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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Nothing Shocking by Me :) (best e reader for android .TXT) 📖

Book online «Nothing Shocking by Me :) (best e reader for android .TXT) 📖». Author Me :)

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Introduction (Necessary to read)

"You still don't get it, mom! Do you not see me suffering? Do you not feel the motherly need of helping your own daughter? Especially when she's holding your own grandchild?" I fell down to the ground sobbing, screaming.

"Gradnchild?" my mother questioned, "You got yourself pregnant?!" she sneered. "You are a disgrace to this family. Sixteen and pregnant..." she scoffed, "You just want the attention, don't you? Oh, poor little Kiki... Well, guess what? Not from me, not in this house, not under my roof!" my mother barked.

"If Dad were here, he would understand, he would help me, follow me, he would love me unlike you, you cold-blooded, heartless beast that I am forced to call my mother!" I hissed as I picked myself up and stormed out of the house with no where to go.

My name is Kiara Graves, Kiara means one with dark hair and apparently are meant to be extremely vivacious, whatever that means... and I am sixteen and pregnant, well... seventeen in a few days. People call me Kiara, some Kiki, Kay/K and others "that girl who got knocked up by Drew Savoy... But we gotta go back a bit, to before I had a bun in my oven, meaning a baby in my stomach.




S O P H O M O R E  Y E A R


Sophomore year, I wasn't popular, I didn't have a lot of friends, I didn't have any reputation that I knew of. I was just one of the nobodys, just one of many people in Lincoln High School. No one noticed me, no one knew me. It was just me and my friends. Hunter, best friend since forever, total fuckboy, but I love him. Nicole, not the closest person I have in our friend group but she's Hunter's number one contact when he's horny and is failing at finding a girl. Bryce, gay best friend, well, I think he's gay, we're still not sure... Honestly, He's not our best friend. He's a recent add to our group, just moved to town from France, he was born here but moved when he was young and complicated bullshit like that. And last but not least, Sophie, she's my best friend, my sister, my twin, my other half.

Yup, the start of sophomore year was just us five teenage kids, goofing around, minding their own business, not getting into too much trouble and living our lives. Well, until that one Thurday afternoon on my way to Chemistry class.



I. To my surprise

It was about early March, on a breezy, yet sunny day outside. I had just left my locker and split up with my friends to go to class. I had then realized that I had grabbed my Biology textbook instead of Chemistry and rushed back to my locker in order to get to class on time. Unforunately, on the way, I seemed to have walked into a wall as I was looking down at my mistakely taken Biology textbook. 

My ass hit the ground as a small 'umph' sputtered out from my plump, pink lips. As I looked away from my Biology book, I soon realized a pair of Nike shoes were placed in front of me. As I looked up, following the feet, to the legs, to the stomach, to the hands, to the arms, to the neck, and then to the face, his face. 

"Woah, watch where you're going." he said looking down at me. I avoided eye contact by picking up the few things I had dropped. Once I looked up again, he was gone, out of sight.

I quickly got to my locker and went to Chemistry class. I knocked on the door and excused myself for my tardiness. "Since you and Mr. Savoy here both wish to arrive late to my class, you may seat youselves in the back and try your best to catch up in today's experiment." the teacher annouced, "Well, then, go on."

I closed the door behind me and walked to the last table in the back of the classroom, next to him, the guy who I had just bumped into a few seconds earlier, Drew Savoy. Football team captain, quaterback, hot, asshole, fuckboy, but of course, all us girls want him, bad.

"Hey there," he grinned as I sat down into the empty seat next to him. 

"Hey." I replied harsh and dull.

"Well, okay then..." he murmured off. I tried looking at all the other tables to see what they were doing so that I wouldn't fail today's experiment. I finally managed to understand the work that needed to be done and started. With only 15 minutes left, I knew it wouldn't be possible to finish by myself. I needed a useful chem partner but unfortunately for me, all I had was Drew Savoy.

"Need some help?" he asked me, just watching me work my ass off.

"No, no, everything's fine. I definitely do not need your help." I demanded. He shut his mouth for a while and continued watching me, so closely, it felt as if he were waiting for me to screw up.

"Why do you look so familiar? Why do I feel like, I don't know, like I just saw you a moment ago?" he questioned and seemed to be asking himself.

"Uh, maybe you just so rudely walked into me and made me fall on my ass earlier and didn't bother to help." I sassed at him.

"Woah, that was you? Haha. Whoops, hadn't realized, my bad..." he said uncaringly, "But, for your information, you're the one who bumped into me."

"Whatever Savoy..." I sighed not giving the slightest fuck in the world.

"Are you sure you don't need my help? You can just ask for it." he added.

"No, I don't need your help. Leave me alone, and let me concentrate." I exclaimed

"Okay, fine... Just tell me when you need me." he teased with a smirk on his face. I continued working but soon enough I needed another set of hands to finish the experiment. 

"C'mon, I know you need my help. Just say it..." he teased.

"I will not." I assured.

"Okay, fine... Then, we'll both fail today's experiment and it'll be on you." he stated.

"Ugh, fuck me." I muttered. "Could you help me?" I murmured annoyed.

"What? I didn't hear you." he teased along.

"Drew Savoy, would you please help me finish our experiment?" I replied angered and annoyed.

"Your wish is my command." he snickered and with that, he helped me finish the work without even asking what to do. He already knew how to do it all, I was shocked...

II. Unexpected

The day ended before I knew it, I was shutting my locker and I was waiting for my friends until I spot Drew Savoy. He was walking towards me, looking down at his phone, texting. I slipped my phone out of my pocket and pretended to be texting some friends, instead of standing there staring at him.

He got closer and closer, I pretended to not realize his presence. I lifted my eyes, as did he. He smirked at the sight of me watching him and walked straight past me. Then, I realized, he wasn't walking towards me but actually walking out the school's main door.

My friends appeared in a matter of seconds...

We had planned to go chill at the mall, grab some ice cream or something but I decided to bail on them and go home, without explanation. Sophie (best friend) and Hunter (fuckboi best friend since forever) both assured me to call them if something was wrong or if I needed to talk. Although, Hunter's offer seemed to be less sincere.

I got into my car and drove home. I don't even know why I bailed on today's afterschool plans... What's going on?

I got home and was greeted oh-so-graciously by my mother.

"What are you doing home? Aren't you supposed to be at school?" she exclaims as I walk in.

"Uh, no... School ended about 45 minutes ago." I replied dully. "Hey there new guy." I add addressing myself towards the guy who was underneath my mom, yes, I had just walked in with her about to have sex with this guy. My mom isn't even young, and hot, she's like 45 years old and is working all the time. I don't know where these guys come from.

My dad died a few years back, I miss him everyday. I loved him more than mom, I was such a daddy's girl and everyone in the family knew it. Mom hasn't been the same since. She's always at work or says she is but actually, she's at some guy's house. She never bothers to care about me, she hands me money when necessary, she lets me have friends over whenever I catch her doing something wrong or if she's busy, so in general, she's not that much of a pain in my ass. Only when she's actually in my presence, such as now.

"Don't you have some friends to be with? Or a boyfriend?" she sneers at me.

"I do have friends, for your information, but I will be in my room." I snapped back and ran upstairs to my room. I collasped onto my bed after throwing my bag accross my bedroom. I closed my eyes and laid on my back in starfish position. I stared at the ceiling...

"Why did I bail? Well, I know why... but that's not a reason. That has nothing to do with anything. There is nothing happening there. It's not even a subject of discussion." I muttered to myself, "Stop talking to yourself, weirdo." I mumbled, "Drew Savoy, what have you done to me?"




[: New book! First two chapters! It's been a while since I've posted a new book, I've been working on this one a while. I already have the next few chapters ready to go, but I'm gonna wait for some feedback, and hope all goes well... Hope you like it so far! Leave a comment good or bad, I'm all ears, favorite if you like it so far, and the rest will be coming soon! :]

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