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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Demons Mark by Isha O'Hara (bill gates books recommendations TXT) 📖

Book online «Demons Mark by Isha O'Hara (bill gates books recommendations TXT) 📖». Author Isha O'Hara


My name is Aquamarine Z. Jones. I have a twin Sister. Her name is Aquanetta Z. Jones. i know, i know double Z's for our middle name. well don't talk to me about it. talk to our parents. My sister and i live at boarding school. we go to Anna Jane Academy. its sounds like an all girl school but its not. its co-ed. AJ Academy is like the top school in the country. and it just so happen that me and my sister are here. we have the same room and half the same classes. we are suppose to meet today at the cafe down the street. as a matter a fact i think i should get going.

"hey Aqua your sisters looking for you again." said jane.
"damn Jane can you go stall her. tell i had to meet my trainer and we were a bit late with the weight trainning."
"sure, i'm going to cover for you arse this time but the next time imma tell her where your really at all the time."
"okay, fine with me" i really don't like Jane. see the thing is the people my sister hangs out with are all weird. my sister is this nerd and im the sporty one. see when i do my work i put it on her desk and she does it for me and when she falls asleep i put my name on them. see that the thing about being twins no one can tell us a part.

20 minutes later.

i get to the cafe in record time. at least on my time that is. when i walk in my sister is talking to this guy i know name James. yeah i know right his name is james wilcox and him and my sister are going together like together together. i really hate it but she's happpy and if she's happy im happy. i walk over and sit down. she looks up at me with the face of I-know-your-late-but-you-didnt-have-to-be-this-late. i nodded my head.

"Netta why didn't you call me you know how i am about sports."
"i felt that i didn't need to call you. that you could have came here and notice that we were suppose to meet up here."
"I'm sorry okay. dammit Z you always know how to make me feel like the bad guy"
"well i'm sorry that you feel that way."
"fine wateva." i looked up to see this guy walk in the cafe. he has this purple rose on his forehead. he looked like he was sick or something.
"Aqua answer me."
"huh. oh what were you asking me."
'Did you have fun at practice today." i started caughing this really bad caugh. i looked at my sister to see her caughing too.
"you.... okay... Net..." she shook her no. the guy with the mark walked up to our table.
"Aquamarine Jones and Aquanetta Jones i here by mark you By the Goddess Aset and the High Preistest Eve as one of there own."
"what... the .. hell are you.. talking about... dude....." but before i could get it out he touched me and my sisters foreheads. my head exploaded in pain. i fell to the floor trying to hold on to something. i couldn't move all i could do was sit there and feel the pain go through my body. everything was on fire then it started to cool off. i still had pain in my head so all i could do was faint.

New Home

i woke up on the floor in the cafe. people had gathered around me. i looked up to see a guy crouched over me. he was tall, he had a caramel skin tone, with hazel eyes, he look at me with eyes full of joy and love. i really couldnt move. i tried to talk but all that came out of my mouth was a hoarse wisper. he must have understood what i said cause he helped me stand up.

"my name is Dimirti Smith. And you are my mate."
"hey,..." i cleared my throat."you have it all wrong. i am not your mate. and i don't know you."
"you are my mate. your father is my king an he gave me permission to marry one of his daughters and i choose you. therefore you are my mate."
"my father. really dude you have to be shitin me. i hardly even talk to my father let alone know him so how can you say im your mate when i don't know you. Netta lets get out of here this freak is creeping me out."
"Aqua it's true."
" what the hell you mean it's true Net. you hardly speak to dad as well."
"actually Aqua i speak to Dad everyday. he tells me al the time that he wished you would talk to him so he can tell you important thingslike this. im sorry i kept this from you but he's telling the truth Dad told him and then me and they told me not to tell you until we were marked."
"what... no... i mean..." i stormed out of the cafe and to my dorm. people moved out of my way faster today than any other day. they ran till they couldn't see me. i headed into the dorm when i heard my sister and that guy behind me. i went to our room and went in the private bathroom we had. i locked the door and cried. i haven't cried in years since my father left. but i guess today was the day. i heard the room door open and the the bathroom door open. my sister came in and sat in the sink.
"i'm sorry Aqua."
"your sorry.. sorry doesnt fix the fact that i have this hudge flower on my head with vines running down the side of my face. sorry doesnt fix the fact that you keep some shit like that from me. do you take me for granted all the time Aqanetta. do you take me for a fool to think that some guy pops out of no where put a big ass purple rose and vines on our face. tells us that we are marked by a goddess. then again another guy pops up and says hes my mate. my effing mate Aquanetta. huh "
"no Aqua i dont please dont be mad at me"
"mad is way over my head right now. i am fourious at you. get out now and pack our shyt i dont want to talk to you right now."
she left without saying anything. i was in the bathroom for about twenty minutes. i was thinking of something to say to my sister because i know she didn't mean to keep it from me it just happen. so i got up and went out to the room the guy Dimitri was out there. he sat on my bed with my things already packed. my sister was right next to the door. she stared at me with concern in her eyes. i gave her a hug, she kissed my hair.
"I'm sorry Netta


Publication Date: 12-20-2011

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