Okay we've all had our crushes , we've all had our low times.with them I sure had my low times.Falling for the new guy was never something I planned for the beginning of my senior year.He made me start caring for him.I knew that was my down fall not being able to get him out of my head,even after he used me and no one did anything about they just stopped talking to me except for our schools bad boy.
Well let's begin this story from when it all began .
First day of senior year :
As Im walking down the cafe to school i cant help but wonder what it will be like this year.Well if my cousin has anything to do with it its definetly going to be the same.When i make it to the gate i take out my ipod and ignore everything else i dont want to be the centre of attention thats my cousins line.As i stare of into space i suddenly get this urge to yurn around nd as i do , I get a face full of paint.1,2,3,4,5,6,.......My therapist was wrong counting doent help it just fuils the rage.I cant see my attacker thanks to the paint but i do know this school and thirty five steps back and pivot and im at the girls toilet.Once i reach the sink i furiesly wash the paint of my face and stare at mirror.I dont care that my hair got ruined or that my eye might get an infction if not cleaned properly,its my sweater its ruined it was my dads and the motherfucker who did this is gonna pay.I pull i over my head smearing more paint on my face.Im so angry that i dont shed a single tear ,thats what dad would do.Dad?
I want to punch some thing but instead i throw the sweater away.Its time to move on, i guesse i had to at some point.''Youll get through this.look at it this way they helped you move on". I let out a breath i didnt know i was holding. When i open the door my cousin assualts me with a bear hug.''Im so sorry Quin i didn know they where planning this,ehhh,we should get you something to wear .your not at all presentable".I laugh at his atempt at making a joke.
"When am i ever presentable?''
"huhh!?Your right your never presentable"
I SHOULD BE GRIEVINGI went straight home after the incident and tried washing the paint out of my hair.It was hard but nothing changed.I lost my fathers jacket , my most treasured possesion.The only thing thats kept me sane all these years though come to think about it ,i havent cried since my dads funeral.Youd think the way im so attatched that thing i would cried a an ocean,but i didint i just threw it away.WHY?
I could list yhe pros and the cons of me owning ghat jacket.
i had a pieace of my dad every where i went i always felt comforted when i had it3.i got to piss of my mother
And thats it ,there are no more pros.
I felt guilt deep down everytime i wore it I got picked on because of it I was angry when i saw it Never had the guts to trash it Every stain brought back horrible memories He died saving me but they thought he committed suicide
There are so many negatives that it hurts.Youd think after three years the pain would be bereble but its not it just grew to a point that i locked it awayand never looked back.Now its come to hount me an taunt me the like the coward i am,and im completly useless against it.
CHAPTER ONEThe next day was the hardest day of my life .
Owen stayed by my side since morning but now im alone,it starts.
"Hey Quin how does it feel to be the geek of the school again"
"If you had a higher IQ youd know,by the way thanks being the smartest person in school rocks not like youd know anything about it"
With that i turn and walk awaay i dont need to pumble her until after school,not that she'd feel it under all that plastic.I need to get something to eat but if i go to the school cafe id just be making myself a bigger target.BUT.....i'll just have to endure it.Im no where near it when i hear someone panting behind me.When i turn to see who it is im shocked.Jack Miller the schools football team and i do mean our entire football team,he plays almost every position and is the star player.Oh no, Jack Miller's standing infront of me,this isn't good. I should run ,should i run but his eyes have me snagged.Their so green its illegal , damn he's hot but... DANGEROUS before stupid can do anything i make a run for the media center.
I cant imbarasse myself any more than i have.While contemplating my own demise and down fall i cant help wonder who was it........
What the hell just happened,i look up to see Jack waiting to take another swing.
"What the hell!You idiot you just slapped me,why?Whats wrong with you?"
Damn my cheek hurts i cant even touch it it stings,damn.
"Whats wrong with me more like whats wrong with you,you still havent tried to take revenge"
"What are you babbling about now you halfwit?!"
"There she is ,i was afraid they'd finally broke you"
Im half paying attention to the ninny standing infront of me,my cheek hurts so bad that i swear if i toke an ex ray theyd be a black hole somewhere.I wonder if i can use this as an excuse to go home.Yeah i have the bruise to prove it and id be exacting revenge on Miller at the same time,Damn im good killing two birds with one stone.
"Thanks Miller you just solved my little problem with just one swing at it, literally[i touch my cheek],it hurts like crap"
"What are you talking about weren't you listening to aanything i just said"
"What?Sorry i was tuning you out"
I wonder if i can skip school tomorrow with this bruised cheek.I smile to my self,i can even imagine sleeping until .....
Something soft and sumple touches my lips but thats not what steals my breath.Its how the world just seems to blurr and starts spinning,the way the persons scent seems intwined with their very life force it just swearls around me in a haze making my body complitly useless.I cant do anything my body seems to know what to do all on its own.My fingers trail up the persons torso from only the slight touch of my hand the person shudders and pulls me close,as if their not leting me go any time soon.
What the hell am i doing the person might be an extrodinary kisser but thats all nothing more , im not slut or a motel.
I need to end this...But damn, his lips are so soft.
The warmth of his lips disappear and for a fraction of a second im disappointed until i open my eyes to find no one there................................................................................ entire crowd of people just waiting to burst in my embarrasment.And the genius behind all this has to be......
"Aww,Tobias you where her first kiss.How was is Quin"
Amy she had to be behind this,i should have pushed him of me when i had a chance.And the pervet has the nerve to put his hand around her waist
"Actually i was her first kiss you just got my sloppy seconds .."
I had never been more happy to hear Jacks voice even if he'd just slapped me.The shock on Amy's face was price less she looked like she'd faint.She'd always had a crush on Jack and i have a feeling his words struck home......
"...Good thing you didn't have sex with her that would have been awkawrd!'
....I was wrong this ,this one struck home she looked as if she where constipated.Her face shrivaled up like a raisn and she was shooting dagers with her eyes,oh i was so skrewed.
"You bitch you thought your life was misreable before...."
I walked up to her mid sentence,my hand struck home,when i felt my fist connect with her face,"Shut up'
A nd with that i walked away,knowing tommorow was gonna be hell on earth.
God have mercy[yeah right]
ImprintPublication Date: 09-16-2020
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