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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Kidnapped By One Direction by Crasanda (e book reader free .txt) 📖

Book online «Kidnapped By One Direction by Crasanda (e book reader free .txt) 📖». Author Crasanda

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Hi. I'm Natalie. That's a picture of me BEFORE I was kidnapped by One Direction. Hard to believe right? Well, after you read my story, you'll probably be like "OH! YOU'RE SO LUCKY! YOU GOT KIDNAPPED NY ONE DIRECTION! OMG!" but trust me. I'm a tomboy. I like them but I'm not a huge... what do you call One Direction fans again? Oh yeah, Directioners. I'm not a huge directioner. I'm just a person who listens to their songs. Anyways, enough of me. On with the story.
Personality: Sarcastic, Tomboy, skater, athlete.
Likes: Kickboxing, soccer, contact sports, blue, green, Britain, skateboarding and snapbacks.
Dislikes: Parties, Drinking, Doing drugs, Drug addicts, girly girls, make up, dresses, players, jocks.


Hi! I'm Trish! A.K.A Natalie's best friend! I'm so excited to talk to you guys! Like, I didn't believe Nat's story either but when the special person out of 1D came to her house and kissed her, I was like "OMG! I can't breathe! OMG!" I almost fainted. Anyways, we should really start telling the story before Nat gets really pissed off and doesn't tell the story. BYE!
Personality: Optimistic, girly girl, athlete.
Likes: Cute guys, volleyball, badminton, make up, purple, pink, parties
Dislikes: drinking, doing drugs, drug addicts, wearing plaid skirts
Fave out of 1D: Harry!!!!!!!!!


Natalie POV:
Okay. So the story starts off like this:

It was a sunday and there was a party being held at J.J's. J.J was the school's most popular guy and obviously, he had invited, only "V.I.P" labeled people. Being invited to one of J.J's parties was a huge thing in our school. So once you got invited to one of his parties, people considered you temporarily "Popular". If you went to one of his parties, you were considered permanently "Popular." And after you went to one of his parties, J.J just had to invite you back because you were popular. But if he didn't invite you back, you were on Page 3 of the school newspaper for the next three weeks. It was publicity but bad publicity. Sure, you would get attention from a lot of the wannabe populars but after a while they would dump you. Then you would be categorized in the "Weird" people section somehow. So what this has to do with One Direction kidnapping me you'll find out soon.
Like always, J.J had invited me and Trish to his party. Not surprising. Trish and I never went to his parties. Trish had always badly wanted to go to one of his parties for "experience". I didn't believe that. So all Sunday long like any other, Trish was going to act like a baby all day. Sh was going to keep on frowning and slouching all around. For me, it was a pain in the butt. J.J would keep on messaging me, asking if I was going to come to his party. And I would always respond with "Nop. Sorry! I have other plans for tonight." With that, he would send me a picture of a dog with puppy dog eyes. I would ignore him after that. The second place popular guy was Dean. School's biggest player. He was the guy with the abs and everything. He had a huge popularity battle going on with J.J. The only reason they both kept on inviting Trish and I was because we were somehow labeled "Popular girls". I didn't even know the other popular high schoolers other than Dean and J.J. Then there was the "CIS" trio. They were the actual popular girls and hated Trish and me. So we hated them back. They were invited to Dean and J.J's parties but there wasn't much gossip of them. Everyone was after Dean and J.J those days. After Dean and J.J's parties, nobody really cared who went to who's parties.
Anyways, so we were invited to Dean's party and J.J's party. Trish wanted to go to Dean's and I said "Okay." I liked Dean way better than J.J. Way better. That day, my parents were holding a wine party at our house and I had the choice to stay locked up in my room or go get a place to stay the night. So I called Trish up-

Trish: That is not how you tell a story! It's so boring!
Natalie: I'm telling a story not a fairy tale!
Trish: You have no taste! Let me tell it!
Natalie: Okay.

Trish POV:
I sat down and groaned. I had nothing to wear to Dean's party! What if CIS was there? OMG! I would look like an epic fail. I fell onto my pink and purple bed. I stared up at the ceiling. It was 8 already. All the stores would be closed now. The mall was an hour away and I didn't have enough time. Great. Just great. My iPhone rang and I checked who it was. It was Nat. I hoped she hadn't changed her mind. Please god. I prayed before she picked up.
"Hey Trish."
"Listen, you know how we're going to Dean's party, um do you mind if we come back if there's drugs and stuff?"
I wrinkled my nose. I hate drugs. I tried ecstasy once and I ended up in the washroom for the next twelve days. I'm happy god saved me from becoming a drug addict.
"Trish?" asked Nat. I knew I had held a long pause.
"Yeah. We'll come back." I assured her.
"Great! Um, I'll be at your house around nine. Is it alright if we go out to the movies if we decide to come back?" I could hear the smile in her voice.
Nat: You could hear my smile in my voice? I wasn't even smiling! HAHAHA!
Trish: Shut up!

"Yeah! We can watch Gator Boy III! I heard it's really cheesy." I gossiped.
"Great! Um, I'm going to do something now. So, see ya later I guess."
The line went dead. I knew I had to wear something to the party so I just chose the best clothes I could find. ****Check the clothes out!!!! on next page!!!*****

Party Poopers

****above is what Trish is wearing!!!*******
Trish POV:
I walked down the stairs into the family room. My dad and my mom were upstairs talking to their business partners and I had no other siblings. I decided to watch TV until Nat arrived. As soon as I turned on the TV, the doorbell rang. Natalie has very bad timing.
Nat: I do not! I simply like coming at the wrong moment
Trish: And look where your bad timing took you!
Nat: Just continue with the story please.

So I walked towards the door and opened it. I saw Nat with her usual serious expression wearing clothes-
Nat: So you expected me to go naked to the party?
Trish: Forget it.
Nat: Forget what?

Dean's Paaaarrrrrrtttttttaaaaaaayyyyyyy

******Nat's wearing that********
Trish POV:
She was wearing her type of clothes and she seemed to look bored. "Are you coming or what?" she asked annoyed. I just grinned and closed the door behind me. We walked down the steps of my house and walked down the street towards Dean's house. Most of the students of our highschool lived in two neighborhoods. And Dean lived in the one that me and Nat lived in. He was only a couple of streets away from my house. So as we walked, I made convo with Nat.
"So are ye excited to go Dean's party tonight?" I asked. Nat looked at me smiled. "Not really but I'm going to give it a shot." she said. I knew she was only trying to be nice. She wasn't excited at all. "What if CIS is going to be there?" I asked worriedly. "Probably at J.J's tonight. They're always trying to create drama and J.J's place is the best." said Nat staring ahead. I tried imitate her looks. How does she keep a straight face all the time? I laughed. "What? Is there a sticky note on my back?" she asked spinning around trying to get a look at her back. That only made me laugh harder. "No, seriously. What?" she asked confused. "I'm laughing because I was thinking how you can keep a straight face like that all the time." I said turning around the corner towards Dean's house. I could see the lights flashing from inside. Nobody was in the front yard. Weird. I always thought that parties were extreme- not like this! As we got closer, I could hear people. When we were on the top steps, Nat mounted

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