Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » One in a Million by Tatianna Staton (book recommendations website TXT) 📖

Book online «One in a Million by Tatianna Staton (book recommendations website TXT) 📖». Author Tatianna Staton

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Why this? Why that?

"Kylie you're going to be late let's go sweetie!" I hear my mom call up the stairs just as I'm putting in my pearl earrings "I'm coming". This is a typical school morning for me, I wake up late, take an hour to get ready, then get rushed by my mom, my dad usually leaves before I even wake up. He's an entrepreneurial Architect so he's a busy man, my mother is a prosecuting attorney so she's just as busy as he. I kind of like them being busy because I'm constantly busy too, I'm a senior at Meredith High School, I'm captain of the step team and I run track, I tutor or babysit afterschool some days. My boyfriend Jake is the captain of the basketball team so I sometimes go watch him at practice and if I'm not doing any of those things I'm hanging with my girls or studying. I'm a big nerd, always have been, I'm mixed and very short only 5'0, but I have really long brown hair that I always keep straight down or up in a bun. I'm petite but my thighs are thick and my butt is big, one thing I love. But something I hate is being an only child, after I was born my mom froze her eggs, I don't know why though. 
 "You struggling? My mom asks with a smirk on her face as I walk down the stairs carrying my backpack, purse, track/step bag, and keys "nope not at all" she chuckles walking over to me grabbing my purse and bag. "What you doing after school?" She asks following me outside and to my car "I have track and step practice, you gotta work late?"
"I hope not but I'll call  let you know" I nod climbing into my car "I love you sweetie"
"I love you too mom, have a good day" and with that I speed out of the curved driveway.

"Well dang it's about time you got here man" my best friend Ginger whines when I get to my locker "right, where you been?" My other girl Taylor asks making a face "uh home, what's wrong with y'all?" Ginger and Taylor have been my best friends since grade school, I met them both in Kindergarten. My parents and I had just moved to California from New York and they were my first friends, and we've been inseparable ever since. Ginger is short and thick like me, she's light skinned and keeps color in hair, I swear it changes every week, she's the super sweet one out of us three, and she's very athletic. She does step and track with me, softball, cheer, and tennis. Taylor on the other hand is the mean one and almost always has an attitude, but I love her all the same. She's brown skinned with pretty hazel eyes, and short black hair, she's short but not as short as Ginger and me, and she's skinny. She doesn't do any sports but she's the manager for the football team and boys basketball team, she hates girls so she only hangs with boys or Ginger and me. "Nothing, Ginger's just being a big baby, like always"
"I am not" Ginger mumbles drinking some of her Starbucks coffee. I open my locker taking out my Psychology textbook, "I'm just having a bad morning, Tyler dumped me last night" Taylor and I gasp when Ginger blurts that out. "No way"
"Yes man" she mutters, eyes watering up and glancing around "oh baby" I whisper putting my arms around her and hugging her. Ginger and Tyler had been together for 2 years and during the relationship they had two breaks but it was nothing serious, she was absolutely crazy about him though. "Do you want me to beat his ass? Because I swear to God I will Ginger" Taylor says dropping her backpack, taking off her earrings, and looking around making me laugh. "Taylor get it together, you cant beat him up." I forgot to mention she's also the fighter, she'll literally fight anyone "yeah just like forget about it, besides here comes Jake" Ginger adds wiping her eyes and sipping her coffee. "Hey baby, ladies"
"Hey Jake" my girls say in unison. Jake is really tall, brown skinned, has brown eyes, dreadlocks, and a really good smile, today he had on some khaki shorts, a Polo shirt, and some Jordan sneakers. "Hey doll face" I say leaving Ginger's side to give him a hug and peck on the lips. "What's up, y'all good?" He asks looking at us all with raised eyebrows "yeah we're good" I reply with a nod just as the first bell rings. "Let's meet at my car for lunch" Taylor says to Ginger and me "okay" and with that we part ways. "So, is Ginger good?" Jake asks taking my text book from me and grabbing my hand I just nod. Jake and Tyler are best friends, have been since middle school so I'm guessing he already knew the bad news. "Why exactly did he break up with her? Ginger didn't have the time to tell us"
"Oh well, he just thought it was time for them to end things" as he says it I notice him looking at some girl's butt as she passed us, something he's been doing a lot lately. I chuckle with no amusement, "really Jake, in front of me?"
"Huh? What?" I just shake my head snatching my textbook from him "forget it, I"ll talk to you later" and with that I storm off with him calling after me.

"OMG Kylie this is so you man" Ginger exclaims as we're in the mall that Saturday doing a little shopping, she was holding up a dark green, short skirt that was tied on one side and just hanging on the other. "It really is" Taylor puts in nodding I take it from Ginger looking at the price "I just might get it" We were having a girls day out because it was definitely needed, especially with Ginger and Tyler breaking up, and I haven't talked to Jake since that incident on Thursday in the hallway. He had been blowing my phone up, my girls phone up, and even coming by the house, but I was too mad at him to even talk to him right now. "K, we're going to the bathroom, you coming?"
"Ah no, I'm going to stay here and do some more shopping, y'all hurry back though" 
"Alright". Shopping and eating is what always made me and my girls feel better when we were going through a tough time, Ginger and Taylor's parents weren't rich but they did work so we all always had money. Just as I'm about to give up looking for a crop top to go with the green skirt I had picked up I spot the perfect black crop top that looked more like a bra. The problem is the shirt was way higher up than I could reach but I didn't see anyone around to help. With a shrug I stand on my tip toes and start jumping trying to reach it, just as my hand grabs it I fall back, but not onto the floor. "Damn lil shawty" I hear a male voice grumble from under me "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" I say jumping up almost tripping over my own feet. The guy jumps up next that's when I get a good look at him, he was tall, white, had some blue sparkling eyes, brown hair that hung low in his face, and his outfit was fly. He had on some white shorts, a plaid shirt, and some Sperry "you should watch where you're going next time" he replies staring at me "well I did say sorry" he shrugs looking me up and down "all that ass you got" when he says that I hear myself gasp and feel my eyes widen "excuse you?" He chuckles licking his lips and that's when I notice the dimples and straight teeth "just saying"
"Kylie" I turn to see my girls staring at the guy in awe "well I should get going, nice to meet you grasshopper" with that and a wink he walks off leaving me staring behind him. "Girl who in heaven's name was that?" I shrug shaking my head "no idea" and a part of me was glad I didn't know. 

New Guy

"Okay, I know most of you all will be taking the SAT this upcoming Saturday, so today we're going to do some SAT prep" My English teacher Mr. Rogers says. I was one of the ones taking the SAT on Saturday, I wasnt too worried about it though, I had been studying for it for the longest. "Man Mr. R, SAT prep is mad boring" Mark the jock whines "well would you all rather get the textbooks out, answer some questions, and have me take it up for a grade?"

"Noo" everyone says in unison, some giving Mark the stank eye and others hitting him. "Like I thought, Kylie would you come up and answer this question?"

"Sure thing" I say with a smile beginning to stand up "nerd" someone coughs and I knew just who said it. "Well I'd rather be a nerd than dumb as fuck like you Tyler" as I get to the board I hear some people laugh at my comment "language K"

"Sorry Mr. R". I know I'm a nerd and I accept it, lots of people call me that but I dont mind, I just take it as a compliment but when Tyler said it, it just ticked me off , mainly because I'm already mad at him for messing up my girl's head. He breaks up with her, blows her phone up kowing she's going to eventually answer, has sex with her, then blows her off again. Ginger is absolutely crazy over stupid self but he doesnt seem to ever understand that which also pisses me off. "Great job Kylie"

"Thank you" Mr. Rogers is my favorite teacher, has been since last year when he was also my teacher for Honors English III. The rest of the class period seems to go by fast, probably because we had fun doing the SAT prep since we didnt have to do it indiviually this time like we normally do. "Dont forget to finish those reading projects, they're due next Thursday" Mr. Rogers calls out at the bell rings ending 1st period. "Kylie could you help me with the reading project, I"m almost done I just need a little extra help" Jasmine, a very tall, but sweet, girl in my class asks as we walk into the crowded hallway. "Yeah, sure, just text me tonight and let me know when and where you want to work on it at"

"Okay, thank you boo"

"No problem sugar". Students always asked me to help them with projects, help them study for tests, or even just study for a class they're struggling in. I never asked them to pay but some kids did anyways, I didnt stop them either though. "Kylie Unique Benson" hearing my whole name be

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