The Heart Sister by Renee (reading the story of the TXT) 📖

- Author: Renee
Book online «The Heart Sister by Renee (reading the story of the TXT) 📖». Author Renee
"Diamond thank you for slap the shit out of that slut for me."
"Everything for you sister."
Let me start from the beginning, By the way my name is Crystal Heart. Diamond and I are twin sisters.
Okay back to the story about my sister slap a slut. Diamond and I is on are way to the hottest club in Japan called the underground.
Its a couple of days until Diamond and I birthday we is so happy are parents is on business in New York but they said they have a surprise for us when the come back.
So Diamond and I seek away from are bodyguards and to the underground it not call a club its a new thing in Japan.
Diamond and I walk in the underground and this club was popping.
"This is are time to shine Crystal."
"I know now lets show these fools how to dance."
Diamond and I was in Japan for dance camp. After are birthday Diamond and I is going to Hawaii to this boarding school call Degassed I know a school in Canada. But some idea burn that school down and the rich parents put they money together to build it in Hawaii. Its my Junior year.
"Crystal stop thinking and let dance."
The song by Beyonce Dance for me came on and Diamond and I flow the beat. We was the hottest things on the dance floor. Then a slow song came on and I feel some strong hands on my wrist. I turned around to a hot ass guy. He look older than me but who's cares.
"So what your name stanger."
"Kandell sweetheart."
"Kandell hm nice name."
"Where are my manners and your name is."
"Crystal is a pretty name."
"Hey cutie you want to dance."
"No thanks."
"You the only good looking guy in here."
"Sorry I am dance with a girl right now."
"She don't look like much."
"Are you talking to me."
"Yes bitch I am talking to you."
"Now wait a min I don't call you names."
"whatever so cutie are you going to dance with me are what."
"No get lost I don't dance with up tie girls."
Danm I don't want be in the middle of this sence here. But this bitch asking for it. THe DJ cut the music off and everybody in the club is stare at us fight and shout.
"Earth to bitch."
"Now hold up bitch."
"You heard me if the man don't want to dance with you go find somebody eles okay."
"No I like what I see and I want him."
"Bitch this is life you can get what you see all the time."
"You know all I heard was bh bh bh bh."
"Crystal is everything okay over here."
"Ya It okay."
"So you call yo sister over here I can get back up to."
"Now Girl there no need for fighting."
"Yes it is she call me out my name."
"You did it frist and bring it on."
"No fighting."
I don't what came over me. This girl was calling me out and this find guy was like no fighting.
(A/N: My bad about this chapter it delete it self but i am fix it now okay)
chapter 3: Junior Year has Start
After Diamond and I party was so much fun. Three days after are partied. Mommy and Daddy send us to Hawaii for school. We had a nice apartment there. Before class started Diamond, and I went down to the beach and meet. These guys one name Chris and some girls one was Taylor. We are good friends fast.
The next morning I wake up at 5:30am to get ready for class. I take a shower and put some designer clothes on and went to Diamond's room, and she was up already. We just made bacon and eggs.
Diamond and I have 1-6 period together but are seven periods was different it was wired cause, we always have all are class together. My first day was great until seven periods. I have lunch with my sister and Taylor and her friends and Chris. Dec had are lunch period to.
=Crystal POV=
I walk in AP History, and I had this strange feeling that my mate was close. I sit down in the back,of the class and Chris walk in and Shawn did too. Then my worst nightmare walked in. Kendall I can't believe he is my teacher. I think he, my mate also. Can this get any worst?
=Kendall POV=
I walk into my class room, and I can feel this strange feeling it was like the feeling I had when I was with Crystal. I look around my class, and I can't believe my eyes Crystal sitting in my class. She tired to hide from me. I saw this guy looking at her. My wolf started to come out, but I hold it in. Finely, she back in my life and I am letting her go again.
=Diamond POV=
I walk in AP chemistry. I feel kind of sad that my sister is not here with me. As I sit down in the back, Romeo and Dec walk in. Then the teacher walks in. He was wearing glasses. I realize it was Kyle. I tired my hardest not to draw attend to me. Can this get any worst ? O yes it can cause Kyle is my mate.
=Kyle POV=
Soon I walk in my class. I feel this strange energy the same energy I felt when I was with Diamond. I take off my glasses and look around my class there she was in my class in my life. That why she left the way she did cause of are ages different. However, I don't care I will tired my hardest to be with her. I had to talk to her but not now.
=Crystal POV=
After Kendall tell us to take are lab tops out i message my sister right away. Kendall don't looked the same as he do that night in Japan. He was a normal teacher he wear a suite and had black hair and he look boarding. However, I know it. I wish it don't have to happen this way. Be here he is again and I don't think I can stay away from him. I just message Diamond.
Me: Guess who here
Diamond: Kendall
Me: How you Know
Diamond: cause Kyle is my chemistry teacher
Me: For real
end of message cause Kendall come behind me.
"Miss what is your name."
Then he act like he don't know my name. This was bad.
"Crystal Heart."
"will do you think my class is boarding cause i see you message your friend do you want me to band you for use your lab top and go back to pen and paper."
"No sir i am sorry."
"Thank for you apologize but i have to give you a detention."
"What can you just give me a warning it is the first day please i never got a detention in my life please don't put it on my files"
"will you broke a rule so NO."
I really hate Kendall now.
=Diamond POV=
Crystal's stop message me. I need her cause Kyle kept looking at me every chance he got. Kyle ever made the whole-class stand up and tell a little about then self.
"Is there a problem Miss?"
I look up and he was standing right next to me and i feel my heart heat up like fire. Then his eyes look at me brown eyes had me melting like crazy. Kyle repeat his self
"what is your name Miss by the way."
Wow did I just stand up in front of the whole class and said my name and he forgot that fast.
"Diamond Heart and No sir every thing is find."
"Will i can see you was to busy message somebody and no pay attend to my class do you want to use pen and paper."
"No sir i am so sorry i was have a emergency and i had to message my sister i am again sorry."
"will you can talk to her after you get out of my detention."
"What no please i never got a detention in my life can you just give me a warning i am sorry."
"Sorry Miss Heart but i can't do that see you in class 104 for my detention."
I official hate Kyle for doing this to me.
(A/N: To the people who read the old heart sister I can't think what should come next and with way it going to be good. Hope you like it thank for understand my changes thank you
=Crystal POV=
Class was going slow as hell. It was really hard to be in class when Kendall keeps giving me looks. His eyes say why his body says , come to me Crystal.
I had to get out of here and fast.
"Ms. Heart what the answer to my question."
"Mr. Kendall I don't feel so good can I go to the nurse."
Ever know he could tell I was lying cause mates and tell when the other one is hurting.
"I don't think you're sick Ms. Heart."
I had to take it to a whole different level to get out of this class.
"Will I am on my monthly, and my stomach hurt really bad."
Kendall gives me are you for real look.
So he don't have no choose but to write me a pass. Cause he thought that I was serious cause I just embarrass myself in front of the whole class by saying that.
I got my pass from Kendall I tired to walk out. But I heard Kendall saying something to me.
"Ms. Heart can I
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