Who am I? by Anonymous Anonymous (best free ereader .TXT) 📖

- Author: Anonymous Anonymous
Book online «Who am I? by Anonymous Anonymous (best free ereader .TXT) 📖». Author Anonymous Anonymous
Ugh I can't believe I have to tutor him. I have yet to see him with his pants above or resting on his waist. Beside his attire he was twenty minutes late. How is that possible? I mean the Public library was ten minutes away from our school and I did give him half an hour to get here. If I didn't need the community service hours, I would have told the principal to hand him off to some other student.Everyone knows who he is, because he sells drugs to most of our high school's "party kids”.
Your late" I said with an edge to my voice, which I didn't care to mask at that moment, I even let the great annoyance I was feeling show on my face.
"Mr. Dope Man" looked at me and said with a menacing breath "So?"
How rude, I was the one wasting my time on a hopeless drug dealer and he's acting if I'm wasting his time and that I should be grateful that he even should up. With a shake of my head I pointed to the seat across from me and asked him what subject he needed help on. He pulled out his progress report and handed it to me, it was crumpled and ripped around the edges, but it was still readable. Mr. Tardy had two F's, 3 D's, two C+'s and ONE B-. While reading his grade my eyes practically popped out of my head and I even started to think I should give up Now and then, but when I saw the B- I knew there was hope for him after all.
My eyes wondered to the top of the paper and his name caught my attention. It read Dante James Jenkins.
Without thinking I asked "Why do they call you Rocky, when your name is Dante?".
Dante stared at me long and hard with an expression that told me he couldn't believe I actually asked him that.
After a minute went by I started to think he was not going to answer me until, he replied "Because I can rock anybody's jaw who stupid and fool enough to step to me. I also go ham in a fight just like Rocky Marciano" He said that last part with a hint of a smile.
"Oh" is was I could muster. After a couple minutes of silence I told him not to expect me to call him Rocky like his "friends" do and that I would only call him Dante.
"I don't care", he responded, "all I have to do is get enough credits to graduate and move miles and miles away from this hell on Earth."
Imagine how shock I was. This is a guy who has girls, people who fear him and wouldn't cross and him popularity (though that came from people scared of him), but he still had loyalists. I stared at him unaware to that my jaw was hanging open until he told me to close my mouth and that being here with me in a library was killing his rep already and that he did not want someone spotting him with an opened mouth freak!
I will admit that hurt, it hurt a lot actually, but I was honestly not surprised by his words. After that little comment I decided it was time for us to get started so the time would fly by and I could get the hell out of there. Believe me when I said the time did not fly by. We decided to start with Math, which was a horrible idea for, he took forever to do a problem and he would get about half of them wrong so I only had time to check the problems I gave him to do and the homework that was assigned to him earlier that day.
At about 4:30 he called it quits and said he had to run. We were suppose to keep working until 6, but I didn't care, all I really wanted was to go home listen to some music, take warm, long shower, finish my own homework and curl up with a book until sleep found me. As soon as he saw I was not about to argue with him about how we had 30 more minutes of this session to go he jetted out of the library, when I say jetted I mean he was gone in a flash! I knew I wasn't very entertaining, but I didn't know I had the ability to make people literally run from me.
I gathered all my books, binders and lose papers and headed home, lucky for me a bus was just pulling up to the bus stop when I exited the library. I paid my fare got on the bus, inserted my headphones and waited until I reached my destination. Once I off the bus, I walked the rest of the two minutes to my house and opened the door and went inside.
I waited for Dante Wednesday, he did not show up! Three weeks passed and he was still nowhere to be found. Me being a fool and having faith that he would show up waited for him every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On the fourth week, however I got tired of waiting and took action. I might think of quitting when I start something, but I never do and this man no scratch that, this BOY will not be an exception.
Five minutes before the bell was suppose to rang, I asked Mr. Piney if I could go to the Nurse
Can't you wait, he said, there's only a couple minutes left of school."
"It's an emergency,” I replied. A girl thing. I said the last part very softly, while looking around trying not to look him in the eye. He seemed to finally understand what I was trying to say after a few seconds. My teachers face turned RED. He quickly scribbled me a pass and handed it to me.
I can't believe I just said that I thought to myself as I headed towards Dante's classroom.
I waited about a minute until the bell chimed and Dante rushed out of his class. He moved quickly, so I had to move twice as fast. I didn't even hesitate before reaching for his arm. A second after I touched his arm he flinched, ripped his arm from my hands and turned towards me with fire in his menacing cold brown eyes.
"What the fuck do you think your doing?"
"Did say that you could touch me" he shouted
I was caught off guard and very startled. I was thinking about apologizing and going home or to the movies with Rebecca, but I summoned enough courage to tell him off.
"You don't have to be rude, you know"
"I'm only trying to help your dumb ass out so you could graduate and leave this hell on earth as you kindly put it 3 weeks ago"
"I want to help you!" "But it seems that you don't need it"
"I could have gone out with my friend Rebecca or done better things with my day!"
I began to walk away towards the staircase until I felt a light touch on my shoulder and then heard I heard him say "Please I need your help, I am sorry that I snapped at you and did not come to the other tutoring sessions, but I have many things to do after school"
I snorted. "Like selling drugs" I sneered.
"No, he responded, like taking care of my little sisters.
When I heard him say those words, I will admit I gained a little respect for this person, who I disliked just a few seconds ago.
"Well I said, you have to be committed to learning and since you have other responsibilities I don't see how I'm going to be able to tutor you and have you learn something from what I say and show"
"Don't give up on me he said" "I really need to graduate “I will go to the library everyday if I have to, he pleaded, Please just give me a chance." A second one", he added at the end
Looking into his eyes, I knew that he meant what he said and he was willing to begin learning.
"Okay, I said, we can begin Today."
"Um, he mumbled I have to leave at 5:00 to go pick up my sister from their after school program".
I was ready to burst and I think he realized that too, that's probably the reason why he gave a reason why he would be departing early, AGAIN! I did not let my annoyance show though, for I knew the importance of family.
"I guess that's okay, I assured as long as we get some work done."
He gave me a smile, a real one and than led the way to his car.
I have to say that I know absolutely Nothing about cars, but this one was a real beauty. It was black with yellow, orange and red flames on the hood. It had gold rimmed wheels. The car was gleaming like a diamond in a light. Long story short, his car must have cost a lot of money, more money than most teens in my school had to spend.
He caught me admiring the vehicle and said with a laugh in his voice "Meet my baby, my ride or die Chick"
His baby? I had to laugh, what is it with guys and cars? God put females on this planet for a reason!
"Your baby", I said in between laughs. Is she safe? I don’t want her to kill me for sitting in her. He smiled at my week joke. Also do you have a license?"
"Of course, he said" while looking at me with squinted eyes. Oh Lord I don't want to admit this, but he looked so cute in his muscle shirt and his cargo shorts. His face was all smooth like he used all those acne creams they were trying to sell to us on TV. He was masculine all over. He had a goatee that made him Oh so Delicious. that
I was going to ask him if its a suspended license or if it he has any unpaid tickets hanging over his head, but I decided to keep my mouth shut.
I snapped out of my trance when I realized he was waiting for me to get in the car. Once I was in I swear he was trying to kill me. This dude drove Like a mad man. Never in my life had I ever felt like throwing up after
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