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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
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Read books online » Romance » Lost and Found Love by arianna baum (ebook reader for laptop txt) 📖

Book online «Lost and Found Love by arianna baum (ebook reader for laptop txt) 📖». Author arianna baum

grace stands under a street lamp listening to the scene play out before her. A younge man around the same age as her has abducted a woman and dragged her kicking and screaming into an alley way.why? Grace stands across the street wondering how she hasnt been spotted yet.
"Damn this bitch is making a whole lot of noise." he thinks as he half carries her into a alley way. He covers her mouth and bites down. It isnt until hes done with the woman in his arms does he realize the girl standin across the street eyes wide.
"great timing he thinks. im still hungry." he drops the girl in his arm and makes his way cross the street where the girl was watching him.
"Hello there." whispers in her ear. The girl still frozen from where she stood lets out a squeak as he nimbles on her ear.
" And whats your name?" he asked. finally she conquers up enough strength to move but when she does she doesnt take off running like any normal person would instead she answers him.
"Grace.and yours."she whispers back shaking off the arm he had put around her shoulders."really?"He asks and he grabs her and hauls her back to the place where he left the other body.Right before he bites down she says...
"yes and you didnt answer my question." Wow this chick is weird...or stupid he thinks.
"Alec the names Alec." As he goes to bite down the little Blonde tense.Something he didnt expect but this little thing isnt very predictable.
" NO." she yells at him. before he can response she kicks him in the crotch and takes off running as fast as her little can carry her. when he recovers he takes off after her.
"Man that little thing is fast." he thinks to him self as he searches for her in the streets.After an few minuets of searching he finds himself stuck. a group of hunters has found him and the leader has grace in his arms.
"Damn it!Give her back." he yells at the leader. he whispers something to the man next to him and hands him the little sobbing girl.Half of them head back to the vehicles lined up behinde them.The one man taking grace with them. Alec doesnt know why but he just can't stand the thought of them taking her away from him. He watches them leave. His attention was now focused on the leader and the few who had stayed behinde.
"now you seemed to have formed a bond with her didnt you? poor thing doesnt feel the same way by the looks of it."Barks the leader.
He seemed to be getting a little cocky now that he had his weapons drawn. Each second he took Grace was getting farther and farther way from him. So he shut off his brain and let his instincts take over. One by one each one of the leaders men began to fall leaving him the last one standing. Great alec thought save the best for last as he jumps toward him fangs extended.
"ouch!" he yells and blacks out. He could feel the movement of being carried and then dumped somewhere. He could smell the gas and ruber his best bet would be to think a car. Funny i thought id be dead by now. alec thinks as he replays all this thoughts until...nothing the only thing he could remember was Grace everything else was black.
He could feel everything they were doing but he wasnst able to see or move. and the counstant bumping into things was starting to get old. Pain at the moment was all he could feel ,the pin-pricks and burning sensation in his chest.But he kept fighting it the thought of grace gave him hope. Maybe they were taking him to the same spot they were taking her.He could only dream and he did of him but it wasnt him he wasnt a vampire but a human along side grace she look so happy... The sound of cage doors slamming broke him from dream. The pin-prick pain had stopped and know a new one began. The thirst was bearable now.
He wondered when they were going to feed him or if they were at all.he heared footsteps coming down the stairs off to his right.It felt like days before anyone came down to his cage and he was thirsty. the click clack of a womans heels began to come closer and with each step the sound grew louder.The sound and thirst were unbearable bu the time the woman got to the cage. But by the time she did get close enough he forgot all bout it. The woman bore a resemblence to his grace but were as her hair was long hers was short the hair wasnt the only difference the mouths were also the way her top lip proturded from her face was grotesque. Were as grace had the pouty lips that look oh-so delicious. he wondered if he would ever get to taste them.he was brought back to realaltiy by the woman. she had blood. and the thought of it made his mouth water. he would do anything to bite into her neck. The woman checked something across the cage then the lock on the cage and left.
Minuets later someone was coming again this time he hoped they would kill him. the pitter patter of these shoes were soft anad fast the sound of bells ringing came along with them. a familar scent hit him. Grace! she approached the cage in utter awe.
"Alec." she softly whispered. the bells he realized were keys. she was letting him go! he rushed out of the cage grabbing hold of her as he went and jumped out the nearest window slightly jostlying grace around he ran and didnt stop until he was in a place familar to him from there he ran home with grace in his arms. once inside he dropped her on the couch. she landed with a gentel plop. he said one word before going out to feed.
"stay." and walked out the door while he was out he forgot about the bundle he left on his couch and went to work to satisfy the need he felt for all these women around him. when he was done he burried the disater he left and headed home now remebering all that had happened in the past 48 hours. once he got there grace wasnt where he had left her but in his bedroom looking around.
"see anything you like?" he said as she walked around the bed to where he stood.
" yep." said said with a kiss on his lips. surprised as he was once he grab on to her he could seem to let go and the long they kissed the more he seemed like he was gonna lose her."what are you doing." he said against her lips.
"im sorry!" was all she could say! whispering against his lips, in his ear against his chest.the banging on the door inturupted them.Alec come on we heared you open up or we'll just come in Damon and peter yelled through the door. Holding to there threat moments later they were in the bedroom with Grace and Alec. Trouble starts then when damon makes the comment you have a snack. all hell breaks loose as he trys to explain and kepp grace hidden and safe behinde him.


Publication Date: 08-25-2011

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