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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » My Unwanted Marriage by C.J.Munro (big screen ebook reader .txt) 📖

Book online «My Unwanted Marriage by C.J.Munro (big screen ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author C.J.Munro

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Chapter ONE - The Proposition.

Today is my birthday, I am finally 17! Its a nice day in the fall, the trees all look beautiful. I come down stairs in a new outfit I got yesterday with my friend Josie. Leather ankle boots and a short and tigh v-neck purple dress. My hair was naturally wavy, so I only put in a little product to keep it from fizzing. My make up was natural as well, just to define my cheeks and eyes, and I had on some light pink lip gloss. I hear people talking, seems to be coming from the kitchen. I walk in, but the lights are off. So I turn them on to be not so suprised by my parents and birthday cake. Shocker, they do this every year. I look at the starnge couple. I think I saw them once when I was like 4. Vince and Makayla, or Miranda. Something like that.
"Happy birthday baby doll!" My father says giving me a hug." He turns me toward the couple. "You remember Vince and Maddison right?" Maddison, thats it!
"Um, yeah. How you been?" I ask them they smile at me politly.
"Wonderful. Its so great to see you." Vince says. "You have truly blossomes into such a grogeous young woman! I can't believe it, you're so striking!" I smile. I love it was people say that. Hey, Im not cocky I just like the confidence boost. "This is our son, Bryson. He's 21." I look him over. Holy bujesus! That is one foxy man. He has dark hair, almost black, and striking green eyes, strong features and such a beautiful face. Even hs style screamed 'Imma hot mofo.'He was wearing dark shadded jeans that hjugged his body beautifully, a crisp red v-neck shirt and a leather jacket. Not one of those fugly ones bikers wear but a sleek looking one that made me wanna wrap myself up in it.
I calm myself down a little bit. "Hey," I said. Yummeh! I see him smirk at me and check me out. Imma faint! I hear a honk from out side and someone yell; "C'mon bee-otch let's get our grub on!" Oh my god Charlene. I turn to my parents. "Yeah um, is it cool if I go out to dinner with Charlene, Malissa, and Kelsey? Char's paying for everyone."
"Oh sure sweetie. But can we have a word with you first?" My mother says.
"Sure. Let me go tell them." I go to the door and see Malissa right infront of me, her hand about to knock on my forehead.
"Oh,sorry!" She puts her hand down. "Lets go girly!" she starts heading toward Charlene's black Escalade.
"Wait! My parents wanna talk to me. I'll be out in a few!" I head back in before she could answer. Going back intp the kitchen everone looks at me. "Whats up?" I ask wanting to hurry up and get outta here.
"Sweetie, I am going to make this fast okay? You wont like it at frist but I am sure you will understand." My mother says. Both my parents look over joyed but a little worried. Must be worried about how I will react to whatever they are about to tell me.
"Victorria, Byrson here is...Well he is.." I look over at Bryson wondering what is so important about him. Looking back to my parent's I bring out my sarcasim.
"What? His he my husband to be or something?" I laugh a little. But they don't answer. And they still do not answer. Oh shit. "Answer me!" I yell.
"Yes," someone says. I turn to see Bryson looking at me. "Yes, I am your husband to be. We are getting married." I hear my parents sigh,as if out of breath.
"You have got to be kidding me." I say.
"It's true honny. When you were 4 years old Vince and Maddison gave us a proposition. They said if you were to marry Bryson at the age of 18, they would save Mark's life. At the time he was verry sick. He had caner, and it had spread so far in such little time that there was no stopping it. He had 2 weeks to live when we made the deal." I turn to my father.
"Mark is still dead is he not?! It should all just be called off!" I see the sorrow in my fathers eyes when I said that. I reget it, but they gave my life away, so at the moment I didn't care too much.
"He was curred of cancer. That's what the deal was. We couldn't control the car or the ammout of beer the driver was consuming. At the time we had to save our son's life."
"SO YOU GAVE AWAY MINE?!" I yell in their faces.
"Sweetie-" My mother trys to say, before I cut her off.
"What makes you think you have that right? I don't want this.This is a fucking ludacris! This isn't East India!! You can't just conduct me to marry someone I dont even know!" There was silence in the room. I felt like a child having a temper tantrum. Finally my mother speaks. Oh I would love to hear what she has to say.
"Hun. Bryson is a wonderful man. He is smart, handsom and has a great sense of humor. You are lucky to have him."
"Lucky to have him? Like I couldn't get someone like him on my own?" I turn around and head to the door.
"Victorria Emilia Hudson! Get back in here!" I heard my father bellow. Did he not understand how I felt? Why wouldn't he let me walk away? I quikly go back to them, I'm not quite finished there anyways.
"Why wouldn't you tell me this?" I ask them, in almost a whisper. "Why wouldn't you let me know, my life would be over before it begun. I wont be able to hang out, or go clubbing. Will I even be able to attend school?" I see my father soften. He love's me. I'm his little girl. I know why they did it. But it still hurts to know they kept this form me. "Is this why you hated all my boyfriend's? Because you didn't want me to risk throwing this all down the drian?" I can keel my anger faiding, my heart softening and slowing its rate. I put my face in my hands, trying to stop from breaking down and just sobbing. I look back up, finding a loop hole. "But, what is the point of my marrying him? If I say no it's not like you can force me."
"Hun,we can't force you, but you will have to marry him. It is the only way you can...Stay alive. Because of what could happen other wise." I look at my mother, she's crying. Hard.
"And what's that?" I ask.
"We can't tell you hun. But you will know eventually." I look at everyone in the room My parnets. My parent's in law, and my soon to be husband. "I need to go now. We have reservations at Ramona's." Before they can say anything, I just walk out into the night. Wishing I didnt ever have to come back.

Chapter TWO- Good Morning...

After about three hour's talking about my ever so screwed up life with my friend's, and trying to laugh when they tryed to cheer me up, I went home. It was only 10 p.m but it felt later. I can honestly say I was completly sloshed. I carefully climed, or carefully stumbled -whichever you prefer- up the stairs to my big comfy bed. Their was someone in my bed! WTS (What The Shit)I go over to the person and get super close to them, it was dark so I had to be close. It was Bryson. Yum. I poke him and he stir's. I poke him super hard and he looks up at me.
"Someone has been sleeping in my bed," I say "And they are still there! Says the little bear." I hiccup and crwal all over him to the to my side of the bed.
"Are-are you drunk?" I look over at him and smile flirtatiously.
"Why? Do you want me to be?" For some reason when I am intoxicated I can speak perfectly fine, haha coppers!!! I watch him as gets out of bed and heads down stairs. He was shirtless and my oh my did he have an amazing body, and a nice ass! Oh did I mention he is only in breifs? I love breifs for some reason I find the sexy. Boxers are for little boys. Or do little boys wear tighty whities? I dunno. I have a vagina. He comes back in the room. "Bryson, I have a vagina!" He stope in his tracks a little shocked, but comes and sits next to me.
"Come here," He says. I sit next to him, nice and close crossing my legs. I put my head bewteen my crotch and look at my white thong. I look back at Bryson. "I'm wearing a thong. Guess what colour." Hiccup.
"Just eat this." He says laughing softly. Its mushy and soft,I take a bite.
"Its bread! I yell.
"Shh! Quiet! You don't want to get in trouble do you?" He hands me a glass of water and I take a sip.
"Are you the one giving the punishment?" I ask. Yeah..I get horny, and frankly very slutty when drunk. I Put the bread and water down and clusmily staddle him on his lap. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. I kiss him rougly and boy did he tast good I dunno but something sweet and tasty. I slide my tongue across his bottom lip and he opens his mouth, brushing his tongue with mine. I feel his arms go around wasit and scratch my back. I push him down on the bed. I press my hips against his and slowly grind backand forth. He matches his movements to mine. I leave his sweet, soft lips and trail down his neck, licking and nibbling. I hear him sigh in pleasure. I slowly go down his chest, lightly licking his nipples. I keep going down and brush my hands along his abs. I slide off the bed and sit on my knees on the floor, he sits up as well. I slowly take of his breifs. His penis pops up and it is fully erected. Damn. Its big. I put my lips

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