UGH-NO!!?! by Gabriella Diaz (best books under 200 pages .txt) đź“–

- Author: Gabriella Diaz
Book online «UGH-NO!!?! by Gabriella Diaz (best books under 200 pages .txt) 📖». Author Gabriella Diaz
"But mom can we please talk about this?!" i said getting really pissed of at her i know i f*** up but jeesh cut me some slack i've done way worser stuff and it pisses me off that when im in trouble shes sober and not the stupid drunk idiot that doesnt care what i do.
"i dont care Libby your going and thats the last i have to say about it now leave me alone i have a headach" she said rubbing her head with her thumb and middle finger
"no you have a hangover not a headach theres a difference and mom please we all know that uncle jerry is crazier than miley cyrus after hannah montana i mean serisouly she needs mental help and so does uncle jerry but he needs it more!".(ps. no offence to miley cyrus fans i acutely like some of her new music :P)
"No! and thats finale now go get your stuff we need to be at the airport at 2:00 and it already 1:12 now go i already called your father yesterday when i picked you up from jail and he agrees with me so no its, ands, buts about it kay!"
"uhhhhh and it was not jail it was a holding sell i've been there before so whats your problem and its not fair that you just pull me out of school and tell me that im moving to LA with uncle jerry for 3 or more months when its already late september i know school just started not to long ago but really?"
"yes really now go were going to miss the plane and if we do im taking your car away and your phone now go!"
"fine!" i signed and walked up the stairs to my room and got my stuff when i got everything i needed i walked downstairs out the door and put my stuff in the car and got in and waited for my mom when she finaly came she put her hand on my shoulder and said "honey you know im just doing whats best for you" she said with pleading eyes for me to understand.
i looked at her and shruged and looked out the window to my home for the last time before we pulled off down the road towards the airport and my nightmere begins now....
When we got to the airport we had 10 minutes before i got on the airplane to hell and my mom made it worst by talking and talking about how i need to be on my best behavior and "make sure you dont get pregnant because i know guys live there and if you do, do it make sure you use protection and never get drunk while hanging around guys because it will go horriblly wrong trust me i know thats how i made you and if your sad and i cant be there for you because im to weird to pick up listen to our favorite song do you remember it?' she said walking back and forth.
god she's drunk i knew that "water bottle" <air quets btw wasnt water when she kept on gulping it down in the car ride here she's such a stupid drunk i just pray that she doent start singing her "favorite song" and of course i spoke to soon when she got on a chair and started singing it...... loud.
"I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world Life in plastic, it's fantastic! You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere Imagination, life is your creation Come on Barbie, let's go party! oh, oh, oh yeah!
oh god no this is embarissing "MOM! get down before they call some one" i tryed to grab here but she just jumbed on another chair singing and swinging her arms around like an idiot
"NO! i like it up here bossy come on sing along im a barbie girl in a barbie worrrrld" she slurred now people are staring great just great
"um ma'm is she drunk?" a guy said standing infront of me "what no she isnt she's just ummm she's just sad that im leaving so she uhhh she......fuck it yeah she's drunk" i said with a sigh might as well tell the truth she's going to rehab anyway.
6 minutes later they got her down and are now taking her to the hospitle so the doctor could "talk to her" if you know what i mean by that see this is why i make bad decisions its all her fault for being such a dumb ass
"They tried to make me go to rehabbbbb but I said, 'No, no, noooo.' Yes, I've been black butttt when I come back you'll know, know, knowwwww" my mom sang or should i say slurred the amy winehouse song while the guys in white dragged her out.
after everything calmed down and my mom was gone i texted my dad what happened of corse he just said that he'll handle it and he'll talk to me later i mean no hey have a good trip or good luck on the fucked up world your going to be living nothing "he's such a dick head" i said as i loaded the plane i put my stuff in the little thingy on top of my seat by the window and put my headphones on and blasted the music some old guy sat next to me but i didnt even give him a glance i just closed my eyes and tryed to fall asleep for the next 6 in a half hours.
I was woked up by a fly attendent saying we landed in LA wow those sleeping pills worked great i thought as i grabbed some of my bags that i have here and got of the plane to get the rest.
after i got all my stuff i waited for my uncle to come pick me up its now 8:52pm and i've been waiting for like 20 minutes now "god where is he doesnt he know how to tell time or is he crazy and stupid?!!" i said getting cranky "well yes he can tell time and yes he is crazy" a guy said behind me i quickly turned around and came face to face with a hot guy he has black hair and light brown eyes with black dimond earings in both ears and he's wearing a tight grey v-neck long sleve shirt thats rolled up to his elblows and black skinny jeans with black vans he's is so hot i feel like i could faint
"are you ready to go or do you want to continue checking me out because i could take my shirt off if you want a better view of my abs" he said with a smirk on his face
i rolled my eyes at him why do all the hot guys have to be cocky jerks "no thanks im good so who are you?"
"me oh yeah i forgot srry babe your hot i was just to busy looking at you i really think im going to like living with you here it might be a little fun im josh by the way im here to pick you up because jerry couldnt make it" he said obvisouly checking me out i rolled my eyes again "oh good this day just keeps getting better and better first my mom and now i have to ride to a place i dont want to be with a flirty, cocky, jerk" i said with an annoyed tone
he just laughed "yup! he said popping the p thats me the flirty, cocky, jerk josh but you forgot one thing im sexy! and dont forget that now come on before jerry shows up here in his underwear" he said grabbing most of my bags and walking to a dark grey toyta "underwear?" i said follwing him to the car i put my stuff in the car and got in the passenger seat after he put my stuff away he got in and pulled out the parking lot "yeah underwear he likes to hang loose ya know you'll get use to it hopefully" he said with a shrug i sighed and look out the window "yeah not likey" i said under my breath
this is going to be a long couple of months.....
Please Read!Hey guys sorry this isn’t an update but I’ve been thinking about how I want this story to go and I decided that I need to rewrite it.........just not on here. I've been writing stories on wattpad and that’s where I'm going to post this story, rewritten of course. I will start updating it more on there soon.
So if you want to finish reading this story find me on wattpad by the name of XxFacingRealityxX I will post the story on there soon but if you don’t see it then don't worry I’m most likely fixing more chapters.
Thanks :)
Oh and if you message me on Wattpad, saying you’re from here and follow me, i will follow you back :)
ImprintText: i wrote it - gabby plz dont sill my story!
Editing: Gabby
Publication Date: 09-25-2013
All Rights Reserved
may have intense parts.
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