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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sunā€¦.He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, thereā€™s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. Itā€™s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.Itā€™s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in ā€œfairytale love story.ā€

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Read books online Ā» Romance Ā» Mine! by H.N. S (best thriller novels of all time txt) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«Mine! by H.N. S (best thriller novels of all time txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author H.N. S

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Chapter 17- Lost Property

-Evaā€™s P.O.V -


 I was having a good time with Jack. Heā€™s making me laugh and remind me of normality, which is helping take my mind off the pain I associate with being here. He was showing me their land filled with old trees and such beautiful wildlife and tells me that this is only scratching the surface of the land they own. One day Iā€™m going to ask Nick to show me more of this stunning land.


Jack had also told me stories about his childhood with Nick. But hearing such funny and adventure filled stories only makes me wish I could see this small boy with not a care in the world. Sometimes when Iā€™m with Nick he can be so serious and possessive that he has a front up around me and he looks angry, hungry. But then there are times I get a glimpse of the boy he used to be with his dimple filled smile that brightens any room.


As we walk out of the wooded area and back into the house, Jack has become silent and trying everything to keep a distance from me without running away altogether. Its weird. I have only seen him behave this way when Nick is around. I quickly snap my head behind me to see if Nick is there and angry at Jack, but to my disappointment he isnā€™t.


I shouldnā€™t be disappointedā€¦ should I? its weird but when Nickā€™s not around me I feel cold. Without his protective arm around me and his body so close to me, I feel lost...vulnerable.


ā€œWhere are we going?ā€ Jack led me through the house and up the stairs. Once we had passes the second floor I knew there was only one place we could be going and it both scared and excited me.


ā€œNick asked me to take you to his room. He wanted to talk to you and thought you would feel more comfortable if you did in privacy.ā€


ā€œOhā€ was all I could say. Mostly because I was embarrassed that Jack thought that the ā€˜privacyā€™ Nick wanted had nothing to do with talking.


Jack left quite swiftly once he had escorted me to Nickā€™s room. However, Nick wasnā€™t there yet so I was left to my own thought as I waited and it was driving me crazy thinking what he wanted to talk to be about so privately.


The view from Nickā€™s floor to ceiling windows is just breath taking. If this were my room, I donā€™t think I could leave or would always rush home knowing this view was waiting for me. Maybe this would help with the loneliness Iā€™ve been feeling.


I laugh at the thought of how opposite me and Nick really are, not just in appearance but also in the company we keep. Nick has all these people around him who care for him and are so faithful towards him. And then there was me. First my brother is taken from me, then my mother treats me like she never wished I was born and leaves me alone. When I go back home tonight, nobodyā€™s going to be there waiting for me. I smile because my brother will be coming into town tomorrow, but tonight I could just wonder into the woods and let the coldness take my body so Iā€™m not a nuisance to anyone anymore.


My disturbing thoughts are gone when I feel the usual hairs standing on the back of my neck tingle I get when Nick is around. Now I feel his presence in the room before I see him. The click of the door locking just confirms his presents.


Spinning around I see him standing there. Oh sweet God he is gorgeous! From his athletic body to his expressive full lips that make all the women drool over, I was a goner!


As my eyes looked down his body, I noticed that he was tense. His muscles were tight and his jaw set like it was made from concrete. When his eyes met mine, however, he visibly relaxed and his lips tipped up at the sides as he saw me so blatantly checking him out.


The old me would be embarrassed and surprised from these thoughts, but after knowing Nick a short time my bodyā€™s thinking ā€˜what the hellā€™ enjoy it while it lasts because for all I know this may not last very long.


Unable to move, this handsome creature gracefully made his way to me. The closer he got to me, there more I was able to see his eyes darken from his usual baby blues to his jet black. The intense gaze makes my stomach twist, I was drowning in the emotion behind them. Sorrow, affection, hunger, possessiveness, lustā€¦


His body slammed into mine. His arms wrapped tightly around my waist, almost if to stop me running away from him. He leaned in, pressing his body further into mine. I could feel him everywhere. My breasts to his chest, his hips to my stomach. He was hot and hard.


One of his hands slid from my waist, ever so teasingly past by breast and to my jaw. He cupped my cheek, lifting my head and bringing our eyes to meet.


I need him, I want him. The touch of his lips on mine was like a drug and when he was close like this all rational thought left until the only thing left was need.


ā€œNickā€ it was more a plea than a word.


He closed his eyes, as if absorbing my words and rested his forehead on mine. The tightness in his shoulders, the look of anguish on his face, was unbearable and I wanted to sooth him.


ā€œDo you love me?ā€ He whispered and i stilled with shock ā€œI need to know that there is hope for us and this isnā€™t just one sided. I must know if there is a chance that you love me?ā€ His voice broke. His eyes were wide and begging mine as they hold his unshed tears. ā€œifā€¦if not then I wonā€™tā€ He squeezed his eyes shut, forcing out his next words ā€œ I wonā€™t bother you again, you will never see me againā€ His second hand joined the other and cupped my cheek. His voice raw with emotion as he laid everything out.


I wrapped my arms around his waist, He was shaking, but then again so was I. This situation had suddenly become serious and in this moment we were both forcing down our walls that protect our hearts and sharing all. ā€œDonā€™tā€¦ Dā€¦Donā€™t leave meā€¦ā€ was all i could say, it was the truth, I've always hated being alone but with Nick i've never felt the loneliness.


ā€œSay itā€


ā€œIā€¦I canā€™tā€ He tightened his hold


ā€œEva, baby, I need to hear you say it before I go crazy and tie you up to my bed and lock you in here so you can never leave and be mine, always!ā€ He growled. A low tortured sound that ripped through my body.


His confession surprised me and somewhat scared me. But what scares me the most is that I want that. I want Nick to have me and only me. Was I really ready to admit this and start this part of my life with Nick?


I looked down, unable to hold his gaze. ā€œIā€¦ Iā€¦ love youā€


Releasing my face, he buried his fingers in my hair, tilting my head back as his mouth covered mine. I moan as his tongue roughly explores and claims my mouth. My arms have moved to his neck to hold myself steady on my weak legs and to pulling him closer. I took a small swipe of his mouth and then bit down gently on his lower lip. A small groan came from his throat and the next thing I knew I was being lowered onto the huge bed behind me.


Nickā€™s body came over mine and the hardness that I knew was his erection pressed between my legs. My eyes rolled back in my head and I heard a helpless moan come from my lips. Oh god I wanted this so bad.





Nick releases me, and I feel a rush of cold air replace where Nicks scolding hot body used to be. I look up at him in confusion. His lips red raw from our passion. I lick my lips wanting more.





He looks back at me, all the blood draining from his body. He reaches into his back pocket and brings out the source of the beeping. My phone.


With a sheepish smile, he returns my phone to me. He sits still and watches for my reaction, almost cautiously as if I was ready to lash out.


I giggled ā€œWhy do you look like youā€™ve just seen a ghostā€


ā€œwhat?... you notā€¦ not angry?ā€


ā€œwhy would I be?ā€


ā€œBecause I had you phoneā€¦?ā€ Nick asked as he began to question it himself ā€œI promise I was going to give you it back after you left it here at the party, but then there was never the right opportunity and then I had it for too long and so then it would be a bit creepy giving your phone back after so lonā€¦ā€


I interrupted Nickā€™s word vomit by giggling again ā€œyou could have just said ā€˜Hereā€™s your phone back Evaā€™ā€ I couldn't help but laugh as he continued to look at me like a crazy person.


ā€œSo your no angry?ā€




Nick sighed loud with relief and joined me laughing. As he was still between my legs, I had the best opportunity to get a close look at carefree Nick with his dimples out and his perfect teeth.





I snaped out of my daydreams and chacked my phone




ā€œWhat wrong?ā€Nickā€™s eyes suddenly soften as worry laces his voice.


ā€œIts nothingā€¦ā€ I get out from under Nick and start walking to the door ā€œMy brotherā€™s been texting me non-stop. Oh god he must be so worried when I didnā€™t answer my phone. I need to get back home. I wasnā€™t expecting him till tomorrow but he says heā€™s back early and is waiting at home for meā€ I say in glee, almost jumping off the walls.


As I look up to Nick, he however does not reciprocate my happiness as he stands there with such a grim expression. Heā€™s immediately at my side, holding me strong in his arms. I try to push away from him to see his face, but heā€™s much stronger than me and pulls me closer to his chest.


ā€œBut I donā€™t want you to leave meā€ He almost whimpers as he rests his chin on the top of my head. God heā€™s just like a needy child sometimes, maybe I should add this Nick to the list, right underneath angry possessive Nick.


I wrap my arms around his solid build and absorb the warmth and comfort of him. ā€œWell I was going to have to leave to go home at some pointā€






ā€œyou canā€™t leave me Eva. I want you to stay here with me foreverā€


I pushed at his chest enough to look up at him. Nick was back into his dominant mode and I knew this Nick was hard to escape from.


ā€œI canā€™t live here with you Nick. Iā€™m only 17! What will our parents think?ā€ I look down, really thinking about this ā€œwhat would my mother think?ā€ I whisper the last part to myself. Truth be told, I donā€™t know what she would do if I left. But a part of me was sickened at the thought she would be happyā€¦


ā€œIā€™ve got to get homeā€ I whispered


ā€œWhatā€™s wrong?ā€ His fingers gently clasp my chin and bring my eyes to meet his.


ā€œNothingā€¦ā€ I pull my chin from him

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