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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Vampires have feelings by Kylie Golden (detective books to read txt) 📖

Book online «Vampires have feelings by Kylie Golden (detective books to read txt) 📖». Author Kylie Golden

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He finally said " I love you"

As I looked into his eyes

and saw his longing stare

i stopped myself from saying words

that would show how much i care

i put my hand up to his face

to hold my feelings in

i wouldn't say those words again

to show my love for him

the last time i had told him

how much he meant to me

he put my hands away from his

and told me to leave him be

i never spoke those words again
for fear of his deep fright

i thought it was the last time

untill that blissfull night

his fingers traced around my face

pushing hair away

and i was quite unprepared for what he had to say

my heart beat quickly, my head raced on

i thought that i might cry

he looked as if he might faint

imagine this strong guy

but i would never be more impressed

with anything he'd do

than when he took that heartfelt leap

and told me " I love You"

Mary Ann meets Damien ( Third person)

Damien Lowe walked to school, his head down, hood up. His I-Pod blasted music into his ears, and he closed his eyes, oblivious to the rest of the world. With his vampire senses he could tell where he was going, even with his eyes closed. He sullenly opened his eyes as he sensed his arrival at the school. He sighed and walked to his homeroom. As he sat down in his seat he heard snickers behind him. “Have a fun weekend Emo?” Nick, the guy who loved to make his life hell jeered behind him. Damien ignored him and cranked up the music on his I-Pod, resisting the urge to bare his fangs at the weak little human. He felt a yank on his hood and he hissed spinning around in a split-second and grabbed the human’s wrist, twisting it. Nick was staring at him with wide eyes and Damien made sure his lips stayed firmly over his teeth as he growled, “Don’t touch me again. Or Lord have mercy on you I will kick your butt.” Nick nodded and Damien slowly released his death grip on the human’s wrist. He smirked as he saw Nick’s wrist already turning blue. Damien hoped he had broken it. He turned back around to face the teacher just to see a new, beautiful, girl walk in the classroom. Damien was in a trance. From over here he could smell the faintest hint of her flowery perfume. He inhaled, smelling her intoxicating scent.
He shook his head to clear his thoughts. A girl like her wouldn’t want a monster like him. No girl on the planet wanted him, and that was just fine. He didn’t want any girl either. He was incapable of loving, or being loved. The teacher, Mr. Thomas introduced the girl. “Hi, my name is Mary Ann. I just moved here from Texas.” She said softly with a slight southern drawl. Well that was a big leap. Texas to California. Damien averted his eyes as she took the only available seat, next to his. He sighed. This was going to be a long day.

Damien p.o.v. **********************************

I was walking towards his second block class when i heard a lovely, soft voice with a southern drawl i reconized all too well. " Hi, my name is Mary Ann.. whats yours?" after getting over the shock i reply in a gruff voice, " Damien." she smiled and i could see her eyes light up. " Damien.i like that name." for once i felt myself smile, but it dissapeared as soon as it appeared. she frowned slightly. " I'm 14 how about you?" she asked softly. using an annoyed tone i answered, "same" she took the hint that i didnt want to have a conversation and she looked hurt and walked away. good.

Monster ( Damien p.o.v.)

I searched through the woods, looking for my next meal. i growled low in my throat. i saw a girl about 35 walking along the street. she was ill. i should end her suffering for her. i reached out and grabbed her by the hair,pulling her deep in the woods. she screamed and fought, but she was no match for me. i pushed her into my cave then felt an attack of counciousness. i whispered, " im sorry" then bit her in the neck.she screamed. but there was no one to hear her.

Mary Ann p.o.v.

I was walking down the street thinking of damien and his mean behavior, and i saw a blur of movement and a lady dissapeared off the street. towards the woods. i almost screamed but instead i stiffled it and followed the direcetion slowly. i covered my mouth as i saw damien dragging the girl by her hair. i followed behind them and watched as he bit the girl, killed her, and buried her in the cave. i felt tears streaming down my face.
then he turned around and spotted me. i yelped and started running. he quickly caught up to me latching his teeth onto my neck. i yelped as he dragged me into his cave. i thought he would kill me. then he let go , healing the bite. i gasped pulling myself to the opposite side of the cave. his eyes will full of pain. then he started crying.
i sat there untill he looked at me, his eyes red from crying. he whispered," so i take it you know what i am?" i nodded and he cursed under his breath. " you cant tell anyone. i dont want to, but if you tell i'll have to kill you." i gasped softly and nodded in understanding. " well..." i said. "awkward slience."

Stupid Bullies ( Damien p.o.v.)

I walked into homeroom, and without thinking i smiled at Mary Ann. she seemed caught off gaurd but smiled back, her face glowing with happiness. i cursed myself silently. the teacher called role and when she called my name, before i had the chance to say " here...sadly" like i usually do, Nick yelled from behind me, " hes not here! hes too busy crying to mommy how i hurt his feelings!" and yanked on my student ID. " Ain't that right ' Mr. Tough guy' " he yanked harder and it was tightening on my neck. the teacher heard his outburst, pretended not to notice, and kept calling role. no one else realized he was trying to choke me. excet Mary Ann.i gagged. her eyes widened and my fangs came, she saw them and nodded. i turned around at the speed of light,and shooved him on the wall. he screamed, as i kneed him in the crotch, and punched his jaw. i felt the satisfying crunch of bone under my knuckles. before i knew what happened i was dargged into the principal's office and was telling me i was getting expelled.i laughed in his face. all the sudden Mary Ann rushed in and exclaimed " sir i need to talk to you. please. let me explain. it wasnt his fault." the principle sighed and sat down. " this should be interesting to hear." Mary Ann sat down next to me and explained the whole thing, him choking me, the self defense. he finally sighed and said " All right Mr. Jaccobs your free to go. Thank you Mary Ann, You may stay. Good-Bye Mr Jacobs. with one last glance at Mary Ann i stormed out.

Hero ( Mary Ann p.o.v.)

Damien walked out, leaving me alone with the principal, Mr. Dupuy ( pronounced Du-pwee). he walked over to me, looking me up and down. he was a handsome guy, in his mid twenties, a shaved beard, six feet tall. he trailed his fingers down my arm and i frowned, unsure of what he was

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