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What is Romance?

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Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Changed For Who by Missy (the best books of all time .txt) 📖

Book online «Changed For Who by Missy (the best books of all time .txt) 📖». Author Missy

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I walked down the hall and lightly opened the door. The drawers where everywhere and empty. I stepped in and all my mom’s things where gone. I felt my heart break in half, and tears fall down my cheeks. I laid against the wall for house waiting for my mom to come home. I heard the front door open, and I heard someone coming up the stairs, and I looked up and saw my dad standing their looking down at me.
“ your mom is gone,” he said smiling, and then walked back down stairs. I sat there, and clenched my jaw, and a scream came from the back of my throat, and tears fell down my cheeks. Someone wrapped their arms around me, and I opened my eyes and saw Clay.
“ Clay…” I whispered.
“ I know Ty,” he whispered.
“ She just… left,” I whispered.
“ I know…” he repeated again his voice lower this time, and I wrapped my arms around him tighter, and closed my eyes.
Evian sat their looking at me.
“ Im so sorry… I mean my parents were taken away from me.. but your mom decided to leave you,” he whispered.
“ I know,” I nodded my head. “ I don’t say goodbye anymore, because the last time I said that my mother was gone, and I never heard of her since. Im too scared to say goodbye again, and have them out of my life forever,” I whispered. Evian wrapped his arms around me.
“ Never say goodbye to me,” He whispered.
“ I never will.”
Chapter five-
“ No,” I said sternly sitting on the couch upside with my feet on the top of it. I felt all the blood rushing to my brain, and a pair of feet in front of me.
“ Please?” Art pouted.
“ Do you not know what the word NO mean?” I hissed.
“ Pretty please?”
“ Art go away!” I screamed sitting up and turning myself around and sinking into the couch.
“ Why don’t you want to go with us?” He cried.
“ Art… The last time I went paint balling I broke my leg!” I said shaking my head.
“ Well then don’t climb up another tree!” He winced sitting down next to me. He started to nudge my arm and I looked away from him, and I felt a headache building up. I looked over at him, and he was giving me the puppy dog face. I let out a laugh shaking my head. “ Come on Ty… You, me, and the guys! It will be a blast!” He said putting his head on my shoulder and looking up at me. I sighed.
“ Alright,” I sighed. He jumped up quickly, and ran up the stairs.
“ SHE’S COMING!” I heard him scream up stairs. I let out a chuckle rolling my eyes. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.
“ How did Art convince you to go! We’ve been trying all night!” Clay gasped.
“ because we all know that Ty likes Art,” Joe laughed. I shot my head at Joe, and I felt my face go three shades of red, and I looked at Art and he was grinning like an idiot.
“ You all suck,” I grumbled darting up the stairs. I laid on my bed, and let out a deep sigh. What to do today what to do? We have a four day weekend, and its Thursday, and on Saturday im going paint balling with the guys… kill me know. What am I going to do till then? God I need a life. i walked back down stairs, and walked went towards the front door.
“ Where are you going?” Gabe asked.
“ What are you my father?” I asked raising an eyebrow.
“ Yes I am young lady,” he said pointing his nose up.
“ Oh yeah,” I scoffed shaking my head. “ Im going out. Be back later “Dad”,” I said emphasizing the dad part.
“ hmm no boys young lady, because Art is right here!” he laughed. I stopped and turned towards him.
“ You let Joe get to you? And I thought you were somewhat descent,” I sighed, and then I closed the door, and made my way down the driveway. I came to a stop at the street, and bit my lip. Well where do I go know? I started to walk towards town to walk around maybe get a ice-cream or something… Evian is busy today with something, im not so sure, but he is my only friend so im basically screwed. I heard some yelling, and I looked towards the park, and saw Brittany’s car parked. I guess her and her minions are here. I walked towards the park to see what the witches from H E double hockey sticks where doing. When I got close enough I saw one girl being held by two other girls, and she had a bloody lip, and was bent over breathing heavily. Their where three girls against one. Know that is not fair.
“ You have never been fare Brittany,” I called out. She was about to punch the girl but then she stopped and turned towards me. When I saw the girl they were holding I instantly recognized her. It was this girl named Kara. Her and Brittany where “ Best friends” The most popular girls in the school. I never liked either of them.
“ Go away you little dike!” She hissed. I took another step closer to her.
“ And you know what they say about dikes right?” I asked. She gave me a questioning look, and I brought my fist up and it collided with her face. She let out a cry staggering back, and was holding onto her know broken blood nose. “ They know how to fucking punch unlike you weak little witches!” I growled. The three girls ran off to their gay Beatle hot pink car… don’t get me wrong I love gay people. I looked up and saw Kara sitting on the ground with her face in her hands, and she was crying… wow. I took another step closer. “ Hey, Kara,” I muttered.
“ Thanks Ty,” She whispered. Oh my god she knows my name. well that’s a first. I can’t be mean to her right know… I’ll feel too bad. I sighed, and knelt down in front of her removing her hands to look at her face.
“ You’ll be fine just a busted lip. Those witches don’t know how to really hit, so I guess you were lucky,” I let out a laugh. She let out a laugh shaking her head. I let go of her hands, and sat down next to her, and just looked at her for some time. Unlike Brittany Kara was actually a pretty girl. She was a Latino. She had long black hair, tan skin, green eyes, and she was pretty tall. About five foot eight.
“ Im sorry for ever being mean to you. It was never right. I was just along with Brittany… I don’t know why I ever did it though. I hated acting like that, but im not going to anymore,” she whispered tears coming down her eyes. Alright Kara is nice? What is a girl like this doing with Brittany. Maybe I was all wrong about Kara.
“ It’s alright,” I smiled. She looked up at me shocked.
“ R- Really?”
I stood up and grabbed her hand and pulled her up, and reached my hand out.
“ hello, im Ty,” I smiled. She shook my hand.
“ Hey Ty, I’m Kara,” She said beaming.
“ I think I just met my first female friend,” I laughed. She let go of my hand and started to laugh.
“ You’re a funny girl Ty,” She laughed shaking her head. I shrugged my shoulders. “ really though, thank you Ty…” She whispered.
“ Of course Kara,” I said.
“ On Monday when we get back to school is it okay if I hang out with you and Evian?” she asked.
“ You know Evian?
“ No, I don’t, but I’ve seen you two hanging out, and I know Brittany is going to turn everyone against me,” she sighed.
“ Kara, are you my friend?” I asked. She nodded my head. “ Then you can hang out with me, or talk to me whenever you want. You don’t have to ask, silly girl!” I laughed. She started laughing, and nodded her head.
“ I got to get going, but I’ll talk to you later?” she asked. I nodded my head she smiled and turned around and started to leave. “ Talk to you later Ty!” She called out.
“ Cya Kara!” I said waving her off. I walked over to the swings, and sat down. Oh yeah baby I got two friends know. I let out a laugh.
“ What’s so funny?” Someone asked from behind me. I jumped and turned around and saw Art standing there.
“ Are you stalking me?” I asked.
“ Me?” He pointed to himself and shook his head. “ I would never do such a thing,” he smirked, and went and sat down on the other swing. I rolled my eyes, and kind of just sat there and looked down at my feet. “ Dude!” he yelled. I jumped up glaring at him.
“ God your so…” I grumbled shaking my head.
“ Lovable?” he asked.
“ Killable,” I snorted.
“ You know you love me…” He stopped. “ Deep… Deep… Like really deep down,” he muttered. I started laughing, because the way he said it was pretty freaking funny. He gave me a huge smile, and I smiled back, and I was looking at him, and saw how amazing his green eyes where. I noticed I was staring at him, and looked away. I looked up at him, and he grinned and I felt my stomach flutter. I cleared my throat and started to push my legs, and go higher on the swing. “ Well im going home. That’s where I was headed but then I saw you sitting here, and thought I was just say hi,” he said getting up off the swing. I gave him a wave. I heard my phone ringing in my pocket, and I pulled it out and stopped swinging, and flipped it open.
“ Hello?” I asked.
“ Hey T,” I heard Evian’s voice.
“ hey, what’s up?” I asked.
“ I got great news!” I heard him sing. I let out a laugh, and smiled.
“ What’s that great news?” I grinned.
“ Well there is this girl…” he started. I smiled.
“ And?”
“ Im going on a date with her tomorrow,” he said. My smile disappeared, and I put my feet on the ground. “ she asked me if I wanted to go on a date with her tomorrow and I said yes. She seems really cool. Isn’t this great?” he asked. I nodded my head, and closed my eyes.
“ T- that’s great Evian,” I whispered. “ That’s really great!” I said trying to sound happier.
“ You alright Ty?” he asked.
“ yes I just fell… of the swing,” I grumbled.
“ Wow..” he laughed.
“ yeah I know,” I muttered. “ Im ugh gonna go talk to you later Evian,” I muttered and then closed the phone. I sat on the swing and took a deep breath. Evian is my best friend. I should be happy for him. He is going on a date, and he is happy, so should i. but im not. I sighed, and leaned forward rubbing my hands against my face. I don’t like the feeling of Evian going on a date with
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