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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » The One That Got Away by Danielle Martin (chrysanthemum read aloud TXT) 📖

Book online «The One That Got Away by Danielle Martin (chrysanthemum read aloud TXT) 📖». Author Danielle Martin

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1.

"Baby wait! Just listen to me! Pleaseeeeee!" Her sweet soft angelic voice was anything but sweet as her desperate cries echoed through the silence of the night. It was 3 in the morning. At least that’s what it felt like. Probably was later than that. But she didn’t care about the time, or the noise she was making. Considering her neighborhood was a white minority, the cops would probably be called if she didn’t settle down soon. But she didn't care. "Will you stoppppppp?" Her eyes blurry from her tears and runny mascara, she tugged at his arms as he threw suitcases into the back of his red expedition, not even turning around to acknowledge her. It’s almost as if she weren’t even there.

"Rodney, I love you baby. Please don't go. Don’t leave me like this." She cried, tears streaming down the side of her cheeks as she yanked at the suitcase he was throwing into the backseat trying to pry the handle out of his hands. He turned around, shooting hear a bone chilling glare. She gave up, letting go of her grip, her shoulders dropping in defeat.

She glanced down at her finger. Shit. She had broken a nail. Her shoulders bounced up and down as she cried hysterically. She felt weak. Like a damn fool. Unknowingly, she went into a daze, wondering how did she let this get this far? Before this night, Makayla had never been the monogamous relationship type. Her mother had always told her never cry or chase after a man who doesn’t want to be chased. God rest her soul but at this moment, all that mattered to Makayla Simms was her man. And there was no way she was letting him leave this easy, not without a fight.

It had been 6 hours since she received that text message from Rodney. It had been a good day so far. She had closed on this really big loan that she had been working on for months at work. She felt accomplished. Makayla was on her way home cruising in her new sports Audi, blasting her Michael Jackson with the windows down and the summer wind blowing through her 20 inch Peruvian hair. She didn’t have a worry in the world. That was until she received that text message. That heart defying blow. I know everything. I saw everything. You left your email up on the home computer. I knew you were a no good bitch! Her entire world stopped at that moment, music spilling out of the speakers but no sound coming to her ear. She stared at the text message for a good minute, horns honking behind her signaling the light turning green. Frantically, she dialed his number hoping to conduct some damage control. No answer. Showing up to his job. He left for the day. Going home to talk to him. His bags were packed waiting at the door but no sign of him. No surprise at all he went M.I.A and didn’t show up until 3 o’clock in the morning to retrieve the rest of his belongings. Now here she was, standing outside his truck watching him as he threw his bags in the backseat as if walking away were easy.

"Baby, will you please hear me out??? Please just hear my side of the story."

He turned around, his first time looking into her eyes since he arrived at the house. "What’s your side of the story Makayla? What could you possibly say right now to defend yourself? I read every single email between you and jchat96. And malefantasy21. Oh yeah and let’s not forget about MrDickGood" He shook his head. "Go ahead, explain." He crossed his arms across his chest, waiting to hear what kind of story she was going to come up with

"Rodney ... I ---" She tried to speak, but the words wouldn’t come out of her mouth.

Holding his hand up, he shushed her while shaking his head. "Just stop while you’re ahead of yourself Makayla. Everything was in black and white. I knew you we're spending way too much time on that computer. But I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I trusted you!"

Makayla’s head dropped as she became at a loss for words. He was right. Everything he seen inside her email was true. There was no denying or explaining her actions, but that wasn't going to stop her from trying. "I was not with malefantasy or mrdickgood sexually. It was just an internet thing, i swear."

He laughed, crossing his arms over his chest as he eyed her up and down. "And what about jchat? You were sexually involved with him right?" He stared at her, waiting for an answer that he already knew. Her head dropped even lower, her existence shrinking even smaller. Apart of her just wished she could disappear right now and hide from her embarrassment. "I already know Makayla. I know about the Comfort Inn. I even pulled up your bank statements to see how many times you rented a room there. I counted at least 8 within the last 2 months." Tears ran down her cheeks as reality hit her. He really did know everything and now there was no turning back. "Clearly, I'm moving out." He interrupted her thoughts, hitting her with what she knew was coming next. "I hope you can afford this $1200 rent because I am definitely not giving you my half anymore. I already talked to the landlord and he agreed to remove my name off the lease." She continued to cry, shell shocked. She didn’t know what to say. She begged for him to talk to her and now that they were exchanging words, all her sentences were clogged up inside her throat. "What hurts the most is not that you lied to me, but that you cheated with some random guy that you met on the internet. Was he pimping you out or something? I saw that he sent you money a few times. We're you selling your body to him?

"No" she shook her head. "In all honesty, he knew we we're having problems paying bills so he sent me a few dollars to help out around the house."

"Oh WEEEE were having problem paying bills?" He glared at her, his dark skinned complexion becoming flush red. "So not only was he fucking my bitch, he was help paying my bills too huh?"

Makayla’s face dropped into her hands. Seeing the hurt and anger on Rodney’s face pained her so deep inside her heart. She had a problem. A problem that went deeper than he ever would have known. But she never meant for it to come out like this. She never meant to hurt him.

"So this is it Rod? There’s nothing I can do?" She began to plead, hoping somewhere inside his heart that was still hope. Maybe he still loved her.

"Yes this is it Makayla." He closed the door to his truck, fishing his keys out of his back pocket. "Oh yeah and just so you should know, I was so upset to find out about you and this jchat guy, I went to my baby mothers house and I fucked the shit out of her. And she’s going to let me stay there for a few days until my new place is ready."

She looked up, her vision suddenly turning red her."You did what?" She asked, checking to see if she heard him correctly. "You fucked Carol??!!" she shouted, her blood boiling in her veins. He gave her a blank stare, obviously finding some joy out of hitting her with that low blow. The thing that she was most afraid of was right here before her eyes. His baby mother Carol had been trying to get him back for years. She was so desperate for Rodneys attention, she would do practically anything to get him to notice her. Makayla always felt like he placed he chose her over his babymama, and that’s why she loved him. But now, all of that was ruined. He gave that desperate bitch exactly what she had been begging for. "Why Rodney?" She began to cry even harder, but his expression didn’t change. It was true. He really didn’t care anymore. It was really over. "You know Carol doesn’t give a shit about you. She’s just using you. She sees that you’re happy now and she wants to ruin that for you. Can’t you see that???"

"Happy?" He looked around him as if he we're searching for happiness. "What the hell round here makes you think that I’m happy? Makayla we haven’t been on the same page for months. I haven’t slept with you in weeks. I don’t touch you at all. When I come home from work, I shower, watch football then I fall asleep on the couch EVERY NIGHT. Does that sound happy to you??"

Makayla began to feel her body shake in anger. There was no way he was going to make this all her fault. He definitely played his part in this too. "Rodney, I may not be perfect, but I’m not the only one to blame for all this. You have been very distant these last couple of months and you were beginning to make me feel very unwanted. Maybe thats why I seeked for attention on the internet. Because I was not getting it at home."

He threw his head back and laughed, ridiculing her as if she were a joke. "So its my fault that you screwed some guy you dont even know? Its my fault that you gave up your body for a few dollars and some new weave?" Turning his back, he walked towards the drivers seat, swinging open the door while climbing in. "Truth of the matter is Makayla," He stared her deep in her eyes, "I feel sorry for you. You have a problem. And you will never be happy if you dont fix those demons inside of you." With that being said, Rodney slammed the door shut in her face, leaving her standing there bewildered, confused and in a daze. There was nothing she could do. He was leaving and she couldnt stop him. She watched in silence as he crunk the engine up, the red expedition purring in the silence of the night. I love you. She mouthed to him through the window, hoping he would acknowledge her pain. But no response. Smoothly. he put the truck in reverse, backing out of the driveway and speeding down the street. Witch mascara and foundation running down her damp cheeks, she watched as he dissappeared down the street, around the corner, and into the dead of the night....

Chapter 2


"You wont believe who I saw in the mall Makayla! It was Rodney and Carol, and they we're shopping with their 3 little boys. Did you know anything about this?"

Makayla dropped her head as she walked past her friend Nya's cublice, trying to hide her face so no one could see her eyes we're swollen red from crying. It had been a week since

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