Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » School's In Session by lillttop (small books to read .txt) 📖

Book online «School's In Session by lillttop (small books to read .txt) 📖». Author lillttop

Mandy: (Moving around Kitchen) Where’s the oatmeal?
Jake:(Brushes hair back) In the Cabinet.
Mandy(Happily) Found it!
Jake: (Sorely) Good for you. Now let’s go to school.


Jake: (Angrily) Oh yeah, and don’t just welcome yourself into my house without asking!
Mandy: But I am your best friend.
Jake: (Stands up) That doesn’t change a thing! Now let’s go.

Locks door.

Mandy: (Scratching head) I left my book bag inside.
Jake: (Puts hand on head) Are you serious!

At School

Mandy: ( Loudly) Jake I’m staying after school today so don’t wait up!
Jake: (Under breath) Don’t worry I won’t.
Mandy: (Straight forward) What does that mean?
Jake: (Sarcastically) Nothing, Nothing at all.

Rachel: Seems like you two are getting along as good as ever.
Mandy and Jake: (Slumping over) Sure.
Rachel: Have you two decided what stand you’re going to work at for the school fun raiser? We have three left open; the kissing both, snack bar, or dunk the idiot in the water tank.
Jake: (Sarcastically) Well we can’t do the kissing both, Mandy is to ugly we would never get enough money. And if she gets dunked she would probably sink. So I guess we’re doing the snack bar.
Mandy: (Hitting Jake on his head) What’s that suppose to mean?
Jake: Nothing, nothing at all. You wouldn’t understand anyway.
Rachel: (Sighs) This is going to be a long day…Well I’ll get headed to class you two should get going to. I mean I am the hall monitor after all and just because I’m your friend doesn’t mean I won’t give a detention slip.
Jake: ( Looking at Mandy) Sometimes I think she should be the principle.
Mandy: ( Frowning) Tell me about it.

In Class
Teacher: Today class we will get into groups of two and mix chemical compounds together with more chemical compounds. And the fun thing about it is that I haven’t even tested it yet. So let’s have fun and mix them together.
Jake: (Worried) But isn’t that a little dangerous?
Teacher: ( laughing) Not if we wear our goggles. Oh yeah and if some of the chemicals get on you don’t worry just keep having fun!
Mandy: (talking to Jake) Okay our teacher has totally lost it.
Jake: Yeah and she didn’t even give us gloves.
Max: (Smiling) Hey Mandy, you left this at the club practice yesterday.
Mandy: (Blushing) Thank you so much.
Max: Okay see you later after school.

Jake: You like him don’t you?
Mandy: And what if I do.
Jake: (Silent.)
Mandy: You Going to say something.
Jake: (Angry) I’m leaving.
Mandy: (Sighs)…..

Mandy at locker
Mandy: (Surprised) Oh what’s this?
Rachel: Looks like somebody left you some chocolate and a card. Looks like you have a secret admirer.
Mandy: Wow this is so cool. I’m going to read the letter.

*Dear Mandy, meet me after school in the school’s court yard.*
Mandy: I’m so going to tell Jake.
Rachel: (Confused) I still don’t get it who would like you?
Mandy: (Shocked) You’re so mean.
Rachel: Well I didn’t pick you as a friend you picked me. Oh yeah where’s Jake, you two are almost never apart.
Mandy: I don’t know he just got mad during first block after Max talked to me and left.
Rachel: (Getting books out of locker) You’re really dull.
Mandy: What is that supposed to mean?
Rachel: (Sighing) You’ll find out on your own…If you’re smart enough.
Mandy: (Depressed) You and Jake just love making fun of me don’t you.
Rachel: (Leaving) It’s not that hard. You actually make it way easier to do.

After Lunch
Mandy: Where is he.

Mandy: (Thinking) Oh there he is. It’s max!
Max: Hey Mandy what are you doing in the food court.
Mandy: You don’t know?
Max: No I’m just here to sit under the trees. Why are you here?
Jake: (Loudly) Over here Mandy!
Mandy(Walks over) Jake not now I have to wait for my secret admirer.
Jake: No. Just wait a sec.
Mandy: No I have to go.

Grabs Mandy’s’ arm.
Mandy: Let go. I’m waiting for…
Jake: I’m the one who put the letter in your locker.
Mandy: (Depressed) And finally I thought I was getting a boyfriend.
Jake: Listen.
Mandy: I know it was a joke for making you mad here I’m sorry. I hope you had fun.
Jake: No I like you.
Mandy: (Laughing) Very funny now I have to go.
Jake: (Seriously) I like you!
Mandy: (silent)
Jake: Believe me.
Mandy: But what about all the jokes?
Jake: I just thought you were funny looking sometimes.
Mandy: (Angry) What do you mean about that!
Jake: So do you like me?
Mandy: I don’t know. I just can’t see you than more than a friend.
Jake: I see, then I’ll give you a week to decide.
Mandy: (confused) What the, I didn’t agree to this.
Jake: Oh well you have to because I am your best friend.

Jake walks away

Mandy: (Blushing) That jerk…I’m going to get him…Not really.

Jake(ANGRY) I heard that!!!
Mandy: (Sighing) Seriously and I thought this year wouldn’t have any drama.

Next Day/At Fun raiser

Mandy: (Hiding behind Rachel) Do you see him anywhere.
Rachel: Aren’t you taking this a little to drastic. I mean don’t you like him too.
Mandy: (Gasping) What are you kidding me. He so mean and makes jokes about me all the time. It’s been like that ever since middle school.
Rachel: (Sighing) Your so dense.
Mandy: (Gasp)What is that suppose to mean!


Publication Date: 04-27-2011

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