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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Who's son!? by Natasha Estrada (best ebook reader for laptop TXT) 📖

Book online «Who's son!? by Natasha Estrada (best ebook reader for laptop TXT) 📖». Author Natasha Estrada

Chapter One


 Valiens P.O.V

 Father had recently called me to the throne room. I, Valiens Dark am scared to death since my father is the most fear in the underworld. Yes, the underworld and yes the most feared Satan. My father doesn't ever call forth me...his tenth son alive. I am to take over his rightful place in the kingdom, but I do not wish such a thing. "Young Master, right this way." Linnet (My butler) said pointing towards large oak wooded doors. Linnet leads the way towards the doors as my heart pound faster with every step I take. "Is father mad at me?" I asked him since I've been worrying. "I cannot tell you Young Master." Was his only answer and opened the doors for me. There before my eyes was my father and nine brothers looking at me with serious eyes. "Valiens, my dear son please take your seat and Linnet please leave us be." My father said with a firm voice, and then Linnet bowed walking out of the throne room. "Valiens, I need you to find a human lover. As you know we can only reproduce by the same sex."

    Father said looking at one of my brother Lucas he is the second oldest. Then he began to speak "That's right as you know I have five kids of my own. You also know they are from different partners. You can't fall in love with your male wife." Lucas said sighing knowing that I am the type to fall in love. I know it is something a demon wouldn't do but it's true. "But father I don't think I can do such things without falling in love." I said knowing it'll make him mad but I need them all to understand that I do not want to do something as such without love. "That is nonsense!" Zevid the brother closes to my age and also close to me. "Valiens needs love. You both know he is the most sensitive one of us all." He argued for me which made me feel loved at least by one of my brothers. Valcon the oldest out of all of us glared at Zevid and then at father. "You both sound childish! He is only seventeen. Why can't you wait until his eighteenth birthday?" Valcon said in anger since he was forced to have children at the age of fifteen.

     "How dare you raise your voice at me Valcon?" Father said rising from his seat. "Stop…stop both of you...I'll do it please don't hurt each other." I said trying to calm everyone down. I don't want them to fight over me, because it would be on me. "Very well, Valcon we will speak later." He said before looking at me "Get packed, dress like a mortal and then meet me in the portal room." Father said walking out before all of us. "Valiens don't mind father. He just wants’ to retire since it is a tiring job to be evil twenty for seven." Liam my three brothers’ said softly even though we were born from an evil being all of us brothers end up decent. "I understand...but Liam I can't be evil I’m too nice! I'll ruin father’s reputation." I didn't care about the kingdom and my father would. "Let's hope you don't" He said with the others nodding their heads before heading out. I went to my room packing all of my human things.

     Yes, my human things because it is my hobby to collect human objects.  â€śIt’s done." I said before heading off the portal room where I would be sent to the human world. It would be my first time to be sent there. Normally I would send my servants since my father found it unsafe for me to go alone. "Alright young master hold your breath and think of the location your father his sending you to." One of the portal managers said before turning on the machine. I thought of the location and held my breath. It began the odd feeling that rushed through my body and before I knew it I was inside the apartment my father set up for me and me alone. " sinful" I said looking at all the seductive objects on the wall and even in my bedroom it was filled with nothing that only sinful people would ever think of having. Such as a love makes me sick. There was two knocks on my front door stunned I walked over to it wondering who it could be at such a time. "Hello?" I said as I opened my door to see two young boys and an older one beside them "Hello! You must be our new neighbor! My goodness you are young! If you’re hungry come over!" The older one said as the two younger ones nodded. "Umm...okay?" I said and followed them to their apartment.

      The older male allowed me in what the humans call the living area. "Thank you for your invitation and mind if I ask where is the mother?" I asked knowing that there was a female around but not at the time. "Oh? My mother she is at work. I am taking care of my little brothers while she is working." He smiled as the younger ones sat on a thing called a sofa. "Oh. I am Valiens Dark a pleasure to meet you." I held out my hand finding the older male attractive. "I am Tony Summers" Tony said smiling which was attractive. It caught my breath and my heart beating like crazy. Tony is the one I want, but he is a taller more manly shaped than I am. Would that make me the wife and him the husband? I feel odd thinking about that now but he does seem to be the one. "Renie...Ren! Come here and introduce yourselves now!" Tony said patting my shoulder before heading to the open kitchen where you can see him do whatever he wishes. Both boys ran over to me smiling with big white teethes.

    How dare they snarl at me! “I am Renie!” One boy with blackish hair and light brown eyes said and then the other one spoke more calmly “And I am Ren.” The second one looked like the other but with a darker eye color. That’s right…children are not fighters here…they are too innocent to think of such things. “Brother! We’re hungry hurry up!” Ren said with fake anger. He reminds me of Zalen he is my forth brother. “Hey! Don’t rush me or I’ll cook your food wrong and let’s see how you like it then!” Tony said laughing a bit and returned to cooking. “Val, I’m going to call you that since you real name is hard to say. Anyways how do you like your meat cooked?” Tony asked me and instantly I thought raw, but since I am too acted human. That is another story. “I like it a little pink on the inside.” I answered calmly and he nodded accepting my reply.

   “What a wonderful smell! Tony what are you cooking today my little chef.” A woman’s voice came from behind me. I knew she came in by the why her scent traveled. “Oh? Who might you be shorty?” She asked a bit too excited. “Mom, don’t call our guest short. It is rude!” Tony got on to his mother about calling me by my height; which I don’t find offending it is true that I am short. “I do not mind. I am Valiens, but your son said it is hard to say so you may call me Val.” I smiled forgetting to withdrawn my four little fangs. “Oh what beautiful teeth you have. The four sharp ones are unique.” She grinned unafraid. “Oh? I never been told my teeth are beautiful.” I said and with a relief I don’t have to hide my fangs but I must continue to hide my tail and horns. “Mom, Renie, Ren, and Val your plates are ready.” Tony said butting into his mother and I conversation. 


Text: Photobucket
Images: google and photobucket
Publication Date: 10-09-2012

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