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Read books online » Romance » The Kara Project by Lillian Richardson (classic books for 10 year olds .txt) 📖

Book online «The Kara Project by Lillian Richardson (classic books for 10 year olds .txt) 📖». Author Lillian Richardson

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"Please stop baby please?" I hear my mom cry. This happens alot my mom and stepfather gets into an argument and he hits her and she forgives him, it alot worse when he drinks.

I reach for my phone that was sitting on the nightstand and called my brother Dyson."Hello?" He answered. "Hey Dyson can I come stay with you?" I asked."Of course but why." He asked obviously worried. "Calvin is beating mom again." I hear him mumble something to someone "What do you mean again has he hit you?" He asked obviously pissed."He started a month after you left and no he hasn't hit me but sometimes he calls me a bitch or a hoe." I explained "Pack your bags I'm coming to get you tonight and i'm gonna kill that fucker no one calls my sister a name." He said ."Okay and please dont do anything irrational." I whispered."All right see you later baby sister." Then he hung up.

I stuffed all my clothes in 2 suitcases and a duffel bag. I walked down stairs, and saw blood and broken glass everywhere, I peaked into the living room and say my mom and Calvin making out on the sofa.20 minutes later Dyson came to the door and grabbed my bags, I knew Dyson saw the glass and blood because his eyes filled with anger. It was a 15 minute drive to Dyson's amazing mansion. Dyson took my bags out the car and I went into the house, 5 hot guys rushed down stairs.


"So you're Dyson's baby sister he has told us alot about you, princess." Said a boy with blonde and brown hair, he was kissing my hand when my brother walked in.

"Back away from my sister Nick." Nick stepped back with his hands in the air.

"Sorry." He laughed.

"Now rules, dont touch my sister, dont look at my sister, NEVER go into my sister's room understand?" They all nodded their heads and I giggled. Then they introduced themselves, Damon had jet black hair and blue eyes, Dylan has copper hair brown eyes and a amazing eyes, Justin was really quite he had brown hair and eyes, Riley has blonde hair blue eyes and a mischievous look in his eyes. Dyson carried my bags up to my room which was purple. I couldn't stop thinking about  Dylan.

I decided to call my best friend Kira,"Hey babe." She said.

"Hey bae what you doing." I asked unpack my clothes.

"Hanging Tyler. Where are you I called the house but you're mom said you left." She said worried.

"Im at my brother's Im gonna be staying with him." There was a knock onthe door "Yeah."

"Its Dylan dinner is ready."

"Okay. Kira imma call you later, bye love you."  I said.

"Love you too."

I walked down stairs and joined the guys for dinner Dyson sat at the head of the table and Dylan sat next to me.

"So Kara do you have a boyfriend?" Riley asked.

"She better not." Dyson growled

."No I dont have a boyfriend." I said, I could see Dyson and Dylan smile.

"Yo Dyson we gotta go." Said Nick looking at his phone.

"Yeah Dylan since I trust you can you stay here and watch Kara just in case mom comes looking for her." He said.

"Okay." Dylan said , all the boys left including the 16 year old Damon. Dylan and I were sitting on the sofa watching 'Red Dawn' "So Kara why'd you leave home?" He asked.

"I just got tired of living there."I explained.

"You know you're very beautiful." He said.

"Thank you." I blushed.

"Kara I'm gonna kiss you please dont tell you're brother." He said and softly placed his lips on mine my arms wrapped around his neck and deepened the kiss, he licked my bottom lip asking for interest and I gave it to him.He pulled away breathing heavy ."Can we date secrettly?" He asked kissing my collarbone.

"I would like that." I whispered .


"Your brother will be back in a few minutes." Dylan said kissing me."Okay so." I whispered."If he sees me kissing you he will kill me." He said then pulled back."Alright goodnight Dylan," I said I kissed him then stood up."Goodnight babe." He said. I was in my room trying to go to sleep when a heard girls giggling.I peaked outside to see Dyson taking a red head into his room she dressed s if she had alot of money. I closed my door.I woke  up the next morning to  the sun shining into my room.I showered and put a hot pink v-neck t-shirt, black leather jacket and black jean skirt and black high heel ankle boots, then straighten my hair. I walked down stairs to breakfast, all the guys were at the table along with 5 other girls. I walked over and kissed Dyson's cheek, then took the seat next to him."Excuse me me who are you." The red head from last night asked.""Sara this is my baby sister Kara, Kara this is my girlfriend Sara." Dyson said."Hello, Dyson you never told me you have a sister how old are you." She asked."16. Dyson I need a ride to school." I said."I'll  take Dy." Said  Nick."Absolutely nnot, Dyl can you take her." Dyson asked glaring at Nick."Yeah sure." Dylan said."You are really pretty." Said a blonde."Thank you." After breakfast Dylan and I got into the car and he drove me to school. When we pulled up to the school, Dylan and  had a quick make out before I went into school.

"Well who was that fine hunk of Asian you were just making out with." Kira asked."Dylan my brother's best friend."I explained "How old is he." she asked linking her arm in mine, leading me to my locker."He is 19." I said."So how's life living with  5 guys." She asked opening her locker which was next to mine."Its okay, the all had girls over last night and they were at breakfast this morning, well all but Dylan, but Nick keeps flirting with me and putting Dyson in PBB mode." I said taking out my books."PBB?" she said confused."Protective Big Brother." I explained."

"Oh look its Asian invasion ." Said the head cheerleader China."Oh look its the neighborhood slut.." Kira said."Kira we look down on cockroaches like her, but you know what's funny she has a name of a Asian country, but bitch call me that again you will be lucky leave with your teeth." I said, then Kira and I walk to class."Kara honey violent much." Said Kara."Oh shut up Kira. I lightly pushed her."But wont you're parents try to get you back, you are 


still in there custody." Kira said."I know last night he had Dylan watch me in case my mom decided to drag me home by my hair."I laughed."So why did you leave?" she looked into my eyes to see if I'd lie or not."Calvin and mom messy relationship. But I really dont want to talk about that so shall we get to class."

Back at home the guys had yet different females making out with them."Ewww.." I said."Oh h..eyy Kara  I thought you had practice today." My brother said walking towards me."Mrs. D is sick so we cancelled." I said eyeing him."What?" He said as if confused."2 women in one day. Casanova." I whispered so the ladies didn't hear me."Ladies this is my sister Kara." He announced "Hey Kara." They said in unison.I waved."Very well trained I'm going to do my homework CYL.Ya nasty."(Catch You Later). I walked up to my room and laided down, and called Kira.

"Hey chica. What's up." She answered."Just the fact my brother is a man whore I have seen him with to different women within the day I have been living here," I laughed."To be honest your brother is hot no wonder he has more than one girlfriend." She sighed."He is not hot." I rolled my eyes."I wouldn't mind being his girlfriend."I rolled over to lay on my stomach."And on that note I am hanging up." I could hear her laughing."Tell Dyson I said hi." "Laters Kira."

I decided to go check up on Dylan. When I neared the door I heard moaning, and grunting. Tears ran down my face and I quickly walked back to my room.I can't believe this watching my brother and seeing what my mother goes through I shouldn't have let my guard down how could I be so stupid. I decided to forget about it and continue my homework which is due Monday. I prefer to do my homework as soon as I get it, so I dont have to worry about it.


I decided not to go down to breakfast. There was a knock on the door I went to open  it. Dylan was standing there with a smile on my face holding a place with bacon pancakes and eggs. I let the door close in his face, I walked over to my bed and laid down. Dylan opened the door and walked in and sat the plate down on the bed then he sat down next to me."Go away Dylan." I said turning away from him.He placed his hand on my shoulder turning me to face him."Hey what's wrong?" He asked with true concern in his eyes."You're a dick that's what's wrong." I said."Excuse me." he said truly confused."I heard you and that girl Dylan." I said tears threatens to fall."Dyson didnt tell you?" He said looking as to process something."Tell me what Dylan."

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