly, I shrugged and stared at the remote. 


What am I supposed to do with it here? Turning away I saw Nathy coming towards me and I ran around the table that was randomly set in the hall. I pressed the pause button at him and he gave me the same weird look from two seconds ago.


ā€œYou canā€™t pause me Val,ā€ Nathy pointed out on the verge of laughing. I laughed and kept pressing the pause button anyway. He started to walk towards Logan with his back to me and I found that as an opportunity and ran towards the living room, I made it half way when I was being dragged backwards. I kicked everywhere and held the remote closely to me, heā€™ll never get it. Dropping the remote I squealed, the remote! 


Nathy automatically dropped me on the floor and I crawled over to it, I reached for it but a foot stepped on it. Looking up I saw a Darren with a very amused emotion on his face. Standing up I looked over at Nathy who was sticking his tongue out at me, I did it back to him and he arched his eyebrow. I looked back over at Darren who was now on the couch flipping through the channels.


ā€œWhat,ā€ I squealed then shot Nathy a look saying ā€˜letā€™s team up,ā€™ he got the message and we walked back to the front room. We both sat down on the floor and I got a piece of paper and a pen. 


ā€œOkay, you get him to come after you by taking something he loves more than his Kayla.ā€ 

With an evil grin on my face I began to draw the great plan, Logan looked over the couch at me seeing the face he knew by experience, I never did anything to him but to Darren. He

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