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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Call of An Alpha by K Lime (smallest ebook reader txt) 📖

Book online «Call of An Alpha by K Lime (smallest ebook reader txt) 📖». Author K Lime

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Breaking Up

It was dark. The wind roared through the trees and the rain splattered against the window of krissy’s room. She looked out at the storm sighing. She still had to finish her algebra homework before going to sleep. Resigning to her fate she looked down at her phone to see if anybody had texted. Riverr had sent a text asking if she was free to go riding the next day. The song on her ipod switched over to Stick Stickly by Attack Attack! and she sat there trying to decide what to do.

She really liked spending time with her best friend but she really didn’t want anybody to get the idea that she was dating him especially the new guy Kristoff. Suddenly her stomach growled and she felt her skin prickle a little.

“Alright, alright I’m going already.” She grumbled to her stomach for disturbing her thoughts.

Descending the stairs to the second floor she looked into her brother’s room to see if he was home. Seeing he wasn’t she continued her walk downstairs into the living room. Her mom sat on the couch reading a book while her dad sat in his recliner drinking a beer and watching television.

“Hi Krissy how’s homework going?” Her father called

“Oh it’s alright dad just algebra, only two more problems to go. Have you seen Derek?”

“He said he was going to take Jessica for dinner dear”

“Freaking cheap piece of trailer park white trash skank”
“KRISSY!!!” Her dad yelled at her staring at her in amazement

“What she is.”
Her mother looked up from her book and smiled at her dad before turning to look at her.

“Krissy, we know you think Derek could find better women and I agree as well but that is HIS choice, so just keep your nose where it should be, on Riverr perhaps?”

“Mom, Riverr and I aren’t like that. He’s too much like a brother to me.”

“Alright, are you planning to go hunting tonight?”

“Is there any steak in the fridge?”

“No I don’t think there is.”

“I think I should go for a little bit catch something at least to settle my stomach.”

“Just be safe dear”

“Bye mom, bye dad.”

With that she turned and walked out the door and into the storm outside.

Derek sat in the drivers seat of his truck facing Jessica as the rain thrummed down onto the roof and the windshield while other cars passed them by. He knew what he had to do but the problem was if it would even matter to her. She had cheated on him so many times and now it just seemed like a game to him. His sister was right; she just wanted a free ride through things. She sat there looking back at him and reached over to place her hand on his thigh. He reached down and took her and in his and held it for a moment before letting her hand fall and beginning to speak.

“Jessica this cannot go on. I can’t take you cheating on me and you never listen to me and this hurts. After I take you home tonight, that’s the end, I hope you will understand.”

“Derek, your right, I did cheat. I did lie to you and I never listen to you. I only used you to get things I want. I really am sorry if I hurt you and I would enjoy trying to become friends if you will give me that chance.”

“I think it will be best if we go our separate ways.”

“If that’s how you feel, don’t be surprise if I cream your sister in basketball.”

“Don’t plan on it Jess, she’s too powerful for you to beat her, and too hard headed.”

Starting his truck he looked out into the night when, bam, a huge black panther landed on his hood staring into the cab before leaping off into the distance.

“OMG! What was that!?” Jessica screamed grabbing his arm tightly.

“That would be a very good reason to get you home quickly.”

He put his truck in drive and got back onto the road and drove towards Jessica’s home.

Soon after dropping off Jessica he found himself sitting in his room on the second floor watching television waiting for Krissy. He ran his hand through his shaggy blond hair he got up and changed into a pair of black shorts and laid down on his bed. There was a sudden flash past his window and a thump on the balcony upstairs. Letting out a sigh he stood up and walked down the hall to the stairs and up to his sister’s room.

“Krissy? You in here?”

“I’m not decent yet!”

“Hurry up then!!” He shouted waiting until she gave him the all clear to go in.

“Ok. What did you want?”

“I broke up with Jess.”


“She said she would cream you in b-ball.”

“Like that tramp could get me.”

“Just figured I should tell you, she didn't seem too happy to hear from coach that you were her competition for the basketball rep this year.”

“That isn't my problem.”

She stood up checking her teeth in the mirror before turning and looking back at her brother looking at the tattoo across his chest with curiosity.


“Nothing just not sure I approve is all.”

“Why is that?” he questioned rising to his full height looking her in the eye.

“Stand down.” She responded hastily as her eyes flashed electric blue.

Sitting down he looked back up at her and asked once more.

“I don’t know, I’m just not sure I like the way it looks on you. You just seem too tame for it. Reaching out she traced the outline of one of the panther paws that was ripping through the skin of his right pec. He grabbed her hand and put it back down at her side.

“I can handle my fair share of wild. I may not be as different as you, but I can still take my share of wild.” Standing he walked towards the stairs and called back over his shoulder one last thing before going down the stairs: “Your eyes give you away. Sleep well.”

Sighing for the second time that night she walked into her bathroom and brushed her teeth before slipping under the fluffy warm blankets on her bed. She stared up at the ceiling and closed her eyes, fading into the dark abyss of sleep.

School Sucks

She awoke feeling rather full the next morning to the smell of bacon cooking. She dressed quickly putting on a pair of black jeans, her new shirt with the tribal design on it, and slipping in her gold and emerald earrings. Taking a glimpse around the room she grabbed her bag and took it downstairs and asking how much time she has left before breakfast. Her mother looked up from the skillet and told her maybe half an hour. Quickly she rushed upstairs and fixed her black hair with the green tips and bangs smiling in the mirror as she brushed her teeth. Once she finished, she descended the stairs and sat at the table.

“Hi honey will you be driving today?”

“Yea I think so mom is Derek ready?”

“He’s in the bathroom, should be out in just a sec, you want to take him or are both of you taking different vehicles?”

“Who knows with him.”

“Alright eat quickly.”

She munched her way through her eggs and a piece of bacon when Derek came in and told her that he was taking his truck since she had a game after school. Picking up some bacon he walked out the door. She finished her meal and put away her plate smiling at her mom as she did so.

“Bye mom”

“Bye honey, see you at the game tonight”


Once out in the garage she puts her bag in the backseat and starts the engine of her deep emerald car. She opens the garage door, drives out into the driveway, shuts the garage door, and starts on her way to school. Parking in her normal parking place in the student parking lot, she grabs her bag and keys, gets out of her car, and locks it.

“Out of the way loser!” A yellow hummer with a few of the school jocks and Jessica drives by.

Shaking her head she checks before crossing the parking lot and into the school. She sits down at her usual table and pulls out her book deciding to wait for Riverr and the others to get there before working on her work. Suddenly she is wrapped up in arms clad in red plaid. Turning her head she smiled to see her friend Sarah standing there smiling while a bemused Riverr stands a few feet behind her with Daniel, Clay, Trevor, Heath, Emily, Cleo, Jazzi, and October. Everyone eventually gets settled and the starts talking about work from the night before.

He looks across the room at the little group. Particularly at the girl with the green in her hair. She was so different, but it was in a good way. He liked a little bit of different. He leans his chair back against the wall and sits watching her as the group catches up about their weekend. A hand slaps down on his table and he looks over to see Jessica and a few of her friends standing before him in overly revealing clothing.

“May I help you?” He asks Jessica looking at her pointedly.

“No, but allow me to help you,” She grins at him as she bats her eyelashes; “you and I are going to the party Friday night alright?”

“If that is what you want.” Kristoff says gazing back at Krissy.

She looks up and catches his gaze blushing before continuing back to her conversation. Jessica walks off with her group and walks past Krissy. She starts talking loudly about how she and Kristoff are going to be the cutest couple at the dance. Krissy hearing this snaps her gaze up and looks at Kristoff who was staring back at her intently. Angrily she lets out a growl and Riverr grabs her hugging her tightly.

“Love ignore it. Your eyes. You’ll give yourself away.” He whispers softly against her hair as she hugs him back tightly.

“I don’t care Riverr! Everyone I care about. First you now the guy I’m crushing on.” Krissy shouts angrily against his chest.

He tenses as she digs her now claws into his back. Looking angrily at Kristoff he

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