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Read books online Ā» Romance Ā» Heartless Defender, Hardened Innocent by Aimee Orozco (romantic novels to read .txt) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«Heartless Defender, Hardened Innocent by Aimee Orozco (romantic novels to read .txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author Aimee Orozco

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Athens, Greece
It was a great party. Striking women were milling around wearing beautiful dresses; men were looking suave in their tuxes. It was small, only 200 people, but even that was too much. ā€˜Smile and walkā€™ she thought to herself.
ā€œMe estas doliendo, querida

. Let go. No oneā€™s going to hurt you.ā€ She looked over at her brother. He was handsome, with soft brown eyes, chiseled features and dark brown hair. Whenever he smiled, as he was doing now, anyone could see the dimples that framed his mouth. He was a great catch for any of the women at the function there, and he laughed when she told him so.
ā€œIā€™m not looking for love tonight. Besides weā€™re supposed to be donating money to a good cause here.ā€
ā€œYeah that works if you actually have money to donate to a ā€˜good causeā€™. Most of the people come just to brag about their money.ā€ She stifled a giggle at his raised eyebrow at the oncoming rant he knew she was going to make. But she stopped and said something else instead. ā€œSo, just what is the good cause?ā€
ā€œNo. if I told you, you would go on another tirade, and this time, I wonā€™t be able to stop you from railing at these poor guests.ā€ He shook his head laughing silently when she stuck her tongue out at him like a child.
Fine, be that way. Come then, Iā€™m starving, and it doesnā€™t look like anyone else is going to eat.ā€
ā€œEvery person at this function looks fake. No oneā€™s even eating anything.ā€
ā€œRelax, itā€™s not like youā€™re going to marry any of these peopleā€ Angelo was concerned for his friend. He had been tense and restless all morning. He thought bringing him to the function would loosen him up. Evidently he was wrong.
Andreos had been his friend since they were ten and fighting dragons in his backyard. And when they were in his room, just talking. They were always in his house because Angeloā€™s house was run down and old. But their monetary differences hadnā€™t mattered to them back then. Or now. Andreos had gained millions as heā€™d grown up, but he hadnā€™t forgotten about Angelo. Heā€™d given him a job, and then helped him invest and create his own company, soon matching Andreosā€™s millions. He loved Andreos like a brother and it bothered him to see him this stressed.
ā€œExcuse Me.ā€ The feminine voice brought Angelo out of his stupor. He moved automatically then saw her face.
She was beautiful. Dark, ebony hair framed a heart-shaped face, flawless and fair with a tinge of pink around her cheeks. He let his eyes trail over the rest of her and they almost fell out. The deep red dress was accented to her every curve, showing off the swells of her breasts, curvy waist and narrow hips. The dress pooled around her legs, hiding the length.
He steeled his resolve to talk to her, when he noticed Andreos. His eyes were turning darker, and they slid over her as if he were already imagining her in his arms. Finally. He was actually noticing a member of the different sex after two years.
ā€œLook thereā€™s Alicia. I need to talk to her. Iā€™ll see you later.ā€ He walked away, shaking his head and smiling. Andreos hadnā€™t even noticed him. She would be good for him.
He had left her. Sheā€™d turned around to give him a piece of fruit, and he was gone. She searched the courtyard with her eyes, panicking. She was by herself. And people were starting to stare. Two women across the table were giving her quick glances and whispering. Turning to go, her face hit a rock-hard wall. She gasped when she felt two arms grasp her arms, steadying her. Her eyes traveled up and up until they collided with a pair of grey ones. They looked like a turbulent sea after the storm.
ā€œAre you okay? ā€œ God help her, his voice was like honey with a foreign accent that didnā€™t sound like the rest of the natives in Greece. It sounded romantic with an almost lyrical quality to it. His voice brought attention to his mouth. It was a full stunning mouth that promised a woman paradise if they were ever blessed with kissing it. And they looked even better when he smiled, which his lips were doing right now. And she was staring at him like a blind person seeing the sun for the first time.
The thought went over like a bucket of cold water.
She straightened her spine and lifted her head high
ā€œYes Iā€™m fine. I didnā€™t see you. I-Iā€™m sorry.ā€ Her courage had deserted her when she had looked at him. Really looked. He was the stuff made of Greek Gods, which was appropriate given they were in Greece. Blushing profusely, she tried to turn away, but he caught her chin in his fingers, forcing her face back up.
ā€œDonā€™t worry. It was my fault.ā€ He gestured to the food with his thumb. ā€œYou were going to eat? I suggest the pastry with the grey topping. Itā€™s delicious.ā€
ā€œUm, Okay.ā€ She reached across the table and popped the small pastry in her mouth. The flavor burst on her tongue, making her sensitive to the texture and consistency of it. It was scrumptious and she was aware of the gentleman watching her, gauging her reaction. Keeping her expression under control, she swallowed the delicious delicacy. ā€œItā€™s good.ā€
ā€œJust Good? Not mouth-wateringly, perfectly perfect, lip-smackingly tasty?ā€ His face was sober, but there was a twinkle in his eyes that gave him away.
ā€œYes. Only good.ā€ She smiled. He was very charming and amusing.
ā€œDa-arn. Looks like my readers will be disappointed with that bland description.ā€ Yes, definitely amusing. She could tell by the way it sounded he was going to say damn instead of darn. It was oddly endearing to her. Along with everything else about him. Especially his mouth. He had a perfect cupidā€™s bow that was in total contrast to the rest of his sharp features. And once again he was disturbing her thoughts by simply standing there. She tried to recall what he had barely said.
ā€œYour readers?ā€ That comment unnerved her. Of course there would reporters here, but she didnā€™t expect them to openly announce themselves. Feeling edgy she noticed that they were alone. Everyone was clear on the other side; the closest person was ten meters away. She started feeling panicky, but kept her cool, determined to make it through at least a few more moments before allowing her fear to control her.
ā€œWell not mine directly. My company owns them. Itā€™s their people, but I get the profits.ā€
The relief she felt almost floored her, but she controlled her expression. He didnā€™t actually take the pictures and write the stories. She was so grateful, she missed the last part of his question. ā€œIā€™m sorry. What did you say?ā€
ā€œI asked if you wanted to dance.ā€ His question surprised her. She was so caught up in him, she completely forgot they were in public. It was just them in their own little bubble. She recognized it as a waltz; it was a song she had learned later in life and recalled it involved a lot of contact, something her body wanted, but her mind knew wasnā€™t possible. She needed to make her mind now though because he was already pulling her toward the dance floor. Refusing to be seen as submissive, she walked alongside him.
So lost in the mixed feelings the song evoked, she was startled when he abruptly pulled her to him. She thrust out her arm to keep from tripping and it landed on his shoulder. He caught the other in his hand and began to move. Her feet came into the steps easily and soon they were waltzing around the dance floor alone. Soon she was beginning to notice things besides the other people. Things like his warm hand across the naked skin of her back, his legs brushing along hers, and his breath across her cheek.
They were so close now, every part of her was pressed against him. His masculine scent assaulted her sense of smell, but it was such a pleasing aroma, she couldnā€™t bear to part from it. She could feel every ridge and point of his body and felt that it was all firmly toned. The muscle under her hand proved it all the more. As pressed up to him as she was she could also feel he was just as pleased to be there.
Her cheeks started to flame as she realized it was his erection pressing against her hip. This was too intimate an embrace for her, but it felt so good to be held, she didnā€™t want it to stop. Brazenly, she tilted her hips mid-step so that her pelvis brushed his closely. She heard his intake of breath and smiled in satisfaction. Iā€™m actually doing this flitted through her mind, but all thoughts scattered when he pulled her chest straight up against his.
Andreos was quickly turning to fire by the little minx he held in his arms. She was turning him on almost to the point of no return. His shaft was so thick now it almost hurt to keep up the dancing charade. And she was deliberately tempting him. Even now he could feel the slide of her thigh against his and it sent shivers all over him. He couldnā€™t wait for the moment when he could be done with this.
Iā€™m playing with fire she chastised herself. But so was he. He moved like water over and throughout her senses, making her hyperaware of how much more feminine she was than him. There was no one else around for her. All she could see, and all she wanted to see, was his eyes. Those turbulent sea-gray eyes. She was so lost, she didnā€™t hear the song end.
He stopped their waltzing slowly, as if he didnā€™t want to leave her. Soon though they stopped, standing beside each other in front of a crowd. Sound came roaring back painfully once she wasnā€™t under the spell of his eyes. The people were applauding loudly. Only now did she remember the way they were dancing so intimately, and how it must have looked to the others. Heat scalded her cheeks again as she walked in between the crowd to a table.
ā€œWell. That was quite a dance.ā€ She looked up to see his smile, looking pleased with himself. Well he should be she thought, recalling her blatant display of her affections. Mortified, she tried to say goodbye, but he held steadfast to her wrist. ā€œCome. You must at least stay for the champagne. Here, Iā€™ll get us some.ā€ He was already walking away before she could respond. He is so egotistical she thought. Then she realized she was all alone again.
Her palms started to sweat. She felt hot and cold at the same time, and her legs felt like jelly. She was about to turn, when she saw Jake. Joy flooded her system. He walked over to her, obviously seeing her alone. Once again she felt grateful that he knew her so well.
ā€œHey, having fun?ā€ He took her hand to warm it with his.
ā€œYeah. Jake, when can we leave?ā€
ā€œIs it starting?ā€One look from her confirmed it. ā€œWell Iā€™m not needed anymore, but there are people I really should say goodbye to. Wait here.ā€
He walked off into the crowd, but for once nothing happened. Was it finally over? Turning around to tell him, she soon found out why nothing was happening. He was right

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