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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sunā€¦.He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

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Read books online Ā» Romance Ā» Do You Remember Me? by Onyx (important of reading books .TXT) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«Do You Remember Me? by Onyx (important of reading books .TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author Onyx

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

There she was, not 20 feet from him. His heart froze with his step and he lost his breath. After so long, this didnā€™t seem real. It couldnā€™t be true, could it? He was dreaming, surely. Again.
She turned her head, her eyes moist and shiny. Beautiful as theyā€™d ever been. Did she see him? Her wavy brown hair was well combed and brushed to the side, revealing her pale neck. Her lips parted a little, a single tear slipping down her cheek. She saw him alright. And she recognized him too.
She recognized him. But that could be a good thing or a bad thing really, depending on what she remembered. Something inside of him broke and his heart fell, everything returning. It felt like a thousand knives slicing through his chest all at once. His thoughts told him to run. He shouldnā€™t be here. Should never have come. But his heart burned with the desire to run forward, to hold her. To take in her sweet vanilla scent just one more time. To run his hands through her hair and taste her mouth just one more time.
Then she stood, wiping the tear with her black sleeve. She was in all black. Black long-sleeve top and black jeans with a little hole over the right knee. She took a long look at him and smiled, collapsing on the inside. He saw it in her eyes, the pain. The same pain he saw in them that dayā€¦ that horrible dayā€¦
He wanted to run. Run to her. Run away. God, his mind was racing. Sheā€™d never take him backā€¦ would she? His mind flashed back to that night.
It was cold, she was coldā€¦ aloneā€¦ her fragile heart broken in half. It was his fault. He was ignorant, careless. Wasnā€™t thinking. But he wasnā€™t in his right mind that night! He cared, oh yes he did. The guilt was what kept him alive. The guilt burned through his veins and clawed at his heart. The days were lonesome and the nights were unbearable, heavy with the memories. The good and the bad.
For so long, he ran. He didnā€™t know what to do or where to go. He just ran. To try and get away from the voices, but they followed. They never shut up. Not until now. He could never get her out of his mind and oh, God, he tried to find her. Though he knew exactly where she was. He just couldnā€™t find himself.
How heā€™d been able to gather enough strength to get here, he didnā€™t know. At this point, he didnā€™t care. He was glad. To be able to see her at all and know she was alive was a blessing. But to have to see the pain in her eyes againā€¦ to have to relive the dayā€¦ he couldnā€™t take it.
He looked up at her. He didnā€™t recall ever hanging his head down, really. ā€˜Say somethingā€¦ do somethingā€¦ā€™ he thought. She furrowed her brows at him, her jaw tightening. What was she thinking? She wanted him to leave, he thought. She never wanted to see him again. Butā€¦ he wanted to see her. He wanted to hold her. He wanted her to hold him and whisper in his ear how much she loved himā€¦ and that heā€™d be okay. Just like old times.
Her lips moved, but he heard nothing. He shook his head, ā€œSay it againā€¦ā€ God, his voice was odd. On the verge of breaking. He hadnā€™t heard it in so long it was like hearing a strangerā€™s voice instead of his own.
She looked at him quizzically, ā€œDo I know you? Do you know me?ā€
What? Had she forgotten him? No, it was a trick. She knew exactly who he was. She could never forget him or the horrible things heā€™d caused.
He stepped closer, ā€œDanielleā€¦ā€
She flinched back, ā€œHow do you know my name?ā€
He lost his breath. His heart failed him and crumbled within him. She really didnā€™t know him. No, it was a dream! She had to remember him! She knew who he was! She ā€˜d loved himā€¦ hadnā€™t she? Itā€™d only been a year!
ā€œUhā€¦ Sir, are you okay?ā€
He shook his head and placed his hands upon her shoulders. God, to feel her under his fingersā€¦ it was heaven. Her eyes widened and she opened her mouth but he cut her off, ā€œDanielleā€¦ please stop thisā€¦ you know me! Itā€™s me! You must remember! Donā€™t youā€¦ rememberā€¦ high school? The graduation? The beach we always used to go to?ā€
More tears trailed down her face, ā€œNoā€¦ Sir, you need help. I donā€™t know how you know my name but I am not the girl youā€™re looking for. I dropped out of high-school during 9th grade. I hate the beach and I donā€™t know you. Now pleaseā€¦ let go of meā€¦ā€
He started to feel angry. She was playing tricks with his mind! He tightened his grip and shook her a little, crying himself now, ā€œDanielle! Please!ā€
ā€œSir, you need to let go of me and go awayā€¦ā€ She said, pulling back.
ā€˜I donā€™t know youā€¦ā€™ it replayed itself in his mind. She didnā€™t remember him. Why? Did something else happen after he left? An accident where she lost all her memory? How could this happen? There was no chance of him getting her to forgive him now.
ā€œDan-ielle.ā€ He whispered as the world fell around him. The trees withered and died and the sun exploded in a raging cloud of fire and ash. The ground beneath him shook and cracked, creating an expansive gap in the ground, much like an open wound.
And in this he fell. Further, further, further still. He blinked a few times, but everything was a blur. He tried to grab the walls, but he was falling too fast. The friction burned his skin until his fingers bled and he screamed. No, not because of the pain but because of Danielle.

How could she do this to him? Forget him as if he was nothing? It was part of the plan. A plan on making him pay revenge. But wasnā€™t his sanity enough? And every day he spent crying and screaming and shouting and bleedingā€¦ doing everything he could to take it all back. It was pathetic. It was useless. As was what he did and what happened.
All he wanted was for those horrible voices to shut upā€¦ not to go away, no, they served as good friends when he was alone or down. But they drove him nuts and never let him forget. Never let him move on. Reminded him he didnā€™t deserve to be happy. Didnā€™t deserve her. Didnā€™t deserve anything until he paid.
ā€˜Do I know you?ā€™ sheā€™d said. She didnā€™t remember.
She didnā€™t remember meā€¦.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

I couldnā€™t move. Every part of my body was limp and heavy, my bones broken. My cheeks were damp with tears and my clothes stained red. It was dark and I had no idea where I was. All I was aware of was the searing pain in my chest and the two dark eyes watching me from the shadows. The fear, oh how I was afraid. Scared shitless. I still couldnā€™t move. I tried and tried, I pleaded for my legs to work with me and let me stand. To run. But no, they wouldnā€™t listen. I lie still on the cold forest floor.
For the longest time I lie there. Wishing I were anywhere but there. Wishing those eyes werenā€™t watching me so intensely. Wishing I could move or scream. But all I could do was cry.
Something grabbed my hair, yanking on it. Something metal and sharp was pressed against my throat. I choked out ā€œPlease donā€™t do this! Please!ā€ and I tried to kick and punch and grab whatever I could but to no prevail. Whoever was doing this held me down firmly. They shouted, but I heard nothing. They were going to kill me, I knew it. My whole body knew it. It screamed and ached.
A flash of light and my breathing ceased. My eyes flickered open and I was floating. Floating. Where was I going? I looked around, up, down and all I saw was a strange face with pale skin and light, messed up hair. No, I wasnā€™t floating. I was being carried. By who? Who was this? Where was he taking me? I cried and thrust about. I shouted, yet nothing happened. The man ignored my inquiries and pressed on.
For the shortest amount of time I was air-born. Until I met a hard cement. Everything was bright. Too bright. Fuzzy. I was dazed and exhausted.

I shook my head and squirmed at little at her fingers brushing against my cheek, ā€œNo!ā€
ā€œWho are you?!ā€ I shouted, my eyes snapping open at Jaclyn towering over me. I gulped and sat up straight, shaking off the fear. The dream that had felt so real. But it was just like all the other dreams Iā€™d had.
ā€œDanielle? Are you okay?ā€ She whispered, taking a seat next to be on the small twin bed. She put her hand on mine and squeezed, the worry spread across her face as plain as day. Her hazel eyes were set on me, taking in every one of my movements, my expression.
ā€œJaclynā€¦ā€ I sobbed, burying my face in her shoulder, ā€œThe nightmareā€¦ itā€™s backā€¦ā€
She held me close and tight, kissing my forehead, ā€œItā€™s okay, Danielleā€¦ itā€™ll be okayā€¦ how about we eat out this morning? Want to go to that diner down the street you love?ā€
I wiped my eyes with my sleeve and nodded, putting

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