Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Sinfully Yours by Mirah Selim (sites to read books for free TXT) 📖

Book online «Sinfully Yours by Mirah Selim (sites to read books for free TXT) 📖». Author Mirah Selim

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Author Pov

Hazel frowned in her sleep hearing weird noises near her. She felt extremely hot and uncomfortable. Opening her sleepy eyes she looked down only to find the giant man attached to her like a koala and whimpering continuously.

He was sweating badly, his lips were slightly trembling as he once again let out a small whimper which instantly woke her up widely. She blinked multiple times before trying to pull him away from her but only resulted in him tightening his grip over her.

His forehead was knitted together like he was trying to run away from something. Hazel still trapped in his arms pulled her head away a little to have a good view of his face. And as expected.

He looked extremely depressed. She moved her eyeballs not able to understand what to do. She placed her hand over his shoulder to wake him up. From the looks, he was having a nightmare.

She gave a hard tug over his shoulder and in a second Cyrus's eyes snapped up as he breathed out heavily. His grip over her loosened up as soon as he broke away from his nightmare.

Hazel had no idea what to do or say to him. She was never in this situation before. She hesitantly placed her small palm over his shoulder slightly patting him trying to provide him comfort.

Cyrus shut his eyes for a second shocked by what he dreamed about. His eyes snapped up in a second when he felt a soft pat on his shoulder. His blurry grey eyes met with her confused uncertain emerald ones.

He slowly turned his body to her wrapping his arms around her. This time he didn't bury his head in her crook instead he forced her to nestle her head in his neck. He hugged her as if his life depends on this mere moment.

They both shared no words. Hazel did feel curious about what he might have dreamed about to scare him this much but decided to not ask him. While Cyrus wanted to share his every fear with her but couldn't get himself to say a word.

He closed his eyes and thought about the dream he had. How can he have that nightmare after so many years? Cyrus never had any nightmare before after sleeping with Hazel, in her arms then why tonight did he have that dream again when she was near him.

Hazel never witnessed his this side before maybe because he always wakes up before her. But still, it wasn't even the time for him to wake up. There must be something different about this night. Something must have triggered him.

Cyrus after trying many times couldn't get himself to sleep again. He looked down at his angel only to find her fast asleep. He sighed out kissing her forehead and letting her body go.

He sat up on the edge of the bed ruffling his already messed up hair. He stood up from the bed, removed his shirt, and entered the bathroom to take a good warm shower. His head was already thumping badly because of drinking recklessly last night.

He remembered everything he said to her. He was surprised at himself that he explained himself to her. It was so rare of Cyrus Sylvester to give explanations for the things he has done.

He stood under the shower and closed his eyes remembering the dreadful nightmare he had. But it wouldn't be called a nightmare. It was a painful memory of his fucked up past.

Why are you doing this to me? I never wanted this. I can't handle this I beg you.

The woman chuckled grabbing the chain having a sharp razor dangling over it. Her heels clicked on the dirty floor as she reached the trembling body of a 6-year-old boy lying on the dirty floor. She smiled sadistically pressing the knock of her heel over his swollen cheek.

You shouldn't have been born. You're weak and full of ugliness.

He cried out when the razor chain came in contact with his tiny back making his whole body shake badly. Suddenly he felt a sharp long nail caressing his cheek making him peer his half-opened bloodshot eyes.

I love ruining you, it gives me weird pleasure. Life is a game little boy. And this is what I call physical games.

With that, he heard a sharp sting in his ears after receiving a hard slap over his cheek. The last words he heard before everything blacked out.

We don't get what we want every time. Life is unfair my boy. Being selfish is the only right decision in this cruel world.

He snapped his red eyes open when the water started burning his skin. He gulped setting the water level to normal and grabbing the shampoo bottle. He shook his head trying to erase those memories.

He opened the cap of the shampoo with his trembling hand only for the bottle to slip out of his hand falling on the wet floor. He held his damped hairs crouching down on the tiled floor closing shut his eyes.

"No, I am not weak, I am not ugly." He mumbled shaking his head.

Finally relaxing his muscles he grabbed the shampoo bottle and dumped the material over his head. After taking a not-so-fresh shower he got dressed up in a comfortable sweatshirt and pants before walking toward the kitchen.

Cyrus didn't know cooking except for making coffee. He never had any time to learn cooking so he simply hired maids for that work. After making a strong coffee for his headache he grabbed a piece of the loaf and decided to eat it.

Cyrus every day does work out but today he wasn't feeling like doing that. Simply after finishing the coffee he thought he was sitting staring at the swimming pool for only half an hour but to his utter shock, he kept sitting there for consecutively three hours.

He looked at the sky only to find the sun rising. He rubbed his forehead before shaking his head. What's wrong with him? For the past so many years he had been living his days fine. Even though he was used to getting nightmares but they weren't this affecting.

He hadn't had any nightmares regarding that bitch for years then why now? He stood up from the couch making his way back to the room to change into his suit only to find Hazel making breakfast.

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