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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » I thought love didn't exsist!...Well does it? by Juleit A.K.A Katie (novels for beginners txt) 📖

Book online «I thought love didn't exsist!...Well does it? by Juleit A.K.A Katie (novels for beginners txt) 📖». Author Juleit A.K.A Katie

Look at how beautiful he is.His black hair sweeping across his bright green eyes.Oh how green they were.They were filled with excitement.He had his soccer jersey on.Black and orange.He sat on the bench waiting for his turn on the field.
I stood in the stands watching the scrimmige.Well I wasn't exacly watching the team.I was more interested with watching Stephan.He looked behind and saw me in the stands.He waved and smiled at me.I blushed and waved back.He motioned for me to come over.I got down from the stands and went towards him.He got up from the bench and had his arms wide open waiting for a hug.I gave him a warm embrace.
"So, what's the score?"I asked pulling away from the embrace.
"Seven to eight."
"You winning?"
"Ofcourse I am.You've seen me on that field I kick that ball as easy as you falling."He said smiling.
"Hey it was not my fault that I tripped over your foot and the frog on my tray fell on you."I said pointing at his chest.He laughed smiling uncontrolably.
"I'm going out with the team later you want to come with us?"
"Ofcourse.Just because I'm on the girls soccer team doesn't mean I can't go out with the team.I mean it's not like I won't understand what you boys are saying."I said.

"You understand everything."He said rolling his eyes.
"Hey Heart want play for a minute?"The coach asked.
"Ya.I don't mind beating their butts."I said.
"Good.Play center forward.You're on Stephans team.Now both of you hustle!"He yelled.
I hurried out onto the field going to the center of the field.
"Hey boys look Heart is playing!"Josh said from the other side of field.I waited for the whistle to blow with the ball in my possesion.The high pitched blow startled me.Ikicked the ball over to Stephan.He dribbled it at the side of the field.I ran farther getting ahead of him so he could pass it.He had a clear shot to me so he passed it.I dribbled it up to the box and kicked the ball as hard as I could.The ball passed the goaly and into the net.I gave Stephan a high fived and returned to the coach.
"You aren't too bad Heart."He said.
"Well, I practice my hardest.It is hard to play hard with the girls."I said with Stephan by my side.
"Really?I was hoping maybe you could join the boys' team."He said.
"Ya.I would love that."
"But you have to know that I'll treat you like every other boy on the team."
"You know it."I said smiling.
"Hey team!"The coach yelled. "Come here we have a new team mate!"He said.The boys came to the coach sweating and panting.
"Who's the new guy?"Josh asked swallowing some Gatorade.
"You mean girl.Anyways it's Heart."He said.
"You're letting a girl on the Boys' team?"Someone said somewhere from the back.
"She proved me she can play tough.Next practice tomorrow 3:30."We all walked away from the coach.Most of the guys went to locker room whereas Stephan and I headed to his car.His car was a red Chevy.It was old but it was awesome looking.I got in the passenger seat while Stephan got in the drivers' and put the keys in the ignition.
"Your brother won't be happy with me."He said pulling put of the school parking lot.
"Why?"I asked.
"It's after 8:00.You know your curfew is 7:00."
"He'll deal with it.It was just practice.It's not like I'm dating anyone and anyways I'm with my best friend."
"Your best friend that's a boy."He pointed out looking at me.
"So...?"I trailed off.He returned his gaze to the road.
"You should be happy that it's not a school night."he said.
"Ya, so since it's not a school night I get to be out till 10:00.So no harm done."I said looking out the window as the sun was setting.
"Thank god for that."He said smiling.There was a sudden silence.
"How long have we been friends?"I asked looking at his face.
"Um..."He said scrunching his face thinking. "15 years 2 months and 18 days."He said smiling.
"That's a long time."I said looking at the road ahead.
"It has...And I've been wondering about-"HE cut himself short.
"Wondering what?"I asked looking at him again.His cheeks were red. "Are you okay?"I asked reaching my hand towards his cheek.His cheek was warm against my cold skin.
"Um, ya I'm fine..."He trailed off.I put my hand back onto my lap.There was something about him.
Oh what am I talking about?
"Do you believe in love?"I blurted.What did I just say?
"Um ya.There is such thing.Well I believe it anyways."
Okay so he believes in love but love doesn't exsist...
Does it?


Publication Date: 07-07-2010

All Rights Reserved

I dedicate this book to everyone who is kind.

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