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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » New World by Anne Lynch (best e ink reader for manga .txt) 📖

Book online «New World by Anne Lynch (best e ink reader for manga .txt) 📖». Author Anne Lynch

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Chapter 1 Welcome to the U.S

I stood in a long line with my mom at the airport.We were having our passports checked. You see we are immagrants from Haiti. My mom knew the goverment was bad and the ecnonmy was falling apart. She wants a better life for me to be in a safe place. It's hard. I have to leave my country,friends,family,and our good food. I snapped right back to my daze. We were next. I opened my passport and my mom and I got our tickets. We boarded the plane. My mom sat across from me.


Then a handsome young figure plopped on the seat next to me. He was a white hottie, with dirty blonde hair, blue sexy eyes, a gray shirt, blue jeans, bulging muscles, and a georgeous smile. He looked at me and then pointed to my chin. Shit! I was drooling. Fuck him! I heard his sexy laugh. " My name is Alex and you?" he said. " Nicole," I replied.


After a while of talking the plane landed, and he gave me his number. My mom and I grabbed our bags and heaeded  to our new house in the taxi.




Chapter 2 Home Sweet Home

 My cousin's parents had bought the house for us. Also filling it with furniture and food.  I setteled into m lavender room. It was just a casual  looking room for a sixteen year old. It  has  gray carpeting, a wooden desk with a laptop, drawers with good looking clothes, queen size bed, my favorite boy band posters, and afan on the cieling.



I loved my room a lot.  I setteled myself in, I skipped dinner, and I went to sleep after, well almost to sleep. I heard my mom's voice. "Nicole, you awake," "Yeah mom what?"  " Who were you talking to on the plane today?" Busted! See my mom doesn't like white people cause a white man who my dad worked for always overworked him. He gave him none to little pay. My dad would always come backw with bruised ankles and cut up hands . He died of a stroke when I was three. Mom says it's all the stress and work he did.  " Mom! Quit worrying so much,"" She sighed. "Remember what I told you about those white people," and she left.


I cried  myself to sleep. I missed my dad a lot. I wish he was here. 




Alex's POV


I met a really sexy girl on the plane. I just wanted to get her in me. I think she felt the same cause she was looking at me drooling.  I could tell she needed me just like I needed her. Sure I slept with more than 3 girls but she was different. Her curvy body, big breasts, cocoa skin, and cheasnut eyes just turned me on but I had to dial back.


I hope she goes to Overdale High School. Then I decided to strike a conversation. Nicole as her name. Well I just met Nicole for 2 minutes and she's mine.

Chapter 3 He's back

 Nicole POV


" Meep Meep Meep!" I pounded my hand on the alarm clock.  I trudged my way out of bed. I showered, dressed, and applied make-up.  I grabbed my tote bag.  The school I was going to was very preppy. So I had to be on my best look. M mom started her new job as a nurse assitaint today. I slipped on my Sperrys thinking about my new school. I've been to school, but not a so elegant one. 


I  made my way to the kitchen and grabbed something called a Pop Tart. I followed the directions and ate it. It was sooooo good!!! " If this is American food, then this place must have tons more of it." I said. My mom was in the door frame laughing in her nurse suit. " Go get  going or your going to be late, here are the house keys." " I might be late,but I will be home." She said kissing my head. I love my mom.



 I hurried out the door. Two minutes later. I saw red car. In it that person looked familiar.  It was Alex! And he was wearing a uniform. I think he regconnized me to cause he stopped the car. 



Alex POV



I was driving to school, when I saw a girl in the Overdale girl uniform. She looked familiar. It was Nicole! I stopped my car. " Hi Nicole," " Oh hi," " So you go to Overdale?" she asked. " Uh yeah, It's a pretty good school it's really big too." I said  " So do you like need a ride?" She looked up at me in shock. Then she looked around sorta making sure no one was watching and hopped in. Seeing her and her sex body made my dick hard. 


Not here not now  I reminded myself.  This time she struck up the conversation. " So... are there any clubs at the school?"  " There are actually to many to count." She laughed. " Like what?" " You have football, drama,science, cheerleading,accapela,selfie, sewing,basketball,cooking, photography, new paper,and baseball." I  said. " What are you in?" she asked " Football and news ," " News Paper!" she said schocked. " Football okay but, the news paper?" " Why you have a problem with it?" I reached out and tickled her her laughing made me laugh.



We reached school in 8 minutes. By the time we reached there  I introduced her to my friends. Galvin,Jack,Cody,Drake, Melissa,April, Courtney,and Tania. They included her right away. She,Courtney, and Tania had their lockers next to each other. The bell rang and we all left for our classes. 

Chapter 4 The School

 Hi guys! I will edit the book later enjoy now and wait for more!!! I hope u all like it so far. :) :)!!!!!!!! 



I took my seat in home room, listened to the morning anoucements, and got to work. History P.E., English, Math, Reading, Religion,lunch,and French class. I liked  lunch the best.  I was putting my rligion book in my locker when Alex shut my door. Courtney was next to me.' Alex do us a solid favor and jump off a cliff," she said. I only laughed. " Oh Alex I forgot to ask you, Why were you visiting Haiti?" I asked. " Cause I work with the kids there, donatating missionary work ya know," he replied.  " Awww," "That's sweet," Courtney said. " All right well Court I think it's time for lunch," I said


We walked to the cafeteria. OMG it was huge like a mall food court!  I took a tray and put berries , something called waffle fries, hamburger, and a red velevet cupcake. I sat with Alex's friends  which were also my friends.

Alex walked over to the table with a girl who had on a short  short skirt, bra, and  the school jacket. I prayed she wasn't his girlfriend.


Then Tania brought up the conversation aboutr a party tonight at her place. " Nicole  you need to come your apart of our family now!" Melissa said. " I mean I finished my homework in class so I guess," I replied. " Girl there is no guess!" Galvin said in a rachet girl voice.We all laughed. I asked Tania if she wanted her waffle fries. She gave them to me. I was really hungry. The blond girl Alex brought with him muttered this " That fat bitch,"


I was so angry. Melissa heard the fucking blond too. I got up  faced the 'girl and slapped her and pulled her hair. I was about to do more but Cody  held me off. Galvin got up and held her back the blond. " Alex look what she did to me baby let's go she a  fucking freak," But Alex stayed  behind and raised his arms up in a defense position.


She was so mad and about to cry too.  I crossed my arms and smirked. I could tell he was on my side. She held the middle finger and gave it to all of us. Lunch was over we all walked together laughing about it. " Wait why did you slap her?" Jack asked. " Cause she called me a fat bitch," I said. he guys hooted while us girls laughed.I went in my locker grabbed my books and headed for French class. Did I mention I'm an expert at French?

Chapter 5 Last Class and to the Party


I walked in the only seat that was empty was the one next to Alex. I sat myself down. I tried to focus on the lesson about dialog,direct adress, and more than one shit but Alex was starring at me. I finally looked at him in his eyes and smiled. His eyes were filled with lust just looking at me. I blushed so hard. He passed a note to me.


Hey Nicole, I hope your coming to the party. Anyway that girl

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