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Read books online » Romance » Griffin by Rahela Ferarri (best books for 8th graders .TXT) 📖

Book online «Griffin by Rahela Ferarri (best books for 8th graders .TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Rahela Ferarri

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lot of things to do when I get back. I never left my for a holiday before, you know.” – I didn’t want to take her there.


They take commitments seriously. I know that they have been hoping that I would bring a girl to their house eventually, but I didn’t want to bring Diane and give her false hopes. Besides, my parents are humble folks, and living a very modest lifestyle. She just would never fit in. And I don’t want them to ask me about her afterwards. I could never bring there a woman I can’t see as a mother of my children. And Diane wasn’t the one. She wasn’t happy with the answer, but she knew better than to push it.

Chapter Thirteen


On my first Monday after vacation, I was early in the Company, like always, trying to catch up on news. I needed to prepare for a regular briefing, but I was still in a good mood since I charged my batteries. Guys were coming in my office one by one, asking about the details. I was telling them some funny stories about Diane and me, when Doug interrupted me.


Doug:    “Oh, good, you’re here. We didn’t want to start without you.” – Doug addressed Mia who imperceptibly walked toward her chair. The image of her totally messed my thoughts. She had a new hairstyle. More elegant. Sophisticated. The words just fly out of my mouth before I had the time to think it through. “Oh, Mia, is that a new hairstyle? It’s great!”


Mia:       “Well, actually I needed a small change. Now it’s straight
 shoulder length
”- She was embarrassed. I didn’t want to continue this awkward moment, especially not in front of the other staff, so we continued with the briefing.


In a week, we needed to make a decision about UniGlobe. This was like a heavy load on my chest. I just couldn’t set my mind and decide. I decided to summon a meeting, and hear everyone’s opinion on the subject. What mattered the most to me was her opinion. She had this incredible intuition and I knew that she still watched my back, no matter what. Diane was very proud of the project, because she managed to organize it all. She had a good relationship with Nathan Finley, the financial magnate who promised significant support to my Company if this contract is signed. I never had problems with making a decision. I just wanted to be careful. But I think this could be okay. I will wait for the meeting and then decide.


The time flew by, and my mind was still restless. The meeting was today and I requested everyone’s presence in the conference room. Diane was there too. Doug opened the discussion and I asked him to explain the issue thoroughly to Mia.


Doug:    “Mia, as you know, we are about to close a very important deal with one of the greatest manufacturer in the country. It was conceived to be a long term investment which would bring us a significant amount of money. They are expanding their area of business with their present clients, and need our funds to support their expansion. Our commission is pretty generous, since they are making huge profit as it is. Now, their lawyer has sent us the contract for signing. Diane has reviewed the contract, and concluded that we could benefit from the contract terms. We just need your risk assessment, so we could sign the deal, and head back to the project.”

They all just wanted her to confirm the conclusion, so we could continue, but I knew her. I expected her to state her opinion, and by the troubled look on her face, I sensed that she struggles with her fear, but that she will do as her conscience tells her.


Mia:       “Thank you, Doug, for the introduction. I am sure that you have reviewed the contract thoroughly. There really are many benefits from this contract. But we need to be careful here.”


My full attention was on her. This was her moment. I tried to be neutral and objective. I didn’t want our relationship, or this situation that happened, interfere anyhow on my judgement. I knew that she will do the right thing whatever it took. Diane was visibly pissed, but I really wanted Mia's opinion on this. I lacked her insightfulness and intuition. She was pure talent. Like nothing I have ever seen. And the most important thing, she got my back. She continued.


Mia:       “It is not my intention to say that this is a bad agreement, but the risk we are about to undertake is simply too high for us. You must be aware that this is a seven year contract. Who is the third party anyway? And where is this huge profit generated? Why can’t they invest their gained profit in this new expansion? We have no insight in their business associates and activities. Nobody wants to share their piece of cake just like that.”


I can tell you, nobody expected that. The murmur spread the office like an infection. She was scared, but remained calm and focused. The way I like her. Diane was furious, trying to shatter Mia’s self-confidence, and addressed her in a very condescending way, trying to humiliate her in front of everybody, and especially, in front of me.


Diane:   “Mia, right?”


Mia:      â€œYes.”


Diane:   “I see that you are very young and talented, and that you did not have any bad intention, but the thing is that your lack of experience disables you to comprehend the gravity of this matter. This is our big client, and we are not in the position of demanding any additional requests. Their business is doing great, and they will use this investment to make great improvement and additional profit, from which we could benefit greatly. Now, if you’ll all let me
” – Now Diane woke up the woman I met back stage. I saw this flame, burning stronger in her eyes. This was again this other side of her. The powerful one that protected this child within. Oh, this will be fun. Let’s see Diane coping with her. I was amused, and observing the show without blinking an eye. She was as cool as ice, and interrupted Diane in a split second.


Mia:        “Just because the client is big, doesn’t mean that we should be blackmailed. And if someone is willing to take this kind of risk just because competition would, than they should not be in this kind of business. A negative financial impact like that could leave irreparable consequences to our company.”


I enjoyed watching Dian squirm powerlessly, turning to me for help.


Diane:   “James? Aren’t you going to say something? This is ridiculous.”


Finally, Doug interfered in the discussion.


Doug:    “Gentleman, please, calm down. Maybe we are too scared for no reason. I mean, the client is very respectable. I see no big reason for passing this kind of opportunity. It’s in their interest as well to put this investment in a good use, so we could both profit from this. I respect Miss Petrov as a colleague, but this time I think Diane was right. ” – This was too much. All of them were onto her and I felt the need to put this to an end. Nobody was discussing the subject anymore. It was about her and them now. And she was alone. And right. I knew this.


Griffin:  “Doug, I need you to go to your office and do what Miss Petrov said. She is right. It’s far too dangerous to be improvident at this moment. Ask them for additional clause, regarding our commission terms, and insight into their business associates. If they do not agree, do not negotiate any further.”


Diane:   “But James!” –She was humiliated and furious.


Griffin:  “This is not open for discussion. The meeting is closed.” – I got up and left. Diane followed me to my office.


Diane:   “Why the hell didn’t you back me up in front of this brat?”


Griffin:  “Because, your ego stopped you from seeing that ‘the brat’ had a point.”


Diane:   “And you are willing to give up huge amount of money just because you like her piece of ass?? And don’t say you wouldn’t like to fuck her! Don’t think I didn’t see the way you look at her! For Christ sake, she is still a kid. You ruined months of my work just because she said so!!”


Griffin:  “I did what I think is the best for the company. And another thing, this is the last time you talk to me like that. Because if fucking you means putting up this shit from you, then I’ll make sure that who I am fucking or not will be none of your damn business! Now please leave, I have work to do.”


Diane left in tears, slamming the doors behind her.

Chapter Fourteen


Next day things were calmer. Diane came the next day pretending like nothing happened. She figured that she overreacted, and came to take me out for a lunch. The last thing I needed was stress, and I accepted. On the other hand, she was very revengeful. I didn’t want her to take it out on Mia. This was the last thing she deserved. Maybe the best thing was to calm things down a bit.


Diane:   “James, I’m sorry about yesterday. I don’t know what I was thinking. Please, forgive me.”


Griffin:  “We were both out of the line yesterday. Still, I think this was the best choice.”


Diane:   “I just hope you know what you are doing.”


Griffin:  “I do.”


Diane:   “Who is this girl anyway? This, Mia?” – She sensed something, like a vulture smelling blood, and she didn’t want to let it go.


Griffin:  “An excellent risk assessor.” – Deliberately, she was no longer ‘an employee’. I wanted to give her the place she deserved, in Diane’s eyes. Diane was even more puzzled.


Diane:   “She came from which company exactly?”


Griffin:  “Actually, this is her first job.”


Diane:   “And what makes her so excellent then? She has no experience.”


Griffin:  “I hired and trained her myself. Her talent just needed some support and focus, and I pulled the best of her.”


Diane:   “She must be something very special then...” –She tried to provoke me.


Griffin:  “She is.” – I was brief. Diane had what she needed. Now she thought of Mia as an equal, but on the other hand, Mia just got a new enemy. Well, this is a normal thing in life and I think she will know how to handle it. Diane was smart enough to change the topic.


Diane:   “Well, I have a surprise for you! I

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