Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Skeletons in the Closet by faze1315 Yeahright (best fiction novels to read txt) 📖

Book online «Skeletons in the Closet by faze1315 Yeahright (best fiction novels to read txt) 📖». Author faze1315 Yeahright

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I pushed through the bushes and watched as she ran past my view. I watched as she trembled and tripped over tree branches. Her eyes were bloody red from running through the forest all night, as for I had energy to go through all week. But sadly for her, I didn’t have patience.
I ran with her and watched as she settled down. I decided to wait it out though, because I want to see her face. When she wakes up in the morning and I would already have chewed a piece of her leg off, rendering her useless. I wanted to feel her heart slowly flutter as I gnawed away her stomach, and I wanted to taste the blood running through my fingers as I rip her to shreds.
For an hour I watched as she watched her surrounding, pausing on me for a while, but I knew she didn’t see me. I could have been a shadow if I wanted too.
“You don’t have to hurt her,” Bella placed her hand on my shoulder. I shook her off and glared at her. Her light blonde hair shone bright in the moon light, as she gave me the ‘you know the right thing to do’ look.
I looked back at Taylor as she paced back and forth. Her clothes were ripped and there were at least two wounds that would need stiches. “You don’t understand though. She drives me crazy and I just can’t help, but want to grab her and throw her off a cliff,” I snapped back. I grabbed a stick and threw it over my shoulder. “At least let me stab her in the hand, and I will heal her.”
All Bella could do was, shake her head as she knew, that I would not change my mind.
I could feel the demon inside me take over and I need to feel blood in my system. My senses heightened and I easily picked up a branch that normally would make a teen girl struggle. I crunched on some leaves to let Taylor know of my presence. I like the fear in her eyes, almost as much as I like to kill.
“Who is there?” she grabbed a rock and held it up near her head. Oh how easy it would be to smash that rock in her head before she realizes it. I pushed some branches out of the way and walked into the moonlight.
I watched as her expression turned terrified to confusion back to terrified. I knew I looked like a mess. Leaves stuck in my hair and my clothes were ripped. Also my eyes turned a golden yellow hue that shown in the darkest corner of the world. “Do you remember me?”
Taylor decided it was a good time to throw the rock, but I easily dodged it and slowly walked up to her. “I wish you weren’t such a bitch. We could have been great friends, or a fun play toy.” I broke the branch in half and drove one in her hand. “I mean we could have done so many good things together.” I wiped the tears that slid down her face with the back of my hand.
“Why are you doing this?”
“Like I said before,” I kicked her in the side of the head and watched her body go limp, “You’re a bitch.” I spit on her and forced my demon to hide again.
“That was entertaining,” Bella walked out of the bushes and stood next to me. “Could you have done it without stabbing her in the hand? That one could leave a scar.”
I cut a slit in my arm with the other half of the branch and pulled the first half out of her hand, “That is what she gets. It is my way of reminding her that we are out there.” I knelt down next to her and watched my blood mix with hers. In the matter of no time it closed up. I did the same with her other wounds and threw her over my shoulder.
“Who is we?”
“You know, we. The demons and stuff, I don’t know.”
“What did she even do to you?”
“Nothing. Only something to my friend.”
“You made a friend?” Bella pushed branches out of my way and we made our way to Taylor’s house.
“I guess. He is more like a puppy that I picked up and decided to take home with me.”
“That is an improvement I guess.”
“Then I am going to watch that puppy grow up and teach it to rip the throats of other dogs around.” I smirked and walked past Bella as she gaped at me. I opened up a window and shoved Taylor through the window and onto her couch. “I think she will be OK, right?”
“You are planning to turn a boy in your school a pit bull?”
“Well now that I think of it, that sounds weird,” I grabbed her arm and we ran down the street until we paused at the corner, “I think maybe a German Shepard instead. They are cuter.” I turned right and walked down the street till we reached our house.
I unlocked the door and threw my keys into the little basket next to the door. “What are you doing home so late?” Justin turned around and closed the door behind Bella.
“I had to clear something up with someone and this chic decided to follow me.” I grabbed a coke from the fridge and climbed the stairs. “Now if you don’t mind, I got sleep that has decided to avoid me.”
I kicked open my door and chugged down my soda. I hurried up and changed and flopped down onto my bed. Just as I was about to fall asleep somebody knocked on the door. “What!”
“Can I come in?” When I didn’t answer Justin walked in anyways and sat down on my bed. “Bella told me you made a friend.”
“He is not a friend!” I turned over to look at him, “he is just a puppet.”
“Anyways, I think you should try to get comfortable. Unpack and make friends, instead of puppets.” He stood and walked towards the door. “Please?”
“I’ll try,” I grabbed a pillow and threw it against him. “I need to sleep now.”
“Oh yeah,” He picked up the soda can and crushed it against his head, “no more soda past ten.”
“Yes, sir.”

Chapter One

“I know,” I shoved past my brother. He had the knack of treating me like the baby of the house.
He grabbed an apple from the fringe and handed it to me, “and eat this on the way. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” He took the camera out of his fiancé’s hands and started clicking pictures out me.
“Honey,” Trina put her hand on Justin’s shoulder and lightly tugged. “If you keep her waiting, she will be late for school.” She winked at me and waved me goodbye.
I silently thank her and made my way to school. It was only a couple of blocks from here and this neighborhood isn’t so bad. But I still didn’t care much for it. Nice two story homes and sweet little kids running around the lawns. These are the towns that had skeletons in their closets and it won’t be any fun with them buried.
Cars were already parked in the lot and most kids have already formed their groups. Sadly I stuck out like a dead flower and a pile of white roses.
Mostly everyone here was wearing one type of brand. I have never heard the name, but from the way my present peers dress, I don’t like it. I don’t like the school either. Our school colors are bright orange, so everywhere you look, all you want to do is puke.
I pushed my way through people and walked into the office. A mid-forties lady sat at the desk. She had a kind smile and a look in her eyes that said, ‘screw with me and I’ll slap you right now.’ I instantly liked her. “Alex Woods.”
“Alex Woods?” she started typing on her computer before I little ding came from it. “Oh, it says you moved here from…. Alaska? Well that is certainly far from Delaware. What brought you here?”
“Mostly the weather,” I shifted from foot to foot. “Could I have my schedule please?”
“Oh, yeah. Sorry sweetie,” she stood up and went into another office for a while, before coming back in. “Coach Dodd’s first period. Tough luck. It is just down this hall, to the very end and that will be the gyms area. Take a left and you should find her somewhere in there.”
“Thanks,” I grabbed my sheet and started for the gyms. Everyone around me stopped to look, at my hair, clothes, or face? I had no idea, but I kept my head down and moved forward. I didn’t mind if attention was on me, but I knew from experience that this much attention on my first day was not good.
I took quicker and longer steps and in no time I was walking into the nice, polish gym. “Are you my new student?” A short woman boomed from across the gym, attracting attention to me.
I jogged toward her and gave her my schedule, “I am Alex Woods.” She quickly looked over me before, handing back my schedule. She lifted my arms and circled around me. She stood very close that I could smell the blood pumping through her veins.
“You look like you are a medium, come with me,” She sauntered off and took a sharp left. She pointed to her right, “Those are the boy’s locker room, if I some much as find a hair in there from you, a detention.” She took another left. I followed her and came into what has to be the girl’s locker room.
She walked into her office and came back out with a pair of clothes, “Meet me in the gym in ten minutes. We always start off with a lap around the track in rain or shine.” She looked over me again, “good luck.”
I waited until she was out of sight before flipping her off.
The locker room was quite big, and plenty of room to move around. I stepped out of my pants and into the baggy shorts. Then did the same with my shirt. I put my hair in a quick bun and walked back out and had six minutes to spare. I decided to make use of the time and to check out the boy’s

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