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Read books online » Romance » Griffin by Rahela Ferarri (best books for 8th graders .TXT) 📖

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me like that?


Mia:       “I couldn’t go away without knowing
 If things were different, I mean
. if there wasn’t any Diane, or Alex


Griffin:  “There’s no point in discussing that. Things aren’t different. You made your choice. Now learn to live with it!” – I was loud, with bitterness in my voice. Then, I looked out the window and gathered my strength again. “Back then
you said that I don’t know you. Maybe I don’t. But I can bet my life that he doesn’t know you better than I do.” I looked at her. “Do you really think he sees the woman you are?”


Mia:       “Oh, come on, James! Then why don’t you take a chance for once in your life? Let’s see what happens.”


Griffin:  “Can you take a chance, Mia? Can you promise you’d never see him again?”


Mia:       “You know I can’t do that right now.”


Griffin:  “Then it’s just not good enough.”


Mia:       “James, this is who I am. I do not know how to belong to someone, nor how it feels that someone belongs to you. I do not know how to play safe, like you do! To make a lifetime promise. I’m not sure if I even believe in that. And I admire you for being able to do that. I have no idea what will happen tomorrow.”


Now I was really furious. She had awaken the Griffin I never knew existed in me.


Griffin:  “Safe??? You think you know what safe is?!?” – I walked toward her like a raging beast. She was stepping back ‘till she reached the doors. I grabbed her by her shoulders with both arms, but she didn’t look aside for a second. I was out of my self, yelling.


Griffin:  “Do you think safe was when my heart wanted to burst out of my chest??? Or when I was moments away from making the biggest fool out of myself, and jump on that stage when you went into his arms?”


I never felt this desperate in my life. And she called it safe? I could throw away my whole life for her if she just gave me a sign, and she calls it safe? Again, we were on a breath range. Our legs were tangled, and I could feel myself growing next to her thigh. Fuck, Mia, what are you doing to me? She didn’t flinch back. Instead, she was gazing me in the eyes, wanting me as badly as I wanted her. I felt it. I felt it back then in the backstage. I felt it when she was on this God damn stage, and I feel it now. I touched her face. You are mine. Yes you are I can see that. I was not going to back down again. I did it once and I lost her. I took one hand off of her shoulder and lowered it down to her thigh. Our hearts wanted to jump out of our chests. I slowly pulled my hand upwards, beneath her dress. I didn’t know whether she’d stop me or want me to continue, but instead she leaned her head backwards and moaned. Oh fuck it. My lips were all over her neck. With one move I picked her up and pressed her against the door, while I unzipped my pants with another one. Of, shit, she was so ready for me. Next second I was inside of her so roughly, but instead of crying out, she put her hands around my neck and kissed the hell out of me. Fuck, Mia, what are you doing to me? The harder I was, the more she wanted, and I was ready to explode.


Griffin:  “Nothing makes sense without you by my side
..I love you, God damn can’t you see that
”- We couldn’t refrain ourselves anymore and we both exploded, while my hair was in her fist, and my nails thrusted in her soft skin. She was mine.

Chapter Seventeen


There we were. The boss and the employee. I never felt this intensity of feelings, before this little creature curled up in my lap and leaned her head on my chest. I wanted to absorb every inch of her. Gently, I was caressing her hair, with only moonlight shining upon us. This was all I needed. Her, this close. Not on a chair next to me on a meeting, or on a stage singing. But her in my arms, pressed against my body. I was inhaling every scent of hers. Just stay here forever. I don’t care. Then her soft voice interrupted my thoughts.


Mia:       “Now what?”


Griffin:  “You already know my answer. What’s yours?”


Mia:       “I don’t know.”


Griffin:  “Me neither. But I know one thing
.You are addicted to me, as I am addicted to you.” Then I bit my lip, and took the strength to ask her. I needed to know. “That guy, Alex. How serious is it?”


Mia:       “If you’d asked me a day ago, I wouldn’t hesitate to give you an answer. All of this that you see, is his creation. If it wasn’t for him and me, you’d never notice me. Like it happened in this very same office six years ago.”


Griffin:  “Please don’t say that. I said I was sorry for not remembering you, and I still don’t know how that could have happened.”


Mia:       “No, James, it doesn’t matter. Really. I’m just saying that he made me what I am. I practically grew up next to him. But in the same way he formed my self-confidence and femininity, he also sculpted me emotionally. You see, all I ever knew was how to seduce and manipulate men. They were nothing but an object to me. A toy. I learned to get everything I wanted, until there was nothing left to wish for. The two of us were the same. I have never experienced jealousy. I don’t know how it feels to hold hands. That’s why I rejected you in the back stage. I knew that I could bring you nothing but pain. Your job is everything you are, it defines you. You invested yourself in it. For me, a job was just another caprice. Another proof that I could exceed myself. But, it wouldn’t stop me from leaving tomorrow, without ever looking back. Just like that. You couldn’t just leave everything and go with me across the world. And I couldn’t ever ask you to.”


Griffin:  “Ok, then. Let me see who you are. Let me in. To see the real you. If it’s too much for me, just go everywhere you want, I won’t stop you. But let me be the judge of that. Don’t make the decisions on my behalf. I have been through a lot myself, maybe not as much as you have, but enough to know to recognize if something is worth the risk. And I think you are. We are.”


Mia:       “So, what are you suggesting?”


Griffin:  “Let it be. Let me in. We still have three-four weeks. No one has to know. I’ll take my chances. It’ll be worth the fall. All I ask of you is to do the same. Be mine. And then, if you decide to go, I won’t stop you. Deal?”


Mia:       “Deal!”


I wasn’t sure if I just became the happiest man alive, or just signed myself a death sentence. I didn’t care. There was no backing down. I will fight for her. I will win her. I know she has strong feelings for me too. She wouldn’t have been there. He sculpted her at his image, and I was aware that I might never be able to understand the rules by which his, their, world works. But she is too complex to just be this one person and suppress this other part of her that I fell in love with. And luckily for me, he knew nothing about this part. He let it wither, and I nurtured it to grow. Okay James, there’s your chance. Do your best.


Griffin:  “Now, all we have to do is to sneak out of the building unnoticed. You go first, and I’ll leave in fifteen-twenty minutes.” – She was on her way out, and asked:


Mia:       “So, I’ll see you at work?” - Oh yes you will. Now, you are mine. I pulled out the best of her as an expert in work, and let’s see what kind of woman he made her to be. Babe, I want to see your limits there. I want to see till the very bottom of you. And you just allowed me to. I smiled and pinned her to the door.


Griffin:  “Oh, you sure will see me
Miss Petrov.” – I kissed her. Because I could. Because I want to kiss her lips, and to be the last man who ever kisses them. She kissed me back and exited. Better. I would have taken her again if she didn’t.


Tomorrow was a great day! A perfect one, actually. I woke up with a smile. And she will be there today, at work. Close to me. I hardly found my way through the parking lot. The press were still all around the company. Yes, they were here because of her. Her and him. The thought put the smile off of my face. But she was mine. Claire was already on the hall when I came. She was looking at me inquisitively, trying to assess my mood, and what has happened.


Griffin:               â€œMorning Mrs. Claire.”


Mrs. Claire:         “Oh, Mr. Griffin, you came!”


Griffin:               “Of course I did! It’s Tuesday! There’s a lot of work to be done. And may I add, you look lovely today.” – I was in a good mood. I loved this Tuesday.


I called Doug to inform me of yesterday’s events. We were in the middle of discussion when I heard a pair of high heels walking through the corridor, becoming louder as they approached my office. I thought of her. Then the door opened, and I sighed from disappointment. It was Diane. On her surprise, I was in a good mood. She came like a vulture, to pick up the remaining’s, gloating over her victory.


Diane:   “Well, someone is in a good mood.”


Griffin:  “Yes, why wouldn’t I be?”


Diane:   “You didn’t show up on work yesterday. I called... So I thought..”


Griffin:  “I had work to do at the university. Things just piled up after this vacation.”


Diane:   “Shouldn’t you call Mia to go through the annex we requested from UniGlobe. She was the one who insisted on this matter, so I think we should keep her involved.”- She smiled viciously.


Yes, she wanted to twist the dagger in my back. She knew how I felt when I saw her on stage. And, she was positive things were over between us. She just wanted a proof.


Griffin:  “Yes, you are probably right. Claire, please call Miss Petrov to my office.” – Diane was gloating. Doug, on the other hand had no idea what was it all about.


Couple of moments later, she showed up. She was in a tight pencil skirt. Good girl. She stood by the door, waiting to be invited.


Mia:       “Mr. Griffin, you wanted to see me.”


Griffin:  “Yes, Miss Petrov, please care to join us.” – Diane was like a vulture. She didn’t leave Mia out of her sight. Watched her every move, trying to assess the situation. She couldn’t wait any longer, and she moved with the topic.


Diane:   “I guess

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