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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » My Best Friend Boss 3 by Beatriz Costa (best 7 inch ereader .TXT) 📖

Book online «My Best Friend Boss 3 by Beatriz Costa (best 7 inch ereader .TXT) 📖». Author Beatriz Costa

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Mikhael woke up and looked at Ailyn that was sleeping peaceful, he ran his hand thru her brown hair, leaned to give her a soft kiss on her forehead and got up from bed.

Ailyn opened her big grey eyes and scanned the room still lying down. She sat on the bed crossing her legs and rubbed her eyes.

- Mikhael? - She called but no one answered.

She went to grab her phone from the bedside table and saw a note. " You were sleeping so peaceful that I didn't want to wake you up. I have to go on a business trip to San Francisco. I left you some clothes in the chair and William will take you home. See you in a week. "

- Is that it? You've gotta be kidding me. How could you leave like that? - Said Ailyn whispering staring at the paper.

She got up from the king size bed, walked toward a big black chair on the corner and grabbed the clothes. She got in the black training pants, a white plain t-shirt that was to big for her small body and her black high heels.


Ailyn went down the stairs and saw Mr. William standing there.

- Good morning, Mr. Smith. - Said Mr. William very politely with a smile.

- Good morning. - She answered embarrassed.

- Would you like to eat breakfast, before leaving? - He asked.

- Ah ... I'm ok, I'm not hungry ... you don't have to.

- I will take you home then.

- Thank you. But I can't go home I ...

- I can drive you wherever you want. - He said.

Ailyn smiled and follow him to the car. Ailyn asked him to take her to Mia´s house.

- We're here Mrs. Smith. - Said Mr. William while stopping the in front off Mia´s apartment.

- Thank you, Mr. William.


Ailyn rang the bell and Mia open the door.

She looked at Ailyn from top to bottom . - What the hell are you wearing?

- Can I come in?

- You can, but ...

- I need to borrow some clothes.

- You don't say. Where have you been? - Mia asked curios.

- I've been with Mikhael.

- Mikhael? My boss? Did you ...

- Well when I woke up this morning he was gone. - Said Ailyn

- Yeah, he went to San Francisco for a week with Emily in business.

- Who is Emily? - Asked Ailyn a little jealous.

- His secretary. Are you jealous right now?

- No, I'm not. I'm just curious. - Said Ailyn.

- You two disappear after dinner last night ... did you two?

Ailyn grabbed a juice from the fridge - I think I fucked up.

- Did you have sex with him?

Ailyn nodded her head and drank the juice.

- I stopped him a couple times but ... in the last couple of days I saw a different side of him and ...

- And what? - Asked Mia curious.

- I fell for him even more. And last night after we had sex, we here in bed ... he said he loved me.

- Michael Stark said he loves you? Are you sure it wasn't a dream?

- But he left in the middle of the night with another girl. Now I don´t know what to do. - She sits in the sofa. - And there´s Luke. I need advice. - Said Ailyn.

- Ok. They left together in a business trip.

- She has a crush on him and I know that you already noticed. - Said Ailyn.

- Ok. But that doesn't mean that something is gonna happen between them. - She paused. - Do you trust him?

- I don't. I want to but I can't.

- And more important you have to talk to Luke.

- I know.


Ailyn changed clothes and went home. When she opened the door she got a text from Mikhael. - " I heard you went Mr. Stewart house and not your´s. Take care of your problems. And by the way eat breakfast. "

- Hi. - Said Luke leaving his room.

- Hi. - She said putting the phone in her pocket.

- Did you have fun with Mia? - He started to walk towards Ailyn.

- I need to talk to you, it´s important. - She said very nervous, her voice shaking.

- What's up? - He said laid back sitting in the sofa.

Ailyn sat in front of him two feet away. - I lied to you last night - she paused - I wasn't with Mia.

- Ok, where were you? - He became tense staring at Ailyn.

- Do you remember last year, the guy from the coffee shop and the parking lot? - Her voice almost cracking.

- Mia´s boss? - He frowned.

- Yes.

- You were with him? Why? - He raised his voice.

- When I told you that I was leaving for a year, you asked me why I was leaving so suddenly ... I told you I left because was a good opportunity for me - she paused cleaning her sweaty hands on her pants - but I left because of him, because I couldn't handle my feelings for him.

- You were in love with him? Or are you in love with him? - He asked still staring at her.

Ailyn didn't say anything and just stared at the ground.

- Look into my eyes and tell me the true.

- I'm in love with him. - A tear fell down her face. She couldn't look at him. - I'm sorry.

- That's why you were always running away from me when I tried something. - He faked laughed. - How many times did you fucked with him while you were with me?

- I never did ...

He banged his hand on the table between them. - Look at me.

Another tear fell from her eye, Ailyn couldn't raise her head because she was afraid of him.

- AILYN - he screamed at her. - Look at me and don't fucking lie.

Ailyn raised her head and looked him in the eyes. - Just one time.

- Last night? - He asked angry.

- Yes. I never wanted to hurt you it ...

- Shut up. I can't hear your voice. - He got up.

- I'm sorry. - Ailyn whispered.

- Pack your shit and leave. - Luke ordered.

- I ...

- When I get back I don't want to see your face ... you better be long gone before I came home tonight.

Luke left the house slamming the door behind him, Ailyn buried her face on her hands crying her eyes out.


After twenty minutes crying, Ailyn tried to call Mia but she didn't answer, she called Mikhael but his phone was turned off so she send a text - " I going crazy here, please call me ". 

Aylin got up and started packing her stuff into boxes and bags. Almost five hours later her phone started ringing.

- Hey. - She answered the phone.

- What's going on? You're ok? - Asked Mikhael worried.

- I already took care of my problems.

- Already? I thought you were going to take your time. - He said playful.

- He kicked me out. - A tear fell down her face.

- Can you do me a favor?

- What? ­- She asked crying.

- Stop crying, I don't want you crying over other guys.

A little smile escape from Ailyn´s face.

- What are going to do? - Asked Mikhael.

- I already pack almost everything, I have to live before he gets here. - She said worried.

- What is he gonna do if you're there?

- I don't want to find out.

- I'm gonna call William to help you.

- Thank you.

- What's wrong with you?

- What do you mean? - She asked.

- You're being nice, I'm not used to it.

- Do you want me to treat you like shit? - She smiles. - How was your flight with Emily?

- I will call William. Have to go, bye. - He hanged up.

After five minutes Ailyn got a text - " William is on his way " -, and then another -  " She´s not my type ".


- Thank you. - Ailyn thanked Mr. William for helping her move her stuff.

- Of course, Mrs. Smith.

- Can't you just call me Ailyn? - She asked with a smile. - I hate the Mrs. thing.

- How about miss Ailyn? - He asked.

- I like that one. - She smiled. - Thank you. Drive safe.

It was already eight o'clock when they finished, William took a moving truck to be easier. Ailyn put her stuff in Mia´s garage for now, until she can figure out what to do.



It's been five days since Luke kicked Ailyn out, she been living with Mia and her boyfriend. Ailyn is been focused on her work, she haven't talked with Luke or Mikhael.

It was friday and Ailyn was the last to leave from work, she had to organise some paintings to a show that they were going to do.

On the way to the train station a car stopped and Ailyn sigh of relief when saw Mikhael inside the car.

- Hi. - Said Mikhael with a big smile formed on his face.

- Hey.

- Do I have to force you inside the car this time? - He joked.

- I'm too tired for that today. - She said getting in the car.

- When are you going to get a car? - He asked starting driving.

- A car, a house, there's a lot that I don't have right now. - She gazed at him.

He said nothing and just keep staring at the road.

- How was the trip? - She asked curious. - Did you do what you had to do?

- Yes, I did everything. - He took his eyes of the road and looked at Ailyn.

Alyn ignored him and leaned her head on the car seat looking out the window.

Mikhael reached his hand to Ailyn chin and turn her head on his direction. - Did you miss me?

- Not that much.

- Just a little bit? - He smiled.

- What about you, did you miss me?

- No. - He replied very quickly, his hand still on her chin.

- I figured, since you had your friend with you to keep you company. - She said with a sour face but teasing him a little bit. - I made a new friend this week at work.

He let go of her chin. - Good for you.

- The other day I lost the last train and he gave me a ride home. I should pay him lunch some day. - Leaned her head on the car seat staring at him.

- You do that. - He took a glimpse at Ailyn pissed off.

- I was thinking maybe asking him to come with me every day to lunch, you know , so I don´t go alone.

- I thought you liked eating alone. - He looked at her. - That´s what you told me.

- I lied to you, I wanted you to go away.

- Are you trying to piss me off, right now? - He asked angry.

- I was just explaining to you why I didn't miss you that much.

- I have you mine explanation.

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