Read Romance books for free

A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Lost Wife by pokhila (management books to read .txt) 📖

Book online «Lost Wife by pokhila (management books to read .txt) 📖». Author pokhila

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Hi there , 

I'm trying to keep up ...... but without response , I'm losing all the interest .....


Anirudh was in his office , he received a call from Anu's school , he listened carefully . put the receiver back . He was fighting againsts himself , This  week it was fourth time in a row , Anu was creating more problems evryday at her school , the school was  for special kids only ,  they have all the facilities and special trained teachers and guards to look after students like Anu . 


Anirudh sent his driver with another car , to her school , today he can't miss , it was Runi's  result day and he was to accompany her , Runi asked him early morning to spare an hour and accompany her to the uni . Anirudh looked at his watch , he was already half an hour late . He dialled her number ...


"  Honey ,   I'll reach in ten minutes ," he said as soon as she received the call 


" um .... , Anirudh , I came with Sumit , on my way , but please reach there in time, " Runi talked from the other side . His words makes her blush specially  the name he call her . 


"  I promise honey , I'll be in time " Anirudh took the road to her university , having cousins was so helpful , all of a sudden a thought came , want to have atleast four kids with Runi , so that their sons and daughters will have a strong family to support each other . and when they are small they will stay busy playing together  , disturbing them less and he can spend more time with his wifey . Anirudh was smiling himself at this beautiful thought . 


Since his birthday last month they stopped using protection , both of them were ready to start a family . Now that Runi completed her finals  she was free to decide .


He was so surprised to read the same wish as his , on his brthday  He knows Runi loves kids and will be the happiest to have their own . They spend a year apart from each other and now they have  began to explore each other , understand and know each other's wants and feelings . Amidsts all the odds he was able to spend his nights peacefully .... as Runi never allows anyone in their bedroom and Anu was a strict no . 


Sometimes I feel trapped in between both the sisters  , one was my wife , my life , so understanding , loving and caring , always keeps others demands and wish on top . 


On the oyher hand , Anu was just the opposite , selfish and the one and only to break us apart even before our married life started . Thank God Runi trust me and all her plans failed , yet here I was helping her to get into normalcy without sending her to asylum . 


Because of her depression she behaves quite abnormal likea small kid , sometimes boasting around everyone . However she want to be like Runi , in every thing in all aspects . To  study like her sister, became her obsession so I got her admission in one of the school for the special kids like her . At first she was quite happy and exited but now a days she hate this school , she want a place wher all grown ups go , like a college . 


Anirudh however , want to give Runi  all the taste of life before settling down with nappy and tantrums , asking her for a baby was just his idea to know about her  feelings at present , if she was ready to take another step in their married life . He never thought that she was having the same dreams and wish as his . 


That's why he love her so much , she hardly miss anything always taking the right steps and all her decisions were similar to his except the first one ....  she almost killed herself , and he lost his wife forever . Now when he think of losing her his heart skips a beat , he will not survive without her .....


Anirudh was nearing her university  , his phone rang it was his driver who went to fetch Anu from her school . 


 " Hello Sir ....  Anu mam opened the door of the running car , she got hurt badly , I'm taking her to the hospital," it was like a splash of cold water . He took a u turn  and headed towards the hospital where his masi ma works .


He called Sumit , then informed him of the situation , he knows Runi was sitting next to Sumit and heard everything but , he don't have the courage to call her directly . He can't understand why God always put him in such crossroads . Runi's result was something they awaited to collect together , it was her final passout and she want her husband and this time too he couldn't accompany her. 


All Runi asked was just an our to accompany her , but yet again he failed .


Anjali's room in her hospital .....


Anjali tried again , " Anirudh try to understand the situation , Runi is the one who is suffering , she will never complain , she will tolerate everything but just think about her mental state . I know you are  trying to cure a patient , trying to help Anu , but in the process you are pushing  Runi to the verge , what if Anu  never recovers , how long will you tolerate her in your home , don't you think you must start a family now , have kids . 

" You all think , I can't see her pain , I don't know how she cry the whole night ....  I love her so much more than anything else in this world . I'm doing all these to keep her safe ." Anirudh sat down near his mom , finding for solace . 


 Mom touched his shoulders , by that time his dad got up from his seat and came towards his son , he stood near him .....  " son , we can see the stress, we can't let you and our daughter in law suffer . I promised Arunima's dad ....  that  I'll keep his daughter safe , that was why we choose Arunima . You just started your  married life .....  don't keep this never ending problem in your home ,  send her away for treatment , her mom won't know and even if she does , we'll tell the truth ". Anirudh 's dad said it slowly , so that his son can feel , see and understand the present situation , like all of them were seeing it .

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