Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Lost Wife by pokhila (management books to read .txt) 📖

Book online «Lost Wife by pokhila (management books to read .txt) 📖». Author pokhila

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Hi there , thank you all so much for the love and the likes ..... I'm still  behind  my target , coz I don't have enough followers . Just the way you showered your likes , please follow me in my booknet account , just to give me a boost .....  I promise to write better and more . here;s another chapter , please enjoy .



Amar .....

I was feeling lonely , so I took out my car and drove around , nothing fancied me ......  After hours of crossing this street and passing  that neighbourhood again and again , I picked up courage and went to her neighbourhood  . I parked the car outside and looked towards the beautiful villa . I used to come here almost every day , to meet Chhaya , to have a talk , to admire her , to relish the varieties of dishes prepared by her . 


Now the problem was ....  how on earth I'll ask for Panchi , how will I convince them , when I was still confused . I parked my car in the side , and called Panchi .

" Hello ?"  Panchi replied in one ring , 

" Hey , I'm just outside , please can you come out for a min .... I miss you ".


She cut the call and very next minute she was out of their gate , she looked left and right , then saw my car and approached . Panchi looked cute in her little black dress , always the smiling face , she opened from the other side and came inside closing the door instantly as if hiding . 


Without any warning  she closed the gap and came to my arms leaning  over me and kissed me in my lips , I held her tightly ,pulling her over my side , due to the steering wheel  we got squeezed together . Panchi was always exited  for romancing ...  may be cos of her age , she was the youngest  in family will be twenty next year . 


We broke the kiss  for air , but Panchi started it again , ' ummm....' . We kissed for another half an hour , fully satisfied she went to the passenger seat , her hair was messy  , her dress , all the buttonns above were open  'did I open her ....  ' she really brings out the romantic side of myself . 


I gave her the dark chocolate packets  that she was crazy for , she immediately opened one and took a bite  offering me , I shook my head , she enjyed munching on her favorites . Panchi then told me that they have the whole family inside , except Anirudh , that means Chhaya was also inside . 


Panchi  left after another deep kiss .... I drove away , feeling satisfied  after a lasting kiss .


Thinking about Anirudh , I want to have a talk with him . I want to ask sorry for behaving like a bullhead , trying to distance him from Chhaya . 


We came to London , the same year as students , he shifted to business at a later time and I continued to study . He took all the risk  to start his own company , while I was trying hard to get a  scholarship  for a research fellowship . Now look at us we are miles apart , he reached the zenith in no time , and I was still on the ground floor . 


So the question  at that time was not about Chhaya already married to him , it was because  I want to have a upperhand , I want to win , this one time , want to prove myself , but I failed miserably , and fell in such a way that I couldn't face myself , coudn't look myself in the mirror , was so ashamed to court someone else's wife .


I turned  off my engine when I reached Anirudh's place , I 'm sure talking won't be much hard , as it was just me and Anirudh , I opened the smaller gate and went inside . I started to look around , the house was enormous , designed to perfection , even the garden was well maintained . I looked around once again  if anyone was there in this large garden , but it was just shilloutes , and light posts . Only one  room was illuminated with light  in the first floor .


It was awfully quiet , I approached the front door .....


I heard noise , coming from the  inside , someone was wailing , crying ....  most probably a woman but Panchi said the whole house was empty , so who was this crying . Instead of pressing the bell , I went to the path leading at the back ....... the sound was coming from the other side of the house , most probably backside .


What I saw  there  was not acceptable ...... I can't believe 


Anirudh opened the back door and threw away a small figure , a girl ....  I couldn't see her face but Anirudh he was complete naked , just  in his shorts , and it was clear he was sweating , because his body his hair everything  looked  wet , what was he doing .....  in Chhaya's absence and who was that girl ??  wait  ! 


I got it , she is Anu ....


So it was all true , he was doing dirty with his sister in law , that's why he brought her back , and even refused to send her with her mother . I can't believe , I want to ask sorry to this characterless  bastard who was playing with Chhaya's emotions  I felt disgusted . 


 Anirudh didn't finish  , he was shouting at her to keep away from him , his family etc etc ....... I couldn't catch what he was talking as the young girl was wailing louder . Anirudh pointed towards something and closed the door with a thud . I remained hidden , just want to see her face , if she was really Anu  . 


After a long time , the girl slowly stood up , she looked like a ghost , her hair all messy and covered most of her face . She took slow steps towards the path leading the other side , I can see a cottage on the other end ..... she was going towards the cottage . I remained still , couldn't follow her , she will notice .


After going halfway  she turned , this tie taking faster steps , she ran towards the gate and the very next minute out of the gate , this time I followed her , running after her .  She was way ahead , so I missed her in the dark night . Even then I started to run I one direction , maybe she went this way .After running for a few minutes I noticed  traffic jam , cars and other vehicles came to a halt , I felt something terrible , my instincts told me all these have  something related to that girl , I ran faster ......

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