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What is Romance?

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Read books online » Romance » Arranged Marriage to My Mate by soccerluv4 _ (world best books to read txt) 📖

Book online «Arranged Marriage to My Mate by soccerluv4 _ (world best books to read txt) 📖». Author soccerluv4 _

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roared to life as they made their way out of the school parking lot. The car was silent, as usual, so Taylor spoke up the eager questions that were forming in her head.
“So, what are we doing at this pack meeting?” She questioned, staring out her window at the landscape flashing by.
“You’ll be meeting the pack, including you’re father,”
Taylor whipped her head around, facing Leo.
“W-what!?” She stammered growing angry at each passing moment they were getting close to the house.
“Look, he’s our old alpha, before I became Alpha, and he wants to meet you. He’s your father Taylor, and he loves you. He’ll tell you why he left. Your mother’s already there,” Leo stated smoothly. This only angered her more. How could he be so calm? She was finally meeting the person who helped create her, the person who left her mother to fend for herself with a baby? She crossed her arms. Her mom was breathing the same air as her father, and she couldn’t bear it. She needed to protect her mother, like she always did. Letting out a sigh, she faced the window again. Soon, the familiar views of the mansion came. She got out slowly, hesitating to see her father. Leo grabbed her hand-shooting tingles up her arm-and pulled her inside. There, in the main foyer stood a few people who looked around her age. A girl looking around 21 or so smiled at Taylor and grabbed her into a hug.
“Oh my gosh, it’s so great to finally meet you!” She let go of her, as one of the other guys wrapped their arm around the girl’s waist. They both looked at each other lovingly before looking back at her.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t seem to recognize you...?” Taylor started.
“Oh, im so sorry, we forgot to introduce ourselves. I’m Andrea, and this is my mate and husband Greg. We’re part of the pack,” She smiled brightly, her hazel eyes twinkling. She was quite beautiful, with long dirty blonde hair and a model-like face. Taylor smiled back.
“Nice to meet you,” She shook Andrea’s hand.
“Andrea, can you excuse us, we need to go,” Leo stated, pulling Taylor with him, up the stairs. Andrea nodded, giving one last smile before Taylor was pulled upstairs. Walking down the hallway, they reached an unfamiliar door. Leo opened it and pulled her in. Inside, was Leo’s parents, along with Taylor’s mom, sitting on a chair looking lost at the ground. She looked up and spotted Taylor.
“Mom?” She whispered before running up to her and giving her a large hug.
“Oh sweetie, I missed you so much! How are you? Are you feeling well?” Her motherly instinct took over as she examined Taylor.
“No mom I’m fine. How are you?” Taylor looked up at her mom, wiping tears from her mother’s sad eyes.
“I’m fine. I just missed you so-“Her mother stopped talking, staring behind her. Taylor turned around, facing a man with shiny black hair and deep brown eyes. His face was handsome for a forty-something year old man, but he looked rather built in his black suit, but Taylor could tell it was natural muscles on his chest that poked out on the uncovered part of his, slightly unbuttoned shirt. He smiled lovingly at her before turning his gaze towards her mother, love and passion filled in his eyes. He walked towards them, but Taylor backed away.
Her father stopped slightly, hurt filling his eyes at her action.
“Taylor, please, don’t back away, I love you and I promise I won’t leave you again,” he pleaded, desperation and tears filling his eyes. Taylor stood there, firm.
“No. You left me and mom to fend for ourselves. I could never forgive a man like that!” She shouted, her voice wavering as tears threatened to spill over. She held them back.
“I’m so sorry, baby girl, but I had to leave. I had a pack that I was responsible for, and the others would’ve hurt you if I didn’t leave. They would track me until they found you, and would kill you after they got your powers,” He said, genuinely. Taylor stepped forward cautiously.
“What do you mean them? And what powers?” She asked.
“Come and sit down, it’s quite a long story,” He motioned for her to sit on the couch. She hesitated, then slowly pulled her mother with her and sat on the couch.
“Look sweetheart, he’s right. They would have taken you away and killed you if your father hadn’t left. Please understand sweetie?” Her mother begged her with her eyes.
“But who are ‘they’ and what do they want with my so called ‘powers’?” She questioned again.
“Well, most supernatural creatures are good, however, there are some creatures that would love to harness your power of controlling the four elements: earth, wind, fire, and water. With this gift, you can control almost any aspect of the world. Your kind is very rare, and people are willing to hunt you down till they find you. If I left, it would throw them off your scent, making you safe. That is why I left. If I had the choice to stay, I would have in a heartbeat, but I’d rather stay away from you all my life than risk not having you at all,” Her father looked down sadly.
“Oh, I’m sorry Daddy. I didn’t know...” Taylor got up and began to cry. She couldn’t allow herself to look like this, not in front of Leo, his parents, and her own. She ran out of the room and into Leo’s. She heard footsteps behind her, but she ignored them.
Sliding to the ground against the wall, she buried her arms in her hands.
“How could I have been so stupid!? He was only trying to protect me! I just hurt my family and my mother! Every time I brought up my father, I cursed him out, right in front of my mother, who knew all this time who he was, who I was, and let me! I must’ve hurt my mother incredibly! I deserve to die! I’m probably the worst kid any parents would want!” She spoke, anger and shame dripping from every word.
“Hey, shhh, it’s okay, it’s okay,” Leo’s soothing words calmed her immediately, as he held her in his arms. His hand rubbed her back up and down, soothing the shaky sobs that came from her mouth. She looked up at him, her bleary eyes barely outlining his figure. He raised his hand, gently wiping the tears, leaving a sliver of tingles in their place.
“Why do you have this effect on me?” She whispered. Leo froze, but smiled.
“You’ll know everything soon, just come back with me, okay?” He kissed the top of her head and gently pulled her up to her feet. She let him drag her to the room again. She walked in, her eyes on the ground, looking too ashamed to face anyone. Her mother grabbed her hand, stroking it softly.
“I’m s-sorry, for running out like that,” She said quietly.
“It’s alright sweetheart. I know this is a lot to take in, I completely understand.” Her dad smiled back at her. He got up and grabbed her, swooping her into a large hug. She hugged him back just as lovingly. She ached for a father all her life, and now here he was. She smiled at him when he let go. His soft, calloused hands cupped her face, as he bent down and kissed her forehead.
“Taylor, honey, would you like to ask us anything? We don’t want to bombard you with information, so whatever you’re wondering, don’t hesitate to ask,” her father asked her.
“Well, I was kinda wondering, when do I become a real werewolf exactly? I feel normal so...”
“When you turn eighteen, which is in two weeks. Once you become eighteen, you will experience a change, and you will become your wolf form. You and your family will have a ritual, welcoming you into the pack. The alpha will grant you into the pack, but considering he’s your mate, I doubt you’ll need actual granting,” Her dad chuckled.
“Oh okay. Hey, um, dad, what’s a mate?” She asked, slightly confused at what Leo had to do with it.
“Sweetie, your mate is sort of like your soul mate. When werewolves are born, they have an equal person that they are attached to, that they will love. Once they mate and um, claim, their mate, they will feel all the other’s pain, love, hurt, feelings, emotions, etc. Leo is your mate. You both are bonded for life. That is why when you touch, you feel sparks, almost like electricity, because your bodies feel connected, they feel a reaction, when touching their equal counterpart,” Her dad stated. Taylor gulped, before looking at Leo. He looked back at her with love in his eyes, but the expressionless face he wore made him look like he was trying to fight his feelings for her. She could understand, nobody ever loved her, let alone liked her, even if special werewolf magic was being used. She sighed, before turning back to her dad. Before she could ask anything else, the strange boy from before stepped into the room.
“Taylor, this is your older brother Matt. He came with me because I didn’t want your mother handling two children on her own. Matt, this is your younger sister Taylor,”
“We’ve met,” Taylor said. Matt ran up to her and grabbed her into a bear hug. She hugged him back, but let go after she heard a growl come from Leo. Matt chuckled,
“Sorry Leo, I’m just hugging my sister,” he backed away with his arms up. Taylor laughed.
“Hey, if you’re older than me, what were you doing at school?”
“I was gathering everyone for a pack meeting, I go to college now. I’m 21 by the way,” he stated.
“Oh, cool! I’ve never had a big brother before,” Taylor smiled.
“Taylor honey, go get some rest, you have homework to finish and your father and I need to discuss some things,” Taylor looked back at her mother. Giving her a nod, she exited the room, with Leo and Matt in tow. Someone came running up behind her, snaked their arms around her waist and lifted her up. She screamed, but then laughed, when Matt carried her to her room. Leo growled at Matt.
“Leo, lighten up, he’s my brother!” Taylor half scolded, half giggled at Leo. He just grunted, crossing his arms over his chest.
They arrived in Leo’s room. Matt set her down, then waved before heading downstairs. Leo stepped in the room behind her.
“Um, Leo, I was wondering, how do we ‘mate and claim’? I mean, I know we’re mates and all, but I’ve never read any of those vampire/werewolf books, so...” She asked.
“Well, uh, we, uh, for mating, uh, we bite the neck, which allows us to transfuse our blood within one another. And we claim each other by, uh, um, by, uh,,” Leo said awkwardly. Taylor’s mouth dropped open. Leo looked up at her, then blushed.
Taylor couldn’t hesitate the opportunity to embarrass him.
“Leo, are you blushing? Awww, you’re blushing! How cute!” She touched his cheek, ignoring the sparks, and continued to talk to him with a baby voice. He grabbed her, and pinned her down to the bed, with him on top. He whispered into her ear, causing her cheeks to flame red,
“Who’s the one blushing now,” His lips brushed her cheek when he looked back up at her. She smiled, turning away. When she looked back up, Leo’s eyes were gold. ‘What the...?’

(Leo’s POV)

Leo looked at her, with pure love

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