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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Changed For Who by Missy (the best books of all time .txt) 📖

Book online «Changed For Who by Missy (the best books of all time .txt) 📖». Author Missy

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eyes and took a deep breath. I went to open my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I closed my mouth again and rubbed my temples. I opened my eyes, and went to speak again but I closed my eyes and shook my head at them. “I can’t even come up with words to describe you idiots!” I yelled stalking off into the kitchen. I heard someone walking in the kitchen and I turned around and saw Clay standing their giving me a sheepish smile.
“ Sorry?” he asked.
“ Sorry!” I hissed glaring at me. “ Clayton!” I growled. “ You… You and your friends… I could kill you all,” I growled.
“ it just slipped out of his hands though…”
“ who’s hands?”
“ Im not telling.”
A growl came from the back of my throat.
“ how man? Your supposed to tie that little strap thing around your wrist when you play!”
“ Well he didn’t…” Clay mumbled.
“ Of course he didn’t… all of you are too stupid enough too!” I sighed shaking my head. “ Well tomorrow im going to best buy where we bought it and thank god I took that warranty on it! Oh my! You all are going to be the death of me!” I cried throwing my hands up in the air. I felt someone wrap their arms around me from behind, and I jumped up, and turned around and saw Gabe. I scolded him, and he grinned. “ You all suck,” I grumbled tearing his arms off of me, and sitting on the counter.
“ We limit what we suck,” Joe laughed walking into the room. I rolled my eyes, and then troy came walking in, and then mark and art came lingering behind. We all stood in the kitchen, and I sat their looking at each one of them seeing who was the guilty one. My eyes met with Troy and we stared at one another, and it became a staring contest. He took a couple more steps closer to me, and stood in-between my legs, and his face was so close to mine. I felt very uncomfortable. EXTREMELY! We stared at one another, and then I felt his hand go on my thigh, and I immieaditly broke eye contact, and he took a step back laughing. “ You dirty little cheater!” I growled. He smirked.
“ There are no rules,” he shrugged. I sat their glaring at him, and I looked over at Clay who was dying from laughter. I grabbed the faucet hose next to me, and turned the water on and squirted clay. He let out a scream, and then I got the rest of the guys and they all started jumping up and down screaming like girls because the water was so cold. I was laughing so hard, and then someone picked me up and threw me over their shoulders. It was art.
“ Art put me down!” I screamed. He continued to walk, and I went to go hit him, but then I realized if I would of done that I would of hit his ass. My face went beat red, and I put my hand down and started kicking my legs. “ Put me down!” I screamed, and he did so. NO! He didn’t put me down! He freaking threw me down. I landed outside the front door, and I groaned because I fell on my ass. Art slammed the door in my face, and I sat their gawking at the door. He… oh he just locked me out of my OWN house. ITS ON! I jumped up, and saw them all through the windows laughing their asses off. I flicked them off, and walked down the stairs, and saw all their cars parked in the driveway. I looked around and my eyes locked with our garden. A evil grin came across my face, and I made way towards it…………
“ She… Guys!” Troy screamed on the top of his lungs. The six idiots came running out of the house, and I stood at the end of the driveway with my sleeves rolled up, and I patted my hands out getting the mud off. I had a huge smirk on my face, and I looked at the guys new… Wait stop… Filthy mud covered cars. They all stood their gawking at their ruined cars, and then their eyes locked with mine. I gave them a cheesy smile, and their faces went bright red. Dude even Clay looked scary. Okay maybe I went a little overboard.
“ Ah shit,” I swore taking a step back.
“ You!” Gabe hissed pointing at me.
“ Me?” I asked pointing to myself.
“ That’s it!” Clay screamed running towards me. My eyes bulged, and I turned on my heel, but I felt Clay’s arms wrap around me, and then Gabe took my legs, and they turned on the hose. My eyes widened and I watched them put the water in the garden. Oh god…
“ Come on guys…” I muttered. “ You all know you don’t want to do this!” I screamed when they threw me in the air. i landed in the garden, and mud was everywhere. A high pitched scream escaped my lips, damn! I should of opened my mouth, know I got mud in it. EWE! I went to stand, and I slipped and landed flat on my ass. All the guys where pissing themselves, and I finally just gave up on trying to stand up, and I sat their glaring at them. They ruined my awesome outfit, and my hair looked great today. “You guys suck,” I hissed sitting in the mud glaring at them. I saw clay biting his lip trying to supress a laugh, and I flicked him off, and tried standing up again, but fell face first into the mud. I groaned, and wiped it off my face and I had some in my eyes. I did the only thing I thought was left… I crawled out of the mud pit. I got on the grass, and laid on my bag taking a deep breath. A flash went over me, and I opened my eyes and saw them all taking pictures. I clenched my jaw. “ Im going to get all you back SO bad,” I said through clenched teeth.
“ You should go get ready Ty,” Troy smirked. “ You’re going to make us late.” My eyes flamed, and I jumped up, and went to go attack troy, but they all ran away, and I growl came from the back of my throat.
“ I be back!” Clay said and then he drove down the driveway. And where is he going?!? I went to open the front door, and I stopped. I can’t walk in the house like this… aw shit. I turned around and saw the guys looking at me.
“ What? “I hissed.
“ You gonna strip before you walk in the house like that?” Joe asked wiggling his eyebrows. I glared, at them and turned back around, and walked right into the house mud and all. I heard them all laughing, and I let out a evil laugh. “ Suck it!” I screamed walking up the stairs. I ran upstairs, and into my shower, and I quickly washed the mud off, and ran over to my closet with my towel wrapped around me. I grabbed a pair of black shorts, another pair of black cowboy boots, and a black checkered shirt over it. I brushed my hair, and let it fall down my back, and ran down the stairs. Clay looked up and saw me, and tried to suppress a laugh.
“ You all suck, you know that right?” I asked walking into the kitchen. Clay shrugged his shoulders, and everyone laughed. I walked over to the fridge, and grabbed an apple, and sat down on top of the counter. I went to take a bite out of my apple, but it was swiped out of my hands. I shot my head up, and saw Art with my apple with a smug look on his face.
“ That,” I said pointing to the apple. “ is mine,” I finished with pointing to myself. I reached over to go take my apple back, but he held it out of my grasp, and I leaned in more, and he took his hand and pushed against my shoulder to hold me back. A growl came from the back of my throat. “ Cut it out! You’re gonna make me hate you too!” I hissed pushing his hand away from me. He started to laugh.
“ You can never hate me,” He smirked. I narrowed my eyes at him.
“ Try me,” I hissed. He smirked, and took another huge bite out of my apple. “ Fine you can eat it… I dropped it anyway,” I shrugged jumping off the counter, and went to grab a pare, and I turned around and Art was looking at the apple. I let out a laugh, and he looked up at me. “ You’re an idiot,” I muttered walking into the front room.
“ We are leaving!” I heard Clay yell from the front door.
“ I call shot gun!” I screamed, and I bolted towards the front door, but someone grabbed me by my waist, and pulled me back. I turned my head and saw Art. “ Stop being such a menace today!” I screamed at him trying to pry his arms off of me, but he was too strong. He threw me back, and ran out the door. I started to stomp my feet on the ground, and I walked outside, and saw Art in the passenger seat, and everyone was piled into the back of the truck. I groaned, and closed the door behind me, and walked towards the back of the truck, and started to climb in. I sat down next to Mark, and Joe.
“ Fighting over shotgun?” mark laughed. I turned towards him and nodded my head, and he started laughing and I rolled my eyes. “ hmm today is going to be fun…” He muttered. This is the most that Mark has ever talked to me. He is so quiet, and keeps to himself. “ So you hang out with Evian?” He suddenly asked. I turned towards him snapping out of my thoughts.
“ Yeah I do,” I said.
“ Hm…”
“ What?” I asked raising an eyebrow.
“ that dude got no friends…” he chuckled.
“ Im his friend,” I muttered.
“ You don’t count.”
“ Wha- What?” I hissed narrowing my eyes at him.
“ No one would be willing friends with you,” He shrugged. I gawked at him, and went to go open my mouth, but then I closed it again… I opened my mouth again, and only air came out.
“ You’re an ass,” I grumbled looking away from him.
“ I am not!” He cried.
“ The first time you decide to have a real conversation with me, you insult me! That’s called an ass,” I said mimicking his cry voice. He rolled his eyes at me.
“ You two shut up!” Troy said rubbing his temples.
“ Thank god they never talk,” Joe cut in.
“ We talk,” mark said.
“ no you don’t,” everyone said at the same time. I started laughing, and I looked at Art through the mirror, and our eyes met, and he had a smug face, and I felt my face turn red, and I looked away clenching my jaw. Gr.
“ You all, please shut your mouth!” I hissed leaning against the metal of the truck, and looking up into the sky closing my eyes.
“ Someone is in a bad mood, Joe said
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