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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sunā€¦.He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, thereā€™s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. Itā€™s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.Itā€™s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in ā€œfairytale love story.ā€

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Read books online Ā» Romance Ā» Beautiful by Joziiisure - Josephine . L (great books for teens TXT) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«Beautiful by Joziiisure - Josephine . L (great books for teens TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author Joziiisure - Josephine . L

Beautiful - Chapter 1 : I HATE YOU


 Chapter 1 : I HATE YOU



ā€œNo Matter how much I say I hate you, Just know I still care ā€œ


    Miami* POV 




The final bell went and every one was shoving and rushing; to get out of English class. Ignoring Miss May as she yelled, for us to read chapter nine for home work and write a 200word essay.


I sighed; great I hate writing  essays. I mean whatā€™s the point of writing it. Let me just put it in easier wordā€™s.


I just donā€™t do Essays 


And.... I have no idea how to write it. So Yeah. What itā€™s not like, Iā€™m going to need to use it in the future or something. I got up; grabbing my stuff, that was on the desk and started making my way to my locker





It was Friday and every one was going insane. The hall way was crowded making it hard to breathe, all you can hare was thousands of voices talking and laughing at once. 

I donā€™t even get it, whatā€™s the big deal in having weekends. What so cool about it, Except for the parties that everyone in Sky Lake ever gossip about. Seriously its all they ever talk about!  When I reached my locker, I opened it; grabbing  out my bag and shoving my books and text books in. Let me tell you it was fucking heavy. 

I can hare the football Jogs coming from the other side of the corridor, I didnā€™t even have to look to know that every one was making way for them. Like there were Gods or some shit like that? 

I looked up for a second and spotted him. 

Like all ways he was in front, the center of attention, Laughing and joking around with is     ā€˜ so called friendsā€™  

Girlā€™s drooling and giggling over him.  As him and his jogs walk past.


Fucking bastard    




I turn back to my locker and put my bag over my shoulder. As I was about to walk off I slam my locker door shut, causing some people to look in my direction. I was about to walk off then I looked up and we locked eyes. His light hazel brown eyes glowed. I had all ways loved that about him and his sexy jet black hair that just make anyone want to run their finger through it; his sexy lips that you will never get sick of kissing. I use to LOVE him. He was my everything but now he just makes me sick, I hate him and his perfect face why does he have to be so fucking perfect. He stopped smiling and joking around. And was frozen like I was. 









I hate the way he still makes my heart skip a beat. 


I hate the way he looks at me.


I hate the way he makes me feel. 


I hate the way he says my name and makes me feel so weak.


I hate that he still has a hold on me 


I .... I hate everything about him. I fucking hate him


He told me he loved me and as a fucked up 16-year-old girl I fell for it. 

My body was shaking with ire.  I just hate him so much.



Biting my lip to stop the tear from falling down. Him out all people does not deserve my tears. His eyes were full of guilt, regret and the last thing I will ever expect from him after what he did was lust.  How dare he look at me like that. 


I dropped the eye contact; turning around I started  walking the other direction.


 ā€œ Miamiā€ 


 I hear him vociferating my name, making my heart skip a beat and my knee weak. 


 Why did he have to say my name?


Then hot tears started running down my face, I was biting down; on my bottom  lip to make it stop but it was just not working. I can tell he was about to run after me but Dan on of his fucked up best friends stopped him. I hated him even more. He knew what he was doing and he just pretended like he knew nothing and just went along with it.




ā€œ Dude give her some time she will come around  ā€œ 


 I hear him saying 



Which got me even angrier. Give me Time and I will come around. I donā€™t fucking need time and I will never, ever come around. What kind of bullshit is that? I was lost in thoughts, When I got to my car I was about to take my keys out till I felt someone poking on my shoulder. 


Who the fuck. 


 I turned  around and froze.


All the memories came flashing back really fast. Making my head ache and my heart hurt. Why did this have to happen to me? What have I ever done to deserve this? I wiped my tears away with my sleeve. Donā€™t even know how I should look at my exā€™ Best friend. Except with Disgust. 



ā€œ BEEā€   


 Her soft voice sniveled. Why was she crying? Wouldnā€™t she be happy?


ā€œ BEE ā€ 


She said again her voice was a little louder than the first time. How dare she ever say my name again, after what she did to me? I ignored her and turn back to my car and was about to put the key in till she grabbed my hand. I disengaged my hands from hers.


ā€œDonā€™t you fucking touch meā€


I hissed 


ā€œ BEE, Please I said I was sorry, ..... I didnā€™t mean to do it, it just happenedā€ 


She said sobbing 


AHH.. Just happen. It just happens. Right some thing cannot just happen. I rolled my eyes at her.


ā€œ Iā€™m so, so  SORRY Bā€ 


 She sobbed again 



ā€œ Sorry, Sorry ā€œ 


I yelped at her with tears  screaming down my face. 



ā€œ Really Aria THATS all you have to FUCKING SAY ā€œ


  I howled at her causing her to jump a little



ā€œ Please I didnā€™t mean to do it ā€œ 


 She said whimpering 



She was standing in front of me now. With tears running down her pale face. What did she think, that she could come to me and expect me to for give and for get. 


After what she did. 


And her out of all people know that I never forgive anyone. If some one does something to me and it hurts or makes me cry, I will never forgive them. Hush. I know but I donā€™t care, I had enough crap in my life and I donā€™t need anyone to fucking add to it. 



ā€œ Look Aria you can say sorry a Millionā€™s time and I still would not for give you. What kind of a best friend would do that?  You knew how I felt about him, I Fucking Loved him and all this time, you out of all people. YOU............ had to be the one that was..............sleeping with him.ā€ 


I cried 


ā€œ I canā€™t even look at you, you disgust me. YOU AND HIM. You both fucking belong togetherā€ 


I Hissed 


ā€œ B if there is anything I can do pleas. I will do anythingā€


She said 


ā€œ You want to know, want I want you to do? I want you to have him Aria. You can have all of him because Iā€™m doneā€ 



ā€œ But I donā€™t....ā€  


I cut her off 



 ā€œ Donā€™t what..... ARIA, OH Wait let me guess, Itā€™s not fun fucking him now is itā€  


I said, laughing a little 


ā€œ But fucking HIM WAS SO GOOD, WHEN I DIDNā€™T KNOWā€



Somewhere in my speech my tears were all gone. Her and Him donā€™t deserve my tears. This will be the last time I will ever cry over it again. They both are just so fucking sick, and belong with each other.




ā€œ Miami ā€œ 


She said 


ā€œ Donā€™t you fucking ever say my name again your bitch, I hate you, I fucking hate youā€


I yelled at her


ā€œ Miami we have been best friends for 9 years  ! 9 fucking years .... I know it means something to you. Donā€™t throw away are friendship; over some boyā€   


She cried 



 She is unbelievable. How dare she even say that! , Over some  boy. Yeah my boyfriend that she had being fucking for 4 years. 


I laughed, I donā€™t even know why but I was starting to find this really funny. 


ā€œ Aria our friendships use to mean everything to me. I would have given you the world. I cared about you so much. You were like my fucking sister, but all you did was stabbed me in the back. All this years I thought he was cheating on me with some girl  ...... but it was you, all those nights  I cried  on your shoulder .. ...

.. and that day ... that ONE day .. you came to me and told me you were.....


Her eyes got wider, It was red and some how her skin got more paler too, she looked like she was about to faint. But I know she knew what I was talking about. 


Why shouldnā€™t  I say it ....... I really wanted to....... But if i did..


would  that make me feel  any better


would it take the pain away 


Would it change all that has happen 


I sighed all of this question were running through my head and with no answers to any of them. I didnā€™t want to talk anymore.. I didnā€™t want to waist my breath on her anymore. 



ā€œ YOUR just sick Aria...... but Ainā€™t  like you; Iā€™m not that heartless , let me guess he doesnā€™t even know does he? ā€œ 


I said, I couldnā€™t help it, so I gave a small laughed  



ā€œ How may timesā€ 

I asked smirking at her.



She cried harder and did I care ........nope.  But a little part of me did. But Iā€™m not going to show it.  I Just donā€™t care anymore. 



I just looked  at her and exhale; running my hand through my hair. I then turned  back to my car and took out the key from my back pocket and opened it; throwing  my school bag in the back sit. I got in and closed the door.


I gave her one more glance and started the engine; taking off home. Abandoning my exā€™ best friend; in the car park. 












                                             *    *    *   *   *   *    *   *   *  


AND THATā€™S the start  Ladies and Gentlemen !...  I donā€™t know why ,, i started writing  it like this .. but i hope you like it..



iā€™m not all that with using words .. so please if you see something that does not make sense do tell or just

ignore!  .




Publication Date: 06-06-2014

All Rights Reserved

Love Makes You Do Stupid Things. Love Makes You Go Crazy

Free ebook Ā«Beautiful by Joziiisure - Josephine . L (great books for teens TXT) šŸ“–Ā» - read online now

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