Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » You changed my world by J J (good books for 8th graders .txt) 📖

Book online «You changed my world by J J (good books for 8th graders .txt) 📖». Author J J

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Chapter 1 - My college day

this was another fresh morning, with the bird chirps mildly reaching my ear drums. I thought i should have closed my curtains in my rooms windows. 'Ughhh' with the slight growl i wake up, rubbing my eyes and looking into my pale palms. Moving towards the window, i could see the street where my little house is located and could view the kids moving around and few cars getting roared to move to the destination of the ones driving them towards the busy roads of California. Yeah we stayed in the outskirts but ofcourse i loved my colony.

'Liiiiissaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' that was mom.. whoa man she screams like anything.. like she never needs a microphone while talking from 10 miles away.

'get ready now. Its already late. why are you not like your dad .. being punctual'. she always says that.

Of course my dad Jonathan he handles our small real estate busness and deals. my mom always keep complaining but only to make sure am getting things rite. My dad supports me

'Come on Moana, she knows, she is of age, and she is moving to college, Lisa can handle herself. You should not be so Rude to teenagers' dad winks at mom as i go and give him a morning kiss on the cheek and we both held or thumbs up.

'U both always make me a dumb one' with her back to us.

She was right, i should correct few things as am now getting to my new college .. first day of my college.

I went to my own bath room and saw my reflection, good round face, with blonde white hair, little curles at the end, leaf like eyes with blue eyes, of course my body exactly the shape of hour glass slim and tic.

I smiled at my reflection and gave a slight hit and thought, ' Come on Lisa , get ready'


I quickly grabbed my skinny light blue shaded jeans and a white shirt which i brought recently. little mascara, light pink gloss, which always suits me to look elegant , simple and hot.

i pushed all my books, iphone, and necessary personal things into my back bag and came running down, and saw my mom standing down ready with my apple juice and toasted breads. I quickly gulped the Apple juice in swift and said mom good bye kissing her cheeks and my mom gave that wonderful smile which always made me feel comfortable and safe.

I ran to the bus stop, panting looking at the time, it was 7 30. I said to myself 'Good God. Saved me'.

Iwas on time to the bus, and caught up.

Sat on the middle seat window side, just gazing and wondering how will my first day will move.

Thousands questions araised, will i get friends, will it be fun, of course will i get my love of my life..


Chapter 2 - The dashing jerk

 As i stepped down in my stop, and walked a few yards and read the board, St Xaviar Junior College.

It was always my dream to persue English literature. I hoped my first day in my junior collge always started with my favourite english poetry class.

I went up to the enquiry counter. The lady sitting with good brown eyes and blonde hair asked for my name.

I swiftly answered 'Lisa Jonathan'


While the lady was busy in checking my name, beside me i was able to feel someone looking into me so deeply. when i just turned my face i could see a wonderful broad shoulders and a hard chest, i wondered in my thoughts 'wow wat a manly shoulders' i just lifted my face and my eyes got stuck with his eyes, deep blue, mild beard, shortend spike black hair.

I know i was looking into him with more lust. i just shook my head and just turned back to the lade as she called my name i turned back to her and she said 'Heres your dear , schedule, i hope you have great sem ahead'

I really loved the way she spoke. but still i was just feeling so tingly and some kind of bond between me and the person standing so close behind me.

When turned back again to leave i sort of hit his hard chest as i was pulling my back bag.

He grinned 'Ouch'

'Mind where you going beautiful'.


I just grinned and was about to move, but i could not, his hand was on my waist, and with the other hand, he just brushed my small hair falling over my face and smoothly with his fingers rubbed my cheek and my lips.

This was totally hypnotizing me.


But gatheirng my concious back, i spoke, 'GET AWAY' though i thought i was shouting, i really could not shout, and my voice went feable as pronunced them.


'Shhhh its alright , My Lady' he said.


I just tried to push him away and i managed to do so. It was really good that i take my gym on the regular and my volley ball matches too. That made me to move away, with a person of this kind of strong physic.


Of course he too loosened his grip.


I quickly tried to grab all the stuff of mine scattered away, and he too kneeled and picked up few stuff and stretched his hand to me.


I snatched them and raising on my heel, i said 'You better stay away from me' and started walking swiftly away.


He shouted, 'This is not the fair way to treat when you are helped chimp!'


I just stopped and looked back and said, 'This is the way to treat a JERK'. I smirked at him and left.


As moving towards my locker, the feel , having his fingers on my cheeks, and my lips made me so mesmerizing. I never wanted to erase those thoughts. Oh.. i could feel little wet near my legs.


I shook my head releasing myself from those thoughts, and pushed all my important stuff in the locker and pulled my schedule sheet, and a notepad and pen.


 I closed my locker, as and when i was taking a look at my schedule. 'WOW' i almost screamed, its english first, lovely. then i realised i was not the only one, nearby the locker and everyone were looking at me.

i just came back and said few sorry's and started to look into the schedule again, and it was awesome, the next was drama and then post lunch i had some accounts and finally ending up with PE.

This is wonderful start of the college. I really love it.


Having a great smile glowing, i just turned and started searching for the English.

Chapter 3 - The first kiss


'Hey !! May i Be at your service?' i heard a lovely little singing voice.

It was a girl, with short black hair, wearing a black pant and a tank top, with lush green eyes and pale white skin.

'Hey, Am Lisa, Yeah am looking for English class. Can you pls help me out' I said.

'Am Alice,  sure even am heading towards it.'

'Good' saying that i just followed her.

As we both entered, i heard 'Hey Alice, seems you got a new chick in?' with a kind of naughty smile and mischevious tone.

'You are a Jinx Nathan' , Alice said as she hit his arms , in a jovial way.

'Hey Nathan, Am Lisa' i just extended my hand for a formal handshake, but he ignored it and just gave me a lovely little brotherly hug.

I just sighed Nathan, and Alice and showed a place where i will be sitting. Since I dont want to disturb a lovely sweet couple. Yes, Nathan was Alice boy friend. I understood it from the way Alice looked at Nathan, when he hugged me the most formal and brotherly way.

So i took up my seat in the last cornered bench , where only one seat was left. i saw someone occupied the window view. No person was sitting there, so i thought may be till the time that person comes, i will enjoy the view. I pushed those books, after taking a look around the room if anyone was about to come , then i just leaned back on the bench and was taking a look outside the windown.

Just then beside my ear, i could feel and hear a deep warm breath. Just when i turned i could see the same, deep blue eyes, and my hand slipped. When i was about, to fall off,  he just grabbed me so softly and i could not help from noticing his broad shoulders, and the cuts in his abs.

I was distracted from them , when he said, ' Like what you see?'


We both got away, when Alice said 'Hey Titus' and he turned back to Alice who was in the grip of Nathan holding her around the waist.

Nathan also waved his hand.

Both came nearby, and there was thumbs up and hello shakes going on.


Alice then looked at me and said 'Lisa, this is Titus and he is one of the most wanted by the GIRLSSSS'

'Yeah, But not so pleasing for me' i said looking at this wonderful ultra model guy.

'S-sorryyy?' Nathan asked

'Titus in Latin, means a Pleasing person. I love Latin lietrature, so i know ...'

I was interuppted, now by Titus 'Well then i should be the one saying you are not a worshipper of god then'


I got annoyed now. But both Alice and Nathan were wondering what Titus was saying and why was so much red with anger.

I cleared my throat, and said 'Well My name means..'

I was interrupted again by Titus ' 'Worshipper of God', who must be polite enough ...'

I interrupted him again, 'Wat makes you think that am not polite enough'

Titus said 'Calm down my lovely lady, you dint thank me properly though i helped you twice and instead you are shouting at me, MY LADY'


When i was about to give my reply, Nathan came in 'You know each of you already, is that you already met?'

'Yeah in the reception , had a sss mmmalll.. you see' he smirked at me.


This time for the last i was interrupted by Mrs Liverpool, our english professor, so we took our seats silently. I dont know for god sake wat Nathan understood about our meeting in the reception. For sure he misunderstood that me and Titus shared some kind of intimate moment.

Thinking about this made me more mad and my cheeks turning like tomatoes

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