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What is Romance?

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Read books online Ā» Romance Ā» Perfection? by Katie (best color ebook reader txt) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«Perfection? by Katie (best color ebook reader txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author Katie

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Jessicaā€™s P.O.V.

It couldnā€™t get much simpler in my mind. Sean and I have been together since 6th grade, and now we are seniors. We will get married in the little church outside the city and find the perfect house, and have two adorable children that have my thick curly dirty blonde hair and his magnetic green eyes. It will be absolutely perfect. I donā€™t know how it couldnā€™t be. Sean and I will be the high school sweethearts that get married and love each other forever, because our love can only get stronger after all this time together. I know him like nobody else and heā€™s knows me the same. There isnā€™t anything in the world we wouldnā€™t do for each other. And I just love him, only him. Forever perfection, with him.

Seanā€™s P.O.V.

It don't get more complicated in my mind. I have been with Jessica since 6th grade. We were each others first and I think I love her. I want to lover her, but itā€™s not that easy, not that simple in my eyes. I met this girl this summer. I donā€™t know how I kept it from Jessica, but I did. Sammy. She is amazing. Sheā€™s beautiful and funny and smart and she gets me. Really gets me in a way that Jessica never did and never will. Donā€™t get me wrong, Jessica is beyond gorgeous, and sheā€™s funny and sheā€™s no genius, but sheā€™s not stupid. At least I didnā€™t think so. I have been hanging out with Sammy almost all summer, blowing Jessica off, saying I had to work or watch my kid brother. I just couldnā€™t break up with her. Not yet. Not during our senior year. But if I wait too long then I may never be able to get away and give it a chance with Sammyā€¦


Jessicaā€™s P.O.V.

These past couple weeks have been torture. It seems Seanā€™s working almost every night and the nights he isnā€™t working, he has to watch his brother Max. All I knew was that only seeing him at school was killing me. I would be lying if I said things havenā€™t been strained lately, but to my defense I have been adding more effort then he was. It was like he just stopped caring. I looked at our snapshot that was took earlier in the week. We were the senior years ā€˜It coupleā€™, well nominated, but we made such an adorable couple, that I know we are going to win, no problem. I turned and looked at my best friend Joanna as she ran up to me in the hallway, almost tripping in her heels.

ā€œWhoa now Jo, breathe. Now talk.ā€ I said laughing at her attempt to catch her breath. Joanna was honestly the best friend I could ever ask for, we have been best friends since the first day in kindergarten when I shared my lunch with her since hers had spilled all over the floor. And since then we have always looked out for each other, thicker than blood some may say.

ā€œI-saw-Sean-outside-,ā€ she took another big gulp of air holding her hand to her chest. I opened my eyes wide at her. I was more worried about her current health than in whatever she had seen outside. I didnā€™t want to hear it. ā€œholding-some-other-girl,ā€ Another big gulp of air, finally catching her breath, she took me by the shoulders and made me look at her. ā€œI mean it Jessi, he was holding her, and not in a way he would hold a friend either. I am so sorry.ā€ I was in shock. There was no other words for it. I nodded at her and shut my locker. Jo tried to catch my hand, but I shook her off, heading outside to get air. Not prepared, to see what I saw.

Seanā€™s P.O.V.

ā€œThis is a big risk, donā€™t you think?ā€ Sammy asked me as she looked around, trying to be quick to jump I knew, if Jessica came into her view. She was beautiful, Her long black silky hair and gorgeous electric blue eyes.

ā€œNah, you worry to much Sammy, I know Jessi, she is probably at her locker gossiping with Jo right now, come on, kiss me, Iā€™ve missed you.ā€ I ducked trying to catch her lips, but she twirled away just as fast and giggled. She was always teasing me, it never ended, but maybe that was why I liked her so much, because it was never a given thing, but she made me earn it. I liked the challenge, the chase almost.

ā€œBut Sean, somebody will see us Iā€™m sure, and besides, you just kissed me last night when you dropped me off.ā€ She tried to wiggle away when I caught her in my arms, but she failed and gave up putting her arms around my neck instead smiling up at me.

ā€œI donā€™t care who sees, your beautiful, Iā€™d be honored if you let somebody see me kiss such beauty,ā€ Yes, I got her to blush, it lit up her fair skin so perfectly, making her near irresistible. ā€œAnd that hardly counts, you barely let me touch your lips with mine, I wish you would really let me kiss you.ā€ Before she could farther protest I caught her lips with mine and was glad she responded so perfectly. It was more or less our first real kiss and it was like magic. I was suddenly aware of every single part of her that was touching me, the way she smelled sweet cinnamon and apples and how extremely soft her lips felt on mine. In that one kiss I was undone.

Jessicaā€™s P.O.V.

I sat there and watched as he kissed her. Sean kissed that shy girl Sammy. Sammy used to be one of her good friends, but once they hit middle school they each went their separate ways to different groups of friends. How could this be happening to me? This isnā€™t happening though, no I wonā€™t let it. I will just forget I saw anything. I didnā€™t see anything after all. There was nothing to see here. I turned around and met Jo at the door way. She saw too, god no please Jo, I thought pleadingly, donā€™t.

ā€œJessi, baby, come here. Iā€™m sorry. He was an ass anyway, at least now you can find a real man.ā€ I shrugged her arm away from me and looked at her quizzically, there was no way in hell I was letting Sean go. No, no no. He was mine. Has been mine since 6th grade. And things are absolutely right together. Perfect. No, I was going to act normal, like I hadnā€™t seen anything at all and Jo was too. If she cared about me she would.

ā€œJo, are you ok? Whatā€™s there to be sorry about? Sean and I are going to make it as the senior class ā€™it coupleā€™ isnā€™t it exciting. Maybe even prom king and queen. I just love him so much. We are perfect together donā€™t you think?ā€ Jo stared back at me with question in her eyes and confusion on her face, but I couldnā€™t falter, not now. I had to convince Jo first, if I could convince her then I could convince everybody.

ā€œYeah, yeah perfect. Really perfect Jessi.ā€ Jo muttered under breath and that was all it took for me, she at least partly believed me. Next stop the rest of the school. I had to place the perfect pretty little smile and be happy. Happy like my perfection was crumbling before my eyes.

Seanā€™s P.O.V.

After Sammy and I broke apart I smiled at her. She twirled just out my reach then winked and walked off to the school. I leaned back against the wall and sighed. I had to go in and see Jessica now. Had to kiss her. Had to hug her. Had to act like we were the perfect little ā€™it coupleā€™. In a lot of ways we were, but in a lot more ways we werenā€™t.

I started off slowly to the school and ran into Jimmy, my best friend, he knew everything and loved that I was juggling two girls, finally was all he said.

ā€œHey man, whatā€™s up? How are the girls?ā€ He asked with a grin. We walked toward Jessicaā€™s locker, out of habit really. I smirked at him as he winked at several girls in the hallway each one swooning over him. I didnā€™t get it, he was practically in love with Joanna, but never once tried to date her. ā€™Have to save my heart from disappointmentā€™ was all he had said when I asked him about it.

ā€œDamn dude, mind keeping it down, but Sammyā€™s amazing, and I havenā€™t really seen Jessi to much lately to know about her.ā€ I said with a grimace. Of course it sounded bad, Jessica and I used to be inseparable. Doing everything together. Let me just say it got old kind of fast once we hit high school. He punched me lightly on the shoulder and let his eyes go wide as he looked at Jessica and Joanna standing at Jessicaā€™s locker. Jessica was an image. She was in a tight black tank with a white mini skirt and her favorite silver heels, both the skirt and heels made her legs look amazing and her ass didnā€™t look half bad today either. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck. This was easy, not seeing her face. Once I did see her face though I caught my breath, maybe it was because I hadnā€™t really taken the time to really look at her lately. She didnā€™t wear make up, she never did, she didnā€™t need it, she was flawless. Her perfect hazel eyes, sun kissed skin, her thick curls framing her face and god her perfect full lips. She smiled big at me and kissed me full on the lips pulling me close up to her and I let her. I even kissed her back. It had been easy, several months since we had kissed like this. It sent heat automatically threw me. I pushed her up against the locker and smiled when she gasped, but didnā€™t push me away.

This was the Jessica I loved, the Jessica I didnā€™t want to hurt. After she had fully aroused me I pulled back slightly and smiled at her. She smiled back feeling just what she had done to me, pushing into her. When she pushed and grinded her hips all thoughts of Sammy flew from my mind, god itā€™d been so long since Iā€™d slept with Jessica. I wanted her right now.

ā€œWant to skip? Spend the day just us?ā€ I whispered huskily into her ear. She blushed and shook her head yes and I smiled and kissed her hard grinding back on her as she did to me. God, I need to get out of here, before I had her right here in front of everyone. ā€œIā€™ll go wait in my car baby.ā€ I kissed her on last time as I walked out to car, leaving Jimmy, Jo and Jessica all standing there watching me walk away whistling.

Jessicaā€™s P.O.V.

I hadnā€™t acted like that in such a long time, and obviously if I acted like that more he wouldnā€™t have strayed. Operation Perfection is now beginning. I smiled coyly as Jimmy walked away shaking his head and Joanna stared at me dumbly.

ā€œWhat the

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