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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Arranged Marriage to My Mate by soccerluv4 _ (world best books to read txt) 📖

Book online «Arranged Marriage to My Mate by soccerluv4 _ (world best books to read txt) 📖». Author soccerluv4 _

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now, I wouldn’t be surprised if he accepted you tonight. Honestly, Taylor’s a genius. Gotta give her some credit for making a pretty good plan,” Zane chuckled.
“True, and it’s not over yet,” Natasha giggled. They began to dance faster as Feel It, by Three Six Mafia began to play. Natasha took this time to glance around the room. The house was filled with drunk, crazed teens. The party was held for the young teenagers in the pack. The adults had a separate formal party at the alpha’s house, while the younger kids were partying like crazed humans. The smell of alcohol stung the air, and the loud thumping of the music was ridiculous on their sensitive ears. Young wolves were grinding, and dancing drunkenly to the music everywhere. Some were even dry humping one another. One word: Gross. Natasha shivered at the sight of them. Some of them weren't even mates. 'The effects of hormones on teens,' Natasha chuckled to herself.
“Ready to make a certain someone really jealous?” Zane whispered into her ear, breaking her out of her thoughts.
“You bet!” She exclaimed. Zane spun her around, and they began to grind against each other. Looking up, she meet Josh’s furious eyes that seemed fixated on her and Zane as they danced together. His once seemingly beautiful hazel eyes were now pitch black as coal. The plan was definitely working, Josh was getting jealous. They continued to grind, and Natasha saw Taylor and Leo on the dance floor as well. Taylor looked up and flashed her an encouraging grin. The song ended just before Josh could do anything drastic.
“Part three, underway,” Zane pretend spoke into his wrist like a spy watch. Grabbing Natasha’s hand, they pushed past the dancing bodies, and went into a secluded room. Following his footsteps, she let him drag her to the room. Part three was now engaged.
Zane began to kiss Natasha’s neck, while Natasha pretend moaned. Zane began to touch her sides. He kissed her neck, and collarbone. He brought his kisses up to her face, kissing at her jawline. She wrapped her arms around his neck, tangling her hands into his hair. Zane continued to kiss her until he saw from the corner of his eye the door slam open. Before Natasha knew it, Josh had flung Zane off of her. Josh was just about to punch the daylights out of him when Natasha pulled on Josh’s arms tightly.
“No stop! Josh, what are you doing?” She exclaimed. Her voice oozed fake surprise, for she knew Josh would do this if all went according to their plan. Fortunately, he bought her act.
“He touched you! YOU of all people! Your mine, only mine. I’m gonna rip his throat out!” Josh yelled, lunging for him again but Natasha’s small voice stopped him.
“Why would you care, you rejected me in the first place,” He froze and faced her. Her head was hanging down, ashamed. Tears were threatening to spill to the surface. Josh grabbed her chin, pulling it up to face him.
“I-I’m sorry Natasha. I didn’t know how much you meant to me until I rejected you. I thought I was doing something good. I thought I had enough girls to satisfy me, but none of them meant anything to me. You were always on my mind. I never slept around anymore, I never kissed any girls anymore because every time I was with another girl, I pictured your sad face. I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I was a selfish jackass who only thought about sleeping around and I’m sorry about that. I know this is a lot to ask, but will you forgive me?” Josh’s pleading eyes held tears, and Natasha couldn’t do anything but lunge at him, pulling him into a hug.
“I forgive you, but if you ever do anything to hurt me again, I swear I won’t think twice about leaving you for good!” She scolded him fiercely.
“Of course baby, I love you. I won’t do anything like that ever again!” He pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead. He leaned in before crashing his lips down on hers. They kissed each other passionately. Natasha couldn’t help but feel complete happiness, for getting her mate back, and for all the people that helped her, especially Taylor and Zane. She really was a true friend.

(Taylor’s POV)

Taylor smiled, as she watched Natasha come out of the guest bedroom with a smiling Josh holding her waist. Zane came out seconds later, sending a thumbs up in her direction before joining them.
“Well, that worked out well,” Zane grinned. She slapped his arm playfully.
“Of course it would! It’s me we’re talking about here?” Both of them busted out laughing. Suddenly, Taylor felt pains in her stomach. Her arms and legs felt sore. Zane noticed her pain.
“Taylor what’s wrong? Are you hurt?” He panicked, and called Leo over.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Leo’s concerned voice brought her back to her senses, but only for a fraction of a second. She saw Leo’s face looking down at her while he held her in his arms, before she blacked out, welcoming the darkness that overtook her.

Chapter 16 (Taylor's POV)

Taylor watched as fuzzy images of the party flashed behind her closed eyelids. Her body ached like a ton of bricks had been carelessly thrown onto her small, fragile frame. Her body was screaming at her to stop moving, but her mind refused to cooperate. Slightly, Taylor began to regain consciousness. Her eyelids fluttered open halfway. A streak of light hit her, and immediately made her close her eyes. Groaning, she raised a hand to her eyes as she tried sitting up. However, something held her back. Looking to her body, she couldn't place anything out of the ordinary. Nothing was broken, or fractured. 'Then why is my body screaming like I just broke all 206 of my bones!?" She mentally sighed and snuggled up into the covers. Just as she was about to fall asleep, the door creaked open and a couple of worried voices filtered through. Unfortunately, Taylor could only make up parts of it, as she struggled to hear them.
"....her birthday is in 2 days..."
"....going through the change early..."
"....need to calm her...."
Various bits of conversation rang through the air, only to confuse Taylor more. The birthday part she got, but what about all the talk of change and wolf? Certainly she wasn't told everything by Leo yet. That seemed to bring disappointment and curiosity to her face. Before she could get another chance to hear more, the half opened door opened fully, revealing her parents, brother, Leo's parents, Leo, and the girl she met before, Andrea standing at the doorway.
"Oh honey you're awake!" Taylor's mom rushed to her side, enveloping her in a warm, motherly hug. Taylor hugged back just as tightly.
Soon, everyone had joined them, multiple arms wrapped around one another, creating a huge werewolf huddle.
"Uh, guys, can't breathe here..." she choked out.
"Oh, sorry!" Andrea apologized before grabbing Taylor's hand and stroking it gently.
"By the way, you must have forgotten me, remember when I met you the day of the pack meeting? We met you downstairs before you found out about all this,"-she gestured around her, implying the whole werewolf situation before grabbing Taylor's hands once more in her warm ones-"I'm your sister-in-law. The goofball over there is my little brother, Leo," She grinned before setting her gaze back on Taylor. She racked her brain, trying to remember seeing Andrea. All thoughts of meeting her came back to her mind. She remembered meeting Andrea and Greg, her husband.
"Oh wow, it's nice to meet you," Taylor gave a warm, genuine smile back to Andrea before questioning the others.
"Um, what happened? And why do I feel so sore?" She groaned, once again feeling the aching of her body protesting her to stop moving around too much. Leo came over and sat on the edge of her bed. His soft voice seemed to help her rest her agitated body composure.
"Love, you fainted at the party last night. You're birthday's coming soon, which means you're change is fast approaching.
"You'll be quite exhausted before the change. This is rare, but not unheard of. Since you're the alpha's daughter and the new alpha's mate, not to mention the fact that you didn't experience your change as a child, makes you're change more painful. But I promise you'll be fine, as long as Leo is with you, alright sweetheart?" Her dad held an expression of sympathy, which Taylor returned with a weak smile. Sighing, she gave up fighting her body and fell back onto the pillow allowing sleep to envelop her.


The leaves crunched beneath Taylor’s footsteps as they traveled into the dense brush around them. Ever since she found out that the werewolf change was coming as her birthday came closer, everyone has been keeping extra eyes on her. Even now, Leo was taking her to the woods behind their house to start some basic training. Taylor was hesitant. Playing soccer was one thing, learning how to defend herself against crazed rogues was completely another. She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. The half sleeved shirt and jogging shorts might have been a bad idea with the temperature outside. The drops in temperature were beginning to annoy her. For god’s sakes, it was April!
Taylor continued to walk, staring down at her feet and watching the colorful leaves crumble underneath her. It was beginning to look like spring. The leaves were growing back on the naked limbs of trees, wrapping them like clothes in an elegant-like fashion. Taylor found herself at awe. She admired the beauty of the forest in front of her. The lush evergreens and the semi-bare trees wrapped around her. Grass was coated with dew from the early morning, and the distant sound of crickets and birds chirping happily filled her ears like soft melodious notes. Although autumn was Taylor’s favorite season, spring was almost synonymous. Both seasons were a call for change, the leaves, the trees, everything, but unlike change, it was usually for the better. Her thoughts were interrupted when she ran into something hard. Taylor glared at Leo’s back, rubbing her nose.
“Leo why did you-“her voice trailed off when she noticed her surroundings. She took in the scene in front of her with pure surprise. A large meadow filled with dancing yellow daisies littered the grass. Soft weeping willows surrounded the area like a fence. The smell of fresh grass filled the air. There was a gentle sound of a slow running creek. Heaven was the only word to describe it.
“This is...beautiful,” Taylor breathed, barely containing her awe at the scenery. The warmth radiated off of the field that lay in front of her. The creek’s rushing water was like transparent glass, allowing her to see the riverbed rocks that lay underneath. The water flowing by was only two feet deep and flowed softly with the current. The gentle rush of water, mixed with the breathtaking scenery momentarily pulled Taylor away from reality and into a dream. However, this dreamlike state was short lived.
“I knew you’d like it,” Leo grinned behind her. He’d read all the thoughts that she’d said about the place. This field was Leo’s secret place, and he’d hoped to share it one day with his mate. Grinning like a fool, he stepped towards Taylor, wrapping his arms around her from the back and rested his chin on her shoulder. Taylor smiled before wrapping her arms around Leo’s. Both of them looked at the field silently. Few peaceful minutes passed by before Leo let go of her.
“Baby, I know you’d rather stay here and enjoy the place, but unfortunately we’ve gotta
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